
The World Ahead 2024: five stories to watch out for


What are the stories set to shape 2024? From the biggest election year in history, to how to control AI and even taxis that fly, The Economist offers its annual look at the world ahead.

00:00 – The World Ahead 2024
00:33 – Vital votes
03:34 – Taxis take off
07:10 – AI rules
10:19 – Industry cleans up?
13:48 – BRICS build

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Read Tom Standage’s editor’s note on The World Ahead 2024:

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Europe, a laggard in AI, seizes the lead in its regulation:

Taiwan’s presidential election will be a three-way race after all:

China is watching closely who will be Taiwan’s next president:

Decarbonisation of industrial activities is beginning:

The BRICS are expanding:

A global agency to oversee AI is a tall order:

China approves the world’s first flying taxi:

The world wants to regulate AI, but does not quite know how:

Flying taxis could soon be a booming business:

The BRICS bloc is riven with tensions:

A Finnish firm thinks it can cut industrial carbon emissions by a third:

world , The World Ahead 2024: five stories to watch out for , #World #Ahead #stories #watch
, The Economist,Economist,Economist Films,Economist Videos,Politics,News,short-documentary,taiwan,elections,evtols,flying cars,ai,ai risk,climate change,greenhouse gases,brics,brics nations

23 pemikiran pada “The World Ahead 2024: five stories to watch out for”

  1. A retired General Dynamics director, previously worked in San Diego, is exploiting illegally US monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians…

  2. When it comes to the flying vehicles, there is a problem I often see.
    While the guy mentioned quiet travel, they are still very noisy.
    Now imagine many if them flying around above your head.

    Something else that I see that could pose an issue is that the blades are often exposed, which is clearly a danger.
    Yes, people will be careful to begin with, but as they get used to such things, people are often more relaxed and tend to make mistakes or too many risks.

    The space required to land many of them might also be an issue.
    There might be some kind of limit on how close you can land one vehicle next to another or perhaps a building which will, of course, increase the space needed.

    I'm not sure enough things have been considered when it comes to such things that will create more problems than needed.

  3. Brazil and Africa a world power to watch out for lol what are they smoking.😂 can't even call these middle powers with the amount of corruption and local issues within them.

  4. This is a pathetic attempt to sell us a load of horse. You should be deeply ashamed Economist. The AI stuff is for apes, the energy thing for gullible "investors".

  5. The thing with US elections is that Americans not only vote for their own country and decide its future, American voters decide the destiny of half of the world. Whether GOP wins or the Democrats, I hope the President is a real statesman, and not a crackhead like Trump who was bent on breaking his own country and cause riots like Jan 6, only to maintain his personal ego…

  6. I manage an almost 100 acre land of my family in Colombia's central mountain range and I'm trying to get sponsorship to do a reforestation project for conservation and trapping CO2 instead of selling it for developing purposes, but so far there is little to no interest – how will this work in the future when land is no longer available?

  7. When this war comes and mark my words it will come sooner then you think ..Me and my family will head to the IceWalls of Antarctica … see you there

  8. For millions living paycheck to paycheck, anxieties about basic needs can overshadow even the biggest headlines in politics, technology, or AI. How can we bridge this gap?

  9. 00:02 2024 will be the biggest election year in history
    02:46 Taiwan's future and eVTOLs at the 2024 Olympics
    05:12 The race for autonomous flying vehicles and its impact on transportation
    07:21 Regulation of AI and its potential risks and benefits
    09:28 Concerns over artificial general intelligence and industrial greenhouse gas emissions are growing.
    11:30 Coolbrook's rotodynamic heater technology is bringing sustainable energy to heavy industry.
    13:31 In 2024, the American-led world order will be challenged by the expansion of the BRICS+ group.
    15:27 BRICS challenging the American-led world order


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