
The Tide Begins to Turn | October – December 1942 | World War II


After so many years of German supremacy, as 1942 drew to a close, the Allies were really beginning to make headway. The British made a crucial breakthrough in North Africa, and the Americans pushed the Japanese out of Burma and New Guinea, while in Russia the Germans found themselves surrounded, as the winter snow set in over Stalingrad.

world , The Tide Begins to Turn | October – December 1942 | World War II , #Tide #Begins #Turn #October #December #World #War
, reportage,documentary,series,second world war,history,war,historical,hitler,germany,conflict,countdown to victory,europe,allies,yt:cc=on

25 pemikiran pada “The Tide Begins to Turn | October – December 1942 | World War II”

  1. A world without war soon. How? True God is going to do something nobody thought of.
    "God of heaven will set up a kingdom and this kingdom will destroy all human kingdoms and will last forever alone.
    No more wars or practicing military drills.
    Appointed time has arrived for God to destroy those who are ruining the earth.
    Meek ones will inherit the earth and live forever in exquisite delight.
    God is making all things new"

    Armageddon is approaching fast in this generation and all the human governments will be gone forever from the earth.
    Keep expectation of it.

  2. My old dad took part in several raids led by Lord Lovat. I have a letter – or rather the decaying remnants of what was once a letter – from King Haakon of Norway, thanking my dad , who had reached the dizzy heights of Sapper after 6 years of war, for his service in securing the liberation of Norway. I don’t know what dad did to deserve Royal recognition as he rarely mentioned his war service except to mention several trips on “ The Shetland Bus” and his many friends in Norway, a country he had never visited before the war.
    I’m getting on for 80 but I travel to London every year a Christmas to watch Norway’s King and Queen light the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square- the gift of the Norwegian people to the people of Britain in thanks for our help in ridding that fine land of the Nazis. I still shed a tear of pride for dad’s service.

  3. I sorry to say if U,S and U,K didn't support Russia in ww2 for beat nazi's Russia cannot Rise and Russia not dare to threat other countries like these days

  4. The US should have never helped the soviet union…letting the Germans continue to pillage would have worked out a lot better with the stuff we’re dealing with now…

  5. Documentaire très intéressant, mais j'oserai une question fâcheuse :" qui a financé le parti d'Hitler, de telle sorte qu'il parvienne au pouvoir ?"

  6. The tide turned on December 7 1941. That is the day that the sorry ass, cowardly, inbred tea drinkers knew that they could come out of the tunnels and worship the royals in the daylight again.

  7. Nobody would expect it then, but now we know that Nazis lost he war on the day they attaacked Soviet Union and Japanese when they attacked Pearl Harbor.

  8. Inouï !! Quelle extraordinaire leçon d' Histoire ! Jamais je n'ai vu tant de clarté et décisions à prendre au plus haut niveau , en prenant le risque de milliers de morts.
    C'est une autre vision de l'histoire de la 2eme Guerre Mondiale que je découvre, et pourtant Dieu sait si elle m'a toujours passionnée ! Mais maintenant grâce à ce doc extraordinaire elle prend toute sa force et sa vérité !! MERCI mille fois pour la clarté de ce document qui remet chaque morceau du puzzle en place !

  9. I've always been fascinated by the brinksmanship of war, and how necessity will actually force the assumed-to-be virtuous side to commit what are later decided to be war crimes.

    There are many examples.

    The bombing of civilian population centers. The use of phosphorus weapons. Flame-throwers. And in the end, the atomic bomb.

    The way that history reconciles these atrocities is endlessly fascinating.

  10. Engraçado nesse tempo todos prescisavam dos estados unidos ja hoje niguem se lembra mais o que os eua fizeram pelos aliados

  11. Balloon (fire) bombs launched by Japan reached the West Coast of the US, killing people in Oregon. While 10's of 1000's were launched, only these had a deadly effect. Elsewhere Japanese subs, ships and aircraft bombed the Wast Coast.

  12. I totally forgot how much the dumb Vichy French fought back, especially from the navy, but the French resistance fighters' efforts and de gaul's healthy stubbornness make up for their fellow countrymen's obstinate lunacy.


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