The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】

This is a documentary which portrays the birth of the solar system, the birth of the Earth, and the emergence and evolution of life on Earth depicted through latest research activities.
Executive producer: prof. Shigenori Maruyama. Supported by Hadean Bioscience Project.
Revised (Newest) edition :
1. The Origin of the Earth. 00:00
 4.567 billion years ago : The formation of the Solar System.
 4.56 billion years ago : The formation of the Earth.
 4.55 billion years ago : Giant impact.
2. Initiation of Plate Tectonics. 02:53
 4.37-4.20 billion years ago : The formation of the atmosphere and ocean.
 4.37-4.20 billion years ago : The initiation plate tectonics.
3. Birth of Proto-life. 06:57
 4.10(4.20?) billion years ago : The birth of first proto-life.
4. The Initial Stage of Life. 10:53
 4.37-4.20 billion years ago : The loss of the primordial continent and the generation of a strong geomagnetic field.
 4.20 billion years ago : The emergence of sun-powered life.
 4.10 billion years ago : Mass extinction.
5. Second Stage of Evolution of Life. 16:36
 2.90 billion years ago : The emergence of photosynthetic life.
 2.70 billion years ago : Mantle overturn.
6. Third Stage of the Evolution of Life. 20:35
 2.30 billion years ago : Mass extinction by snowball Earth.
 2.10 billion years ago : From prokaryotes to eukaryotes.
7: The Dawn of the Cambrian Explosion. 25:07
 1.90-0.80 billion years ago : The Formation of a Supercontinent.
 700-600 million years ago : The Sturtian Glaciation
 700-600 million years ago : The Leaking Earth.
8: The Cambrian Explosion. 30:57
 640 million years ago : The Origin of Multicellular Life. The Marinoan Glaciation.
 580 million years ago : Appearance of Ediacaran Fauna. The Gaskiers Glaciation.
 550 million years ago : Evolution Responds to Environmental Changes
 540 million years ago : The First Cambrian Organisms
9: The Paleozoic Era. 37:06
 600 million years ago : Expanding Habitats.
 540 million years ago : The Co-evolution of Planets and Insects
 550-540 million years ago : The Evolution of Vertebrates
 260-250 million years ago : The Largest Mass extinction of the Phanerozoic Eon. Collision with a Dark nebula
10: From the Mesozoic to the birth of human beings. 43:23
 Dispersion and amalgamation of continents, and the evolution of life.
 The birth of primates.
 66 million years ago : Dinosaur extinction.
11: The Humanozoic eon : the appearance of human beings and civilization. 50:26
 Evolution into primates.
 The birth of human beings, the fourth animal category : the Humanozoic eon.
 10000 years ago : The Agricultural Revolution.
 5000 years ago : The Urban Revolution.
 2400 years ago : The Religious Revolution.
 300 years ago : The Industrial Revolution.
 The Information Revolution.
12: Future of the Earth. 57:54
 Challenges for Human society.
 Future of Human society.
 Future of the Earth.
 200 million years later : Formation of the supercontinent.
 400 million years later : Extinction of the C4 plants.
 1 billion years later : Cessation of plate tectonics.
 1.5 billion years later : Disappearance of the ocean.
 4.5 billion years later : Collision between the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy.
 8 billion years later : Annihilation of the Earth.

world , The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】 , #History #Earth #Life #Finished #Edition
, origin,solar system,Giant impact,Life,Earth,Universe,Space,Astronomy,Moon,evolution,pangea,tectonic plates,evolution of earth

48 pemikiran pada “The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】”

  1. Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

    To unravel this basic question, it is necessary to see things from an interdisciplinary perspective, which transcends the boundaries between each scientific discipline such as astronomy, planetary science, geology, biology, physics, chemistry, etc.

    We will answer this ever-important question through developing innovations with a new point of view which is delivered through decades-worth of interdisciplinary research.

    Related papers.

    ●Origin of the Earth: A proposal of new model called ABEL

    ●Nuclear geyser model of the origin of life: Driving force to promote the synthesis of building blocks of life

    ●Nine requirements for the origin of Earth's life: Not at the hydrothermal vent, but in a nuclear geyser system

    ●Origins of building blocks of life

    ●Hadean Earth and primordial continents: The cradle of prebiotic life

    ●Habitable Trinity
    ●Earth's oldest fossils

    ●End-cretaceous cooling and mass extinction driven by a dark cloud encounter

    ●In Vitro Evolution Reveals Noncationic Protein–RNA Interaction Mediated by Metal Ions

    ●n-situ preservation of nitrogen-bearing organics in Noachian Martian carbonates

    ●Modification of the composition and density of Mercury from late accretion

    ●Prebiotic oligomerization and self-assembly of structurally diverse xenobiological monomers

    ●The origin of life: The conditions that sparked life on Earth

    ●In Vitro Evolution Reveals Noncationic Protein–RNA Interaction Mediated by Metal Ions

    ●Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites

    ●A pristine record of outer Solar System materials from asteroid Ryugu’s returned sample

    ●Prof. Shigenori Maruyama : About the origin of life Q & A (Japanese & English)

    ●International Cronostratigraphic Chart(Newest ver.)

    ●Prof. Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Prof. Shigenori Maruyama : 大地溝帯でなぜ新種がうまれるのか? (Japanese)

    ●Prof. Toshikazu Ebisuzaki : 宇宙環境と生命大進化 ver4.1(Japanese)

    ●Prof. Toshikazu Ebisuzaki : 真核生物はストロマトライト微生物マットで進化した(Japanese)

    ●Prof. Tomohiko SATO, Prof. Kazumi YOSHIYA, Prof. Shigenori MARUYAMA : History of the Hadean “Living Microfossil” OD1 and Ultra-reducing Environments(Japanese)

    ●Prof. Shigenori Maruyama, Prof. Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Prof. Ken Kurokawa : Review of the Nine Requirements for the Birthplace of Life

    and the Nuclear Geyser Model(Japanese)

    ●中村栄三教授 – 小惑星リュウグウの起源と進化(宇宙航空研究開発機構のフレスリリース)

  2. Multicellular life was probably the result of congestion in the water, which then after a bolide impact took on a different form and became permanently multicellular which led to sponges. Cells stuck together through lack of opportunity to move apart in the water and eventually reproduced as a whole group each time, became microbial mats. Predator and prey evolved after a bolide impact like all big changes in life. Clouds of bacteria evolved into sponges from cloud spores✌️❤️🇬🇧

  3. Amazing. This is largely different from what I learned before about the history of life and the Earth. It reflects the development of biology.
    It's impressive that our children will learn about we don't know yet.

  4. Very good, well educated video on the evolving history of our planet. What took 4.5 billion years to create, only took the last 300 years for humans to alter, change and damage the Earth's ecosystems and environment through industrialization and burning of fossil fuels. Intelligent and a sad species we humans are, because it's all about money for survival now.

  5. ಭೂಮಿಯ ಹುಟ್ಟಿ ನಿಂದ ಇಲ್ಲಿಯ ತನಕದ ಮಾಹಿತಿಗೆ ನೀಡಿದ ನಿಮಗೆ ನನ್ನ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು

  6. Thanks for providing better understanding of revolution…this philosophical question become more essential that who we are actually at conscious level…we must find the answer before death..

  7. This video proves that it is not just us on this planet, but that if this really what caused us humans to be born, then the endless amount of planets must have similar environments allowing life on those planets

  8. I really like the last sentence saying when the earth disappears, life will have reached other planets and exist in another form. I do hope that will come true. The mission of passing on lives, I guess that is the reason why humans are working hard to study, work and live knowing that the earth will not exist someday.

  9. I see this video I am crying what a amazing universe.what a formation are act in the world.awesome informations are included in the video.great video editing good picture,clearly explained in the earth formations and human life.thank you so much giving this video.


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