32 pemikiran pada “The weight of the world #shorts”

  1. Unfortunately, the line "I wouldn't offer if I wasn't capable of helping," doesn't work, you don't know how heavy this box actually is. Biting off more than you can chew really. I've accepted help in the past but they have not realized quite how incapable of helping they were.

    Therefore it is selfish, especially when you know the load can affect others.

    I'm also in a better position to fullly understand the weight of the box. You are not.

  2. Analog Horror advice column. I love it.
    I suffered from severe depression about ten years ago. I asked people to help carry the box. Nobody wanted to help, I lost all of my friends. Am still rebuilding. But guess what? I made it through, am stronger for having survived and have WAY better friends now.

    No matter HOW bleak it looks, it WILL get better. It may take time, it may not feel like it but you WILL get there. The night is always darkest just before the dawn.

  3. I'll take the advice, hate to be a burden to someone else but I guess I could share some of the weight, even if it's a little and let my dearest ones support me ❤

  4. IDK i just got out of a situation where someone vastly overestimated their ability to hold the box and then DID end up resenting me. really hard to trust after that shit

  5. Anytime anyone has peeked into my "box" they were like … I don't even k ow what to do with this … or I don't have the enrgy to deal with this.
    Only my eldest son has asked probing questions when I gave him hints (like why don't you like grandpa & grandma & I answer "they know what they did"). I give him answers like "not everyone thar seems nice is actually nice" or "not all parents put their children 1st, or love them fully". He doesn't understand at all bc he's only known supportive, loving parents. But he tries & says he wished I had more loving parents.
    My husband just wants to sweep everything under a rug & not address anything negative in my past or in our relationship. It's about as effective as you'd imagine it to be.

  6. one of my friends is like this and i always feel guilty about opening up to them bc i feel like it's such a heavy burden to deal with 🙁 i really hope they dont hate me for that


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