
The world is ‘laughing’ at Joe Biden


Political commentator Shemeka Michelle says it is embarrassing to know other countries are “laughing” at US President Joe Biden.

“I just feel a little peace when I know that Australians know I wasn’t one of the idiots that actually voted for him in office,” Ms Michelle said.

Last week, Donald Trump took first place in Iowa’s caucuses, beating his opponents Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley.

Ms Michelle says she is “so excited” about Donald Trump’s recent win in Iowa and his momentum going forward in the presidential race.

“He stands a very good chance – although he has all of these cases against him right now.”

world , The world is ‘laughing’ at Joe Biden , #world #laughing #Joe #Biden
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47 pemikiran pada “The world is ‘laughing’ at Joe Biden”

  1. No they really aren't but I wouldn't expect a reich wing Bullshit pedlar like this so called news channel to say anything else, the world was laughing albeit nervously at trump but again I wouldn't expect a propoganda site like this to admit it.

  2. I am definitely. Laughing atJacqui Biden. Oh hang where is Jacqui? WTF. China a Russia are laughing all the way to world domination No joke. And not hyperbole

  3. Democrats are done. The people of the USA WILL be taking their country back. Republicans will be taking the white house back and maintain the house.

  4. Seriously, you have such a hateful, ignorant woman who knows nothing on your show to explain something? How ignorant are you? And your listeners? Such drivel.

  5. How can the stupid Governor of NH allow Dems to vote in the Republican Caucus? That is wrong and blatantly cheating!!! They can change their status as an independent

  6. That is utterly ridiculous. Why would we be relieved to know she didn't vote for Biden. Guess what, you are American, we are Australian, we do not care who you vote for. If you want to vote for someone who wanted to overturn an election outcome, be our guest. It shows me how you think about democracy. Same goes for our Sky commentators.

  7. You're mistaken The World isn't laughing at Biden – but they do fear a trump comeback. It's the MAGAs and FOX friends who are being ridiculed – Europe plus NATO fear a trump comeback. The only people, apart from the MAGA cult, who want to see a trump come back are Putin and other dictators. Stop spreading propaganda and fairy tales.

  8. Anyone who believes in democracy wouldn't vote for Trump out of principle. In any event it's rather a sad indictment on democracy and the US in general that Biden and Trump are the best that country can manage in terms of potential presidents.The US has become a sad joke.

  9. There should never be “ reparations!” No body was alive back then that is still alive soo…fuck reparations! They’ve already gotten way too much in whats called WELFARE!

  10. Slimey left wing Nazi tactics,people will not vote for lefty Haley fake populism,won't fall for your Nazi pretend good tactics no more,always call lefties what they are,pretend good nazis

  11. Not sure if the world is laughi g or crying. So many countries are gone due to US, Syria, Gaza, Ukraine, etc. Now US is trying to create war in east Asia.

  12. And yet !!!! He's still in office and wont resign !!!!!! If thats not showing you how corrupt our government is !!!!!! Your beyond hope !!!!

  13. Who would have thought that Biden turned out to be 😮 a corrupt geriatric hair sniffing pervert 😂

  14. It’s very sad and scary all at the same time hopefully he does not have the time or the ability to destroy our country and the world god help America

  15. Laughing? No, spitting. The US is alone in the UN that supported the genocide, also alone in denying the genocide case in ICJ.

  16. Sleepy Joes suffers from dementia. That a country like America had ONLY two choices A Certified crazy or an old,old man suffering from dementia, What happened to democracy?

  17. I think the world would not be cruel enough to laugh at biden
    Yet daily we were in hysterics over trump who is clearly an idiot

  18. Who are the Dems trying to fool? Seeing Biden's rapidly disinigrating mental/physical abilities. by Nov.'24. he will be in an Alzheimers facility, staring into space and soiling his Depends.Get real!!!

  19. I am an American who still can’t believe that over half the US actually voted for him…😢! I just glad that my traveling days are over. That way I won’t have to hang my head in shame when others start laughing at Joe B.
    Have a great day!

  20. Yea the world is laughing at him, but reality is reality…. Hes laughing at us!! His and the occupants running thjs country have fully deploid their agenda!!!


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