
The world reacts to US presidential debate


The world is reacting to CNN’s presidential debate yesterday, which has been described as agonising.

Donald Trump has emerged as the winner of this debate, where he was seen as nimbler and more disciplined compared to 2020.

Pressure is mounting on President Joe Biden to resign after he stumbled and rambled during the 90-minute event.

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29 pemikiran pada “The world reacts to US presidential debate”

  1. As a non American, I find it unbelievable that from a population of 340million, these 2 are the best of the best? Surely not

  2. Republicans proved their stupidity by claiming their Felon Don won the debate by not answering debate questions and consistently peddling lies.

  3. The only reason Australian news is broadcasting this is because maga needs a place to lick the boots of trump

  4. NEVER forget that every Democrat President from Woodrow Wilson on has gotten the US into a shooting conflict.

  5. Talk about leading a lamb to the slaughter. If Jill had an ounce of dignity she would have him resign to thwart his handlers incompetence.

  6. TRUMP!! I'm from Minnesota Biden needs to be done!!! I dont want a president with dementia….I want Trump!!

  7. Thank U cnn for your debate. The moderators were good. U finally helped prove what we all knew all along , jb is a failure and a LIAR. Shame on all the , so called experts, who have lied to the American public & world now for years. By the way I watched it on FOX, I gave up cnn when they started lieing to us years ago. Biden should tried for treason along with the rest of his handlers, obama,clinton, pelosie,schumer, jill and his family, elder abuse.

  8. Biden talking about morals😅Took showers with his 8 year old daughter.Swam naked in the WH pool in front of women in the Secret Service while he was Vice President. What a guy huh😅

  9. At times i had to look at the screen and make sure there were still two grown men talking bc the way they spoke and the things they both said i thought they put two 10 year old boys on stage fighting over one took the other's bicycle what a shame we have what is supposed to be "Commander in Chief" and the US and the entire world watching and we are supposed to be making our minds up all the while they are calling each other "stupid" ect. WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?! BOTH NEEDS TO GROW THE HELL UP NEITHER IS FIT TO DO THE JOB FOR WHAT IT'S CALLED FOR THEY CAN'T ANSWER A QUESTION WITHOUT NAME CALLING LET A LONE BE THE PRESIDENT OF AMERICA.

  10. Wtf… Donald Trump wasnt the winner. They were both terrible. Trump lied the whole time while the other had a doctor on standby.

  11. Alpha GPC
    B Vitamins
    Vit D lots of it!
    Testosterone straight up the nose!
    Adderall IR
    Give this man a Red Bull 247!
    Put a diaper on him so he can function at least angry!
    Bengay afterwards!!
    The presidential doctor should be fired!

  12. We the US Voter do NOT VOTE base on the worlds reactions or feelings. We don't care. Just like you don't care what we feel about your leaders. And yes , Joe Biden is straight trash.

  13. What if, just what if, the switch and bait on the democratic ticket will be the VP? That of course will enable that person to replace the president when the time is right to decide that he is unfit….

  14. Here is a thought: The American Main Stream Media lied to the American People about Biden, the Russia Russia Hoax, Hunter's laptop and everything about Trump and the false prosecutions he has been facing. The other thing to take note of is their lies about the Ukrainian War. Ukraine has lost the war with Russia. The Ukrainian War was pushed by the United States and England. Putin would have negotiated a peace agreement quickly with Ukraine but the Biden Administration and the English Parliament lead the Ukrainian Government to believe they would win this bloody war and pressured Ukraine to fight and not negotiate with Russia. The American Main Stream Media lied about the Ukraine War telling the American People that Ukraine was winning the war. This just proves to everyone with a brain that America is now a 3rd World Shit Hole Banana Republic that America's Allies can not count on. The American Constitutional Republic is dead and is now a Communist Socialist Country with Obama's puppet Biden ready to take all the blame like any dupe should be.

  15. I am a democrat and I agree President Biden had a very weak performance on stage. However, Trump IS a CONVICTED FELON – 34 CONVICTIONS! TRUTH!! No way a criminal should ever hold the office as POTUS ever again!

  16. Joe Biden 2024, he is the only one who can save the planet from the right wing extremist that wasn't freedom and human rights. Joe Biden 2024, for a better life for the deep state


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