
The Three Gorges Dam: The Most Important Strategic Target in the World


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29 pemikiran pada “The Three Gorges Dam: The Most Important Strategic Target in the World”

  1. It's hilarious that we are talking about china being deterred because of civilian casualties. Moa's great leap forward caused a hundred and ten million people to starve to death or more. This is a country a nation that gives zero fucks about the average person. 40+ million people dying to a flood is nothing to them. They do not care about their people.

  2. It is near impossible to take down a dam of that size. It is more a hypothetical discussion. A: Get through Chinese AA and B: do enough damage to the dam to cause a major flood downstream.
    And IF someone would target the dam they would cause a gloves off no boundaries considered in the Chinese retaliation…

  3. I'm surprised that he didn't mention that the destruction of Dams has been added to the Geneva Convention for obvious reasons.
    So attacking it would be quite a serious war crime. It's not a military installation, its a civilian structure.
    Whether that would make a difference to military planners is another story entirely.

  4. In my master's program I considered the effect of different disasters on nuclear power plants. Arkansas Nuclear One is just upstream from a dam. If the dam bursts, the issue isn't flooding, but that the power plant would lose the ability to cool the nuclear fuel. Sometimes there can be consequences to such disasters that are not initially obvious.

  5. CIA and western media are now preparing us, for the possible destruction of the damn, and it's justification

  6. Why is the water of the 3 Gorges Dam brown? There are a few dams near my house, many more in my country but the water isn't so… Unappealing.

  7. Intentionally destroying dams is an internationally recognized war crime. Any nation that attempted to bring down the 3-Gorges Dam would instantly become a global pariah.

  8. There is a reason why Taiwan invests in hypersonics, and with china corruption involved it might be possible.

  9. Nothing on the ground, no matter how defended, it's safe from attack by the air. At the outset of Desert Storm, Iraq had the 4th largest Army in the world. Bagdad was the most heavily defended air space ever seen. Yet it was easily attacked using a tactic known as SEAD. Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses. Modern air defenses are easily found through the same device they use to stop attacks. Radar. All modern armies have missiles designed to destroy the radars of these systems. These missiles are far cheaper, far more easily replaced, and in far greater quantity than a large expensive S-400 system. Being the attacker has all the advantages. The defense can't be moved far, or it will leave an easily located gap. The U.S. could simply open a corridor to the sea in those defenses under the guise of normal warfare. Then allow Taiwan, who has nothing to lose, to destroy the dam.
    China needs Taiwan intact to be of any value. It would be the entire point of any invasion. China knows this, so it is a strategic deterrent. Nuking Taiwan would be pointless even in retaliation. China knows if it attacks the U.S. with a nuclear weapon, we will retaliate in kind under our Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine. That's not a win for China either.

    The much smaller, innocent victim of China's morally wrong attack will be seen as justified by the majority of the world. Especially the many countries in the region who have also been bullied by China with unfair, often nonsensical claims over land they clearly own. This in itself would give the world a reason to accept Taiwan's destruction of the dam as unfortunate, but acceptable. Which many likely would want to accept anyway simply because no one wants China to control the South China Sea. It would also end China's threat to world peace for decades to come. In fact, it would be so expensive that China might collapse like the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Going from a rising super power to an equal regional power in just days.

  10. What if we are all wrong?

    What if China is only posturing to invade Taiwan, so that they can make the claim that Taiwan (or America) blew up the Three Gorges Dam … to cover up the fact it failed due to shoddy construction and Communist incompetence and corruption?

    Being the "victim" of what they could then claim was a war-crime, is far more preferable than being responsible to the death and displacement of more than 400 million people!

  11. Hopefully the Chinese government watches this and think about holding theirs horses and promote and support eternal peace. And one day collect their American debt. Now, I hope trump does NOT watch this video.

  12. Knowing USA, in case of a war they wouldn't hesitate to destroy it to make China surrender. It'd be Nagasaki 2.0
    And to all that destruction I'd only say "Dam" 🙄
    (Now remove my comment again cause you dislike it and proof that freedom of speech isn't really a thing here) How offensive can one comment from a nobody be that keeps getting removed huh


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