
The Unhealthiest Country in the World – Revealed by Dr.Berg


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In this video, I’m going to reveal the most unhealthy country.

The unhealthiest country in the world is the USA.

The United States of America:

• Has the highest death rate
• 100 million Americans have pre-diabetes or diabetes
• Has the highest obesity rates per capita
• Has one of the highest rates of heart disease and upper respiratory infection

Why the USA is the unhealthiest country in the world:

• There is very little health in healthcare in America
• High insulin

High insulin can cause:

• Metabolic syndrome
• High blood pressure
• High cholesterol
• High blood sugar
• Belly fat
• Eye problems
• Kidney problems
• Increased risk of heart attack, clots, and stroke
• Fatty liver
• Decreased cognitive function

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* At this time, we no longer offer Keto Consulting and our Product Advisors will only be advising on which product is best for you and advise on how to take them.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, 56 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of The New Body Type Guide and other books published by KB Publishing. He has taught students nutrition as an adjunct professor at Howard University. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

world , The Unhealthiest Country in the World – Revealed by Dr.Berg , #Unhealthiest #Country #World #Revealed #Dr.Berg
, unhealthiest country in the world,unhealthy country,most unhealthy country,fattest country,obesity,usa,united states of america,american diet,standard american diet,american lifestyle,american food,western food,fast foods,obesity in america,obesity in usa,fattest country in the world,america fattest country,american diet food,american diet plan,unhealthy diet,highest death rate,obesity rate in america,heart disease in america,dr berg,eric berg

48 pemikiran pada “The Unhealthiest Country in the World – Revealed by Dr.Berg”

  1. I think that US is so unhealthy because they consume too much refined carbs. They drink Pepsi like it's water. Fast food is also very tasty, and it's hard to stop eating it (at least for me).
    Also it's relatively rich country, and food is more available than in other countries. People think less before eating something. E.g. in Russia (I live here), people usually try to find a cheaper food, they may think in the process about what is better option in terms of nutrition. Of course, the most poor people eat mostly grains, pasta without any significant amount of meat. But middle class may think about what is the best food in terms of nutritional value.
    And yeah, before McDonalds has gone from here (and was replaced by some Russian alternative), it was very expensive. Only people in Moscow could eat there and consider it a cheap food. I didn't even enter McDonalds since childhood, because 1 meal there cost about 1/3 or 1/4 of my daily salary back then.

  2. Keep hammering on that nail. Maybe somebody will turn their head slowly and begin to reject sugar, carbs, processed fastfoods and sugary drinks. It seems to me that Americans want to play, as if they are perilously expressing their freedom, by eating junk freely. When ill, they want a quick fix, a pill to solve all. Think of the side-effects which will be served upon your plate. If you are here, you will learn to know the real deal. It's a process. Give it some years of your life to achieve better health, or those same years might be taken from you.

  3. The american diet is sad mostly fast and instant food which contribute to their more than large size.The large size and sad diet carry with it a host of illnesses and diseases which finally contribute to their shortened life span.

    Individually it's wise to keep measuring your waistline 33" for male and 35.5" for female as what was mentioned by dr.berg about the japanese health culture to stay healthy and live longer.

  4. GMO and bunch of sugar people eat , and vegetable oil . I lived in Belarus before and the disease as diabetes was a rare occurring thing there just like cancer . I can not eat out in USA , my body does not accept anything . We cook at home

  5. Americans love mainstream. Certain groups are smart enough to control the mainstream by manipulating certain government agencies and news outlets. They can literally turn the truth upside down.

  6. In my opinion,Americans eat a lot of junk food,too much sugar, alcohol, they prefer eating out than cooking at home and don't care about what they are eating as long as it tastes good and all that arranges the pharmaceutical industry.

  7. The USA is the main country without roots in traditional diets and traditional foodways. Everyone is 'extracted' from their traditions and put their trust in what factories produce, then wonder why we get sick. A lot of the foods that folks are running to in carnivore, keto, etc., are ones that traditional cultures enjoyed and even prized. If there was cutting back on anything, there would be a mother scolding to eat a little less of the starches for a child that was getting fluffy. Fruits and sweets are infrequent treats for special occasions, not a regular, frequent staple.

  8. To much emphasis on treating symptoms and not enough emphasis on preventative medicine! There’s no money in preventative medicine! It’s no coincidence that the nation has got all it’s health problems and it being very materialistic!

  9. There's a saying in Chinese: 病从口入,祸从口出:Literally means: Illness enters the mouth, troubles exit your mouth. Many illness happens because of what we eat and a lot of trouble happen because of what we say. From an Asian perspective, most of what Americans eat aren't food anymore but simply products that look like food. Sugar here sugar there and sugar everywhere. Too many carbs, too many sugar.

    As you may be careful of what's coming out of your mouth (words), please be careful of what you put into your mouth too 🙏🏼

  10. I live in the middle east and our population is Muslim. I think fasting is the best remedy for insulin resistant.

  11. SAD as food, medical industrial complex for " health care" and a lifestyle not conducive to natural living.

  12. Because in America we always want to add something to get healthier, most likely it would be medicine. Instead we should just take things away like the bad things we are eating

  13. Every time I go to the grocery store, I see so many overweight people, and I always ask myself the same question: What are people eating?

  14. We are fed by big food industries like farm animals that will end up in the slaughterhouse, except we end up in hospitals. We are indulging ourselves with sweet and alcohol…

  15. It’s also a symptom of a few mindsets… entitled, unevolved, unaccountable, rebellious, “invincible,” illiterate, ignorant, easily distracted, proud, blind followers of unhealthy trends…

  16. They tackle the result with the 3 trillion instead of before it happens. Making products that are maybe more expensive and healthier, or using 3 trillion for making healthier food for the same price would be the solution.

  17. I explained why in my book Progressivism A Primer (2014). Big government makes people fatter and dumber so they keep eating the same bad food.

  18. The short answer on the question is that big pharma and big food have the same owners and are parts of the Globalist club which wants to shorten the human population on earth.

  19. Simply the following
    1. Bad diet
    2. Over eating
    3. Lack of exercise

    If Americans ate less and exercised more, they would be healthier

  20. Tootsie rolls, soda, hersheys, candies caused a mole to grow on my back which I had removed 14 years later in Indonesia after I left america in 1999.

  21. I have a coworker who is diabetic and everyday she eats donuts and then says its OK, because she will just go take her meds. Irresponsible. Entitled. Lazy.

  22. Take the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association challenge in April 2023 & pledge to walk 100 miles (160.9344 km.) this month! I've lost 40 pounds (18.14369kg) since January 2022 by walking & intermittent fasting, & I'm 70 years old!

  23. The problem with healthcare industry is that they make more profit if you believe that you do whatever with your body and doctors are there to fix it. With a lot of these food items and food habits invented within the last century we are testing our body's mechanisms that evolved over millions of years.

  24. Maybe there is no proper prevention practices and from my personal experience the medication given is really bad and doesn't work long term. It's unbelievably frightening how things really are.


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