
The world sees what America does not. Fareed explains


CNN’s Fareed Zakaria details why America is in a better place than most Americans believe. #CNN #News

world , The world sees what America does not. Fareed explains , #world #sees #America #Fareed #explains
, latest news,Happening Now,CNN,Fareed Zakaria,Fareed Zakaria GPS,Global Public Square,US Politics,US Economy,IMF,International Monetary Fund,Foreign Affairs,China,Europe,Per Capita Growth,Technology Sector,Election 2024,Donald Trump,President Joe Biden,US Stock Market,US Oil and Gas

27 pemikiran pada “The world sees what America does not. Fareed explains”

  1. As an Australian l always thought Americans were savvy loved their country and upheld the law l cannot understand the money that is spent on elections it breeds corruption l can’t understand the mentality of people that believe lies or liars or use god to justify their corruptness l don’t know why any person could possibly vote for such a corrupt party as the republicans party trump is an evil narcissist you can’t deal with a person like that and to all you people that claim to love him he would be saying behind your back that you are vermin he doesn’t care about you or America he only cares about Donald Trump he has so much hate in his heart he can never make America great again because he is destroying it he is the problem Americans stay strong as l have always thought you were if this person gets in it will ruin the whole world we are all doomed vote him off the face of the earth and yes judging by all reports America is doing very well economically under Joe Biden

  2. This former Democrat will be voting for Trump. My Mother an old school Democrat will be voting for Trump. Biden has displayed a total lack of leadership. Instead of pushing for peace in Ukraine & now Israel, just throwing more money & weapons for killing human beings at both counties!
    This is our biggest reason for casting a punishment vote against Biden. Basta, Listo, Finito with Biden, feeble lunatic!

  3. I completely agree that the US is doing well. Having said that, most people look at a different way of telling if the US is doing well…Milk, gas, beef, eggs, and butter tell a very different story. Yes, gas is coming down but unless you shop at Aldi's, the rest of those products are still too high. We pay attention when we shop, not when the news is on unless it's a breaking story or the weather.

  4. From this framing you assume "America's growth" is a net positive for all of us, yet you're mute on income inequality and resource distribution. Sure it's as good as it's ever been on top. The people in the middle and bottom don't count eh?

  5. What the Biden administration has done in just under 3 years is historic . Considering what Biden came into office with. Our country is booming yet millions of Americans say no. I travel for a living everywhere I go restaurants are packed airlines are packed car sales are at record highs. Obama inherited the worst economy since the great depression. Trump inherited an economy on a huge upswing and low gas prices. Because of Trump's lying about the pandemic and not getting out in front of it. It put our country in the worst possible position. Instead of being a leader trump decided his ego was more important than the American people. Biden came into office with an economy in the tank. Month after month quarter after quarter our economy is exceeding all exceptions. The so called experts said we would have a historic recession. They were wrong what the Biden administration is doing is creating new manufacturing jobs. Putting American workers in a better situation than in the past 50 years. Like I said trump inherited an surging economy and low gas prices. Trump failed as a leader one more thing. Trump bankrupted casinos. If trump was in office right now and had the exact same record as Biden does with the economy. Fox news world be running around the clock saying trump saved the economy. Trump would demand parades in his honor. Trump is a lying traitor.

  6. Real wages are up? 90% of Americans are worse off today than they were 50 years ago…and it is getting worst. Corporate greed, political corruption and the Military Industrial Complex are going to destroy the US,. But those are easy fixes. Sadly, those who benefit from the current system are also the ones who rule the land, so change is unlikely.

  7. Biden is doing very poorly on the border and the common mans economy! as an independent i know many independent voters who will not vote for him again he is done!

  8. There's more to a prosperous life than economic growth, I think that's where the despair is growing from! Money is great but if that's all there is than we're truly broke!

  9. When a leader has a negative attitude their followers will have a negative attitude. That is the road to failure and disappointment. If your not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Life is good people, not easy but it beats the alternative.

  10. Before Pandemic businesses were complaining about minimum wages going to$15
    per hour. Is it possible migrants are helping the economy by working for less?

  11. Why do we think this way?
    Because we have Fox and Newsmax spouting the lies of Trump and his minions. It's also because of the daily doses of bullshlt they themselves ram into the eyes and ears of anyone dumb enough to watch their channel.
    No matter how many times you tell these idiots that the US is leading the world in production, commerce, employment, etc, Trumps idiot followers will say, "It's only good because of the groundwork Trump provided. But it's all gonna crash down in the next two weeks!" (isn't 'two weeks' the usual time frame Trump applies to everything? His 'proof that the election was stolen – ready in two weeks', or his new 'healthcare bill, or this bill, or that bill, or the other bill') 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️.
    People listen to him because his spouts this shlt every day. It can't be avoided!
    Sadly, however, his followers aren't smart enough to realise that telling a lie one thousand times doesn't suddenly make it true.
    If Trump gets into power again, it won't be because of how educated and informed we are. It will be because Trump catered to the lowest common denominator and lied his f#cking ass off!

  12. The US has also as much debt as the rest of the world combined 😁. Anyway, the world needs a Democratic US

  13. Trump
    Trump is poisoning the water of America
    Trump is permeating the American psyche

    Home of the brave. land of the free

    The first Country to put a man on the moon

    330 million people of every colour and creed being held hostage,

    Unable to apply the laws of the land to a petulant 77 year old child

    Wake up America

    Democracy in the Free World is depending on you

  14. Here's the reason:
    The corrupt politicians put Americans second. As long as these politicians remain enslaved by AIPAC, this problem will exist.

  15. The world also sees that your not a news network but a channel for disinformation and globalist propaganda. You ain't fooling anyone no more.

  16. Ha ha ha. What a joke. Gotta love the nitpicking in history by CNN. Nikki Haley was obviously referring to the Reagan administration. Boy, he sure didn’t want to touch that one.


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