
The Ukrainians exposing Russian disinformation – Whose Truth? Russia v Ukraine, BBC World Service


Can information become a weapon of war? Oleksandra Matviichuk, whose organisation was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, is documenting alleged Russian war crimes against Ukraine. She talks to Babita Sharma about how she uncovers the evidence.

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Babita also speaks to Anastasiia Romaniuk, a young Ukrainian digital platforms analyst, who is exposing disinformation around the war. And to Lisa Kaplan, founder and CEO of a US company which helps organisations protect themselves from social media manipulation.

00:00 Russia invade Ukraine
01:03 Fake news used as a weapon
03:15 Russia dismisses evidence of alleged war crimes
05:27 Fact checking the Russian narrative
08:55 Disinformation techniques
15:23 Winning the disinformation war

This content was created as a co-production between Nobel Prize Outreach and the BBC. Watch more in this playlist 👉🏽


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world , The Ukrainians exposing Russian disinformation – Whose Truth? Russia v Ukraine, BBC World Service , #Ukrainians #exposing #Russian #disinformation #Truth #Russia #Ukraine #BBC #World #Service
, BBC,BBC World Service,Podcasts,Radio,Podcast,World Service Radio,World Service,Documentaries,Investigations,Explainers,BBC Documentary,Docs,russia,ukraine,war,invasion,invade,bucha,disinformation,social media,fake news,russia ukraine war,russia propganda,how to spot fake news,misinformation,nobel prize,Oleksandra Matviichuk,war crimes,putin,Anastasiia Romaniuk,russia ukraine,russia ukraine news,russia ukraine war news,how to spot fake news bbc

42 pemikiran pada “The Ukrainians exposing Russian disinformation – Whose Truth? Russia v Ukraine, BBC World Service”

  1. hi…good point…they need proof…take those mental and terrorist agencies offline and out of public affaires…stick to facts and math and science…thanks…

  2. A study from Australia showed that on Twitter that 92 % of posts about the Ukraine War were pro-Ukraine with 8% of posts Pro-Russian. However 80% of posts were from bots. So who is promoting disinformation?

  3. The sophistication of Russian propaganda consists, to a large extent, on causing confusion in the population of Western countries to a point that people don't know what is even "truth" anymore. However, there is truth:
    – Russian was the unprovoked agressor
    – Russia uses complete destruction and civilian targets as their main strategy.
    – Ukraine is in trouble, but Russia IS NOT WINNING the conflict.

    These are truths and the evidence is absolutely overwhelming.

  4. The report is about misinformation and narrative “laundry”, but in the report there is a phrase “she is investigating alleged war crimes”. The staggering amount of evidence of what happened in Bucha, Irpen leaves no place for “alleged”. It has been proven.
    Carpet bombing of Kharkiv at the start of war is on video, state of returned prisoners needs no medical examination to say they have been starved the least. There is a warrant for putins arrest for stolen children and millions of videos and witnesses statements to prove that Russian army is committing war crimes in Ukraine and against Ukrainian people and BBC still dares to put a word “alleged “ in this report?!
    They have invaded a neighbouring country, carpet bombed cities, killed and raped civilians, looted their houses, stole children, dropped tens if not hundred thousand bombs on the civilians, targeted the power grid in order to freeze the nation over winter and it is “alleged” war crimes? What do they have to do to became not alleged?

  5. History is a mirror,but human never look in the mirror and learn something.European politician have a terrible view of geopolitics. Every major country has its own sphere of influence. If you enter in violation of regulations, you will be punished. Ukraine's joining NATO poses a threat to Russia's security, a Russia-Ukraine war is inevitable. Just like the previous Cuban Missile Crisis(1962), Russia put missiles in Cuba to threaten the United States. Today's world has become globalized, China, Russia, the United States, and Europe are all important parts. If Europe, which is united by dozens of small countries, cann't be as independent as General de Gaulle used to do in france, has no policies of its own, and listens to the United States in everything, then Europe Not far from destruction (you guys always say Europe and the United States are closest allies, but when the euro rose(1995), it hoped to become a global currency like the US dollar. Look what happened. The Kosovo War(1998) caused the European economy to regress, and the development of the euro was restricted. and it's impossible to become a global currency)Remember, there are no permanent friends between nations, only permanent interests.

  6. “It Will Be A Shock”: Ukraine Lost 500,000 Soldiers In War So Far, Nearly 30,000 Per Month: Lutsenko Claims
    According to Ukrainian figures, as of May 25, Russia has lost 500,080 troops.

    one side is clearly lying through their teeth.
    who is telling the truth?
    Putin or Zelensky??

  7. Chinese Government is allowed to raid Western Companies in China, we have known Russia and others create fake accounts on social media for years now to sow discontent and affect elections, why have we not raided them, instead of making them answer questions they all lie in.

  8. BBC is now more Orwellian than 1984. They produce Disinformation about Disinformation, classic Double speak.

  9. You do not know how it is for them to hit you with stuf. I would rather be in Ukraine fighting for Russian freedom than living in my home with them hitting me.

  10. Both side has spread disinformation, duh… Both side has corrupt shyt going on.
    Since BBC aligns with the West, they will only show that Russia has spread disinfo war, not ukraine (or west). Lol

  11. The Brits or the US would never spread disinformation or overturn a foreign administration.
    The empire and its poodle😅

  12. Putler would be forced to renamed the SMO to: VUMO wich is: very unspecial military operation.😂😂😂

  13. READ!

    1. We are ALL sinners – (Rom. 6:23) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    *Sin separates us from the Holy God

    2. There is a punishment for our sin -(Rom. 6:23a) For the wages of sin is death;

    * Death – eternal death – HELL

    3. God loves us, He does not want us to go to Hell, He provided a way for our escape from Hell – (Rom. 5:8) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    * Because of God's love for us, He sent his only son Jesus Christ to die in our place on the cross. Jesus Christ took all the weight of our sins so we can be saved through grace, NOT our works.

    * The blood that Jesus shed on the cross can wash away our sins and make us clean

    4. Through Jesus Christ, we can now have eternal life in HEAVEN – (Rom. 6:23b) but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    *Gift – free, but you can only have it if you receive it. If you reject it then the punishment of Hell is waiting for you

    5. How can I receive eternal life? – (Rom. 10:9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 

    * You have to admit you are a sinner and you cannot save yourself from Hell nor go to Heaven through your own efforts.

     You have to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, was buried and rose again after 3 days and that He and only He can save you from hell.

    (Roman 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  

    * Whosoever means anyone including me and you! 

    Do you want to do it? Pray this prayer:

    Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and cannot save myself from hell. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried and rose again. I believe that only  Jesus Christ can save me from Hell and He is the only way to Heaven.  I accept Jesus Christ in my heart as my Lord and Savior. Thank You for eternal life. Amen.

  14. What about American disinformation war?

    Where is the data on the distribution of steel down North Tower of the WTC? Don't all skyscrapers have to support their own weight? So the designers had to figure out how to distribute the steel.

    But America's engineers cannot talk about that data for two decades. A 200 ton airliner could totally destroy a 500,000 ton building in less than two hours? Tell me another one.

  15. Russian disinformation is easy to detect, they used negative approaches to mislead public. They have to do this because they're corrupt.

  16. They are criminals that's why they are saying is a fake what happened in bucha.
    All Russian war that they fought for even well before Stirling, has been documented.
    All Russian wars involved in criminals operations one way or the other, they always disregard human rights and the rules of law, no wonder soviet Union collapsed, and their way of life is not attractive world wide fraudulent and corruption is the main problems that's why they acted aggressively on every issues were they are guilty of their own act's.

  17. There was Ukrainian domination in the USSR. From 1953 to 1991, the leaders were exclusively Ukrainians. Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Chernenko, Gorbachev. Only one of them, Andropov, was Jewish.

  18. The excuse is the American does the same, yeah but that is being dealt with isn't it? between Trump and Biden. let the American decide who they believe, A proven con artist and felon, or a old man who tries his best to turn USA around and has succeeded in a lot of things, but facts don't matter only words and feelings. well sadly in America you can choose which way to go.
    In Russia nyet only our way or the high way LOL and they say trust us BRO, it's the 21st century, with bunch of broken people who don't trust anything. even facts that are proven tons of time.
    The most Broken Country it seems is Russia congrats Russians you are nr 1 in something, total distrust of Russian government and their once vaunted sports.

  19. Russia's military is a paper tiger as being exposed in the Russo-Ukrainian war. They compensate with over-saturation of social media, bragging about abilities/strengths they don't have, threats of revenge which they have not have the capability/fortitude to carry out, and blaming the rest of the world for their woes. YT is a perfect example of this. The site has become plagued with pro-Russian vomit being spewed by mindless nitwits.

  20. Lesson number 1 in world domination, make sure you provide something useful to the world. that the world recognise as useful, Sports Entertainment Trust are the most important thing.
    Not a bunch of deflecting trolls who can't even host their own Olympics cause nobody trust Russia including the Russians themselves. what a failure of a country Russia.

  21. That is their problem, it seems Russia has a big Trust Issue with their so called "Allies" and even their so called 140 "Million" Russians. gee what could go WRONG … then try to says everybody else is lying LOL.

  22. So Russians you have a big Allies issue 😛 but it is so simple getting allies we bribe or threaten them… that is why BRICS games Failed didn't it 😛 when you are not trusted in Sport, you mean people don't trust Russia at all, exactly. even Germany pre WW2 was trusted to host Olympic games. but our 140 Million Russians.. muwhahah less then 100k watched the game. says enough even Russians in Russia no longer care about it.

  23. Doesn't matter what the Russian or Western Trolls says, when you can't even be trusted to play FAIR in Sporting Games, means nobody really believes in Russia and only the guilable can be fooled, but heck people still believe in FLAT EARTH… but when you can't trust a country to host FAIR GAMES then it says enough people don't trust Russia at all.

  24. So African and Middle Eastern Countries who support Russia, where were your Athletes for BRICS games 2024. LOL you were not invited? or you didn't want to support Russia. says enough huh, when you don't even want to support a Country in Sporting Games, means you don't really believe in Russian Narrative and Fair Play.

  25. Dearest Illiterate Propagandist, If you say supporting Ukraine is in defense of Democracy, then why is Zalinski in power? They had no election. Excuse there is a War. Then how did Russia have an election and the annexed region also had election during war, voted for Putin and integration into Russia? Your delusion is a good impression of Jessie Smollett.


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