
The US slides ranking in the happiest country in the world, report says


ABC News medical correspondent Dr. Darien Sutton discusses steps to feel happier, such as resting more and diet changes, as the U.S. slides to 23rd happiest country in the world, a new report says.

world , The US slides ranking in the happiest country in the world, report says , #slides #ranking #happiest #country #world #report
, country,darien,diet,dr.,happiest,happy,health,p_cmsid=2494279,p_vid=news-108315217,sutton

50 pemikiran pada “The US slides ranking in the happiest country in the world, report says”

  1. After the whole t-rump/=/Covid Deaths of 1.3 Million, and Insurance Companies using AI to over-ride Doctor's Orders, plus an unregulated Banking Industry that's decided that being the LAND-LORD from Hell is a 'financial service'… Yeah, the GOP has steadily ERODED the Quality of Life to a mere 'Nub' of enjoyment… Then there's the GUNS are more Important than-KIDS-In-a-School NRA stance, and Big Corporate Polluters slowly poisoning the Water-Table, it's a wonder that the GOP has ANYONE LEFT to vote for them, aside from the Koch Clan and Proud-boyz?! IF I COULD LEAVE, with my Kids in-tow, We'd be Gratefully Swedish/Norwegian, just to have HEALTH CARE and Peace-of-Mind.

  2. Americans can no longer afford to be happy, can no longer feel safe to be happy, and no longer have trust in our government to be happy under this tyrannical administration ! Hell the media is just as bad !! True Journalism is dead in America .Journalist used to keep government in check, but now they are the right hand of the Left liberal party helping to take down this country!! So tell me what is there to be happy about?

  3. Listen to everything you just listed off and tell us how we're supposed to even BEGIN to fix these things. You want us to exercise but at the same time the country promotes fast food, encourages apps like Doordash, more time working and other responsibilities piled up which reduces the time people have for exercising. We also have a whole fat "body positivity" movement which is encouraging people to be fat and also teaming up with the people that get implants/fat moved. You want us to sleep….SLEEP?! Do you even know what country we're in? Theres so much nonsense happening in every state on top of what you're doing in a day which stresses people out. The amount of things that needs to get done reduces the amount of time we even get for sleeping. Majority of people are basically living off of 6 hours of sleep or less. Unless you want to change a bunch of things in this country, theres no way we're getting more sleep. You also talk about removing certain food groups when in reality its all of the food groups thats messing with the health of the country. Theres so many chemicals and extra things added in our foods thats automatically bad for us(this includes whatever chemicals they use on vegetables and fruits). At this point, you might as well grow your own food in the backyard because over 80% of food in the markets/stores are injected or covered in pesticides, chemicals and other things. Since all of these things are happening, there is very little gratitude going around or any type of positivity for that matter. Avoiding comparison is something you should NOT do because we need that in order to progress as humans. You compare with certain things in order to get results and know how well you are doing. Then you analyze and improve upon that for better results. You talk about not comparing but we're #23(we should be lower to be honest) and fell out of top 20s. At this point you should be comparing what we're doing to the top 5 happiest countries and start making those changes ASAP. The best thing you've said is to keep a journal which would be better than Social Media like Twitter, Instagram, etc. All of these issues and I haven't even mentioned how gas is expensive, rent/mortgage is expensive, food is expensive, college is expensive, the environment is deteriorating quickly, entertainment industries(music, movies, video games, etc) have been getting worse in the past 10 years, healthcare is trash, education system is garbage, house market is garbage, the average citizen to the average celebrities are doing insane things, AI is taking over, still heavy racism/sexism, the government/richest people are evil with no care about how the world is turning out, dems & reps are arguing over dumb things instead of helping and people are so upset about everything that they are lost to the point that they hate each other instead of coming together to help. Both Biden and Trump are doing nothing but being idiots and so are many Dems & Reps.

  4. Im a female African American lesbian veteran with PTSD. I am definitely not happy at all. Everything has become unsafe therapy

  5. Yeah 🙄 it’s definitely the social media making me sad.. it showed me that most of my family are racist and awful people who support trump and it also showed me how good people in the rest of the world have it compared to us here in the USA

  6. Thank the biden administration for that!!!
    I highly doubt it’s at 23!! It’s probably at 53!! People can’t afford to live. It’s has nothing to do with exercising!! #FJB

  7. How can the country with the most crime ,most people in jail and most division among its own citizens ever be the most happy ?

  8. USA is a steaming pile of crap. no culture, no religion, no nothing, only sin and crime. All we want is junk from china.

  9. America is Less Happy because of TRUMP! Plus the fact that we went through a Global Pandemic, where America was the #1 country in the world with cases and deaths. That caused inflation and a supply chain shortage. Not to mention the rise of misinformation

  10. Most of our pastors and teachers have lied to us when they say that the Law has been done away with, they contradict what Jesus says in the Book of Matthew Chapter 5. At the same time, they FAIL to keep God's 7 Biblical Holy Feast days found in Leviticus 23 which Jesus, Paul, and the disciples ALL KEPT these days. They FAIL to keep the true SABBATH( SATURDAY). They FAIL to Keep God's Dietary Laws. Most of our pastors and teachers instead prefer to keep pagan days like Christmas( OUR LORD WAS NOT BORN ON DECEMBER 25th, AND EASTER( He was NOT crucified on Friday and He DID NOT rise on Easter Sunday). He was crucified on a Wednesday the week of PASSOVER And laid in the tomb BEFORE sundown and rose Saturday BEFORE sundown.

    Matthew 5:17-19
    17 Think NOT that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am NOT come to destroy, but to fulfill.
    18 For Verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in NO WISE PASS from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    19 Whosoever therefore shall BREAK one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall DO AND TEACH THEM shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    All these scriptures below REFER to when Jesus our Lord returns.

    Zechariah 14:19
    19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, AND THE PUNISHMENT OF ALL nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. OBVIOUSLY this happens when the Lord Jesus RETURNS, so OBVIOUSLY God's 7 BIBLICAL Holy Feast days have NOT been done away with.

    Isaiah 66:17
    17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, EATING SWINE'S FLESH, AND the abomination, and the mouse, SHALL BE CONSUMED TOGETHER, SAITH THE LORD

    OBVIOUSLY this happens when the Lord Jesus RETURNS, so OBVIOUSLY God's DIETARY LAWS HAVE NOT been done away with.

    Isaiah 66:23
    23 And it shall come to pass, that from one SABBATH TO ANOTHER, shall ALL flesh come to WORSHIP ME, SAITH THE LORD.

    OBVIOUSLY this happens when the Lord Jesus RETURNS, SO OBVIOUSLY GOD'S SABBATH HAS NOT been done away with.

  11. Way too many illegals in our Country. Social media has nothing to do with it. We have a two tiered Justice Department that only goes after Republicans. There is no justice in the United States. I used to love my country, not anymore. Democrats have destroyed it.

  12. They didnt mention sociopolitical tension, skyrocketing costs, constant media negativity… No, its millenials being lazy!

  13. It's RIDICULOUSLY expensive now, thanks to the "elite ppl" and it's also cause we allow it, lol. BUT I'd rather live here than some of these other countries…

  14. That's not surprising. Considering all the shootings. The killing of each other.if we were a happy country we would at least get halfway along with each other.

  15. The millennials feel as if they are not getting a fair shake. I am a GenXer and when I was my children’s ages, I got married, bought a small house, and had our first child. They may never be homeowners. It is very sad.

  16. 😂 that's what happens when companies like Tyson fire 1200 workers and replacing with 47,000 undocumented aliens from New York

  17. Honestly I’m surprised the US is even THAT high on the list.
    Social media plays a part, but I think the younger generations are haunted by a complete lack of hope for their futures… a college degree means close to nothing now days unless you’re becoming a doctor or lawyer, homeownership is harder now than ever before, I know a lot of younger people are choosing to not have kids because it’s not financially feasible & they don’t want to bring kids into a world with so little hope, not to mention the fact that social media has taught them to be offended by literally EVERYTHING & that they need to advocate and protest everything.

  18. Putting politics aside (please do), it's the cost of FOOD & HOUSING, which means less for recreation/entertainment.

  19. Who would be happy in a country that gives more social services to non citizens than actual citizens who need it.

  20. The price of a two story home was $5,000 in the 1960’s, someone has been inflating costs and making us slaves🤨


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