
The Pz. VII Master Class in World of Tanks


The Pz. VII is an underrated super heavy of World of Tanks! Here’s why and how to master it!
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World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game published by Wargaming start playing World of Tanks here: (affiliate link)
0:00 The Pz. VII Master Class
0:25 How good is it
2:10 The Crew
2:51 The Equipment
3:33 Field Mods
4:20 Game 1
8:55 Game 2
13:45 Game 3
21:26 The Results
21:51 Conclusion

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34 pemikiran pada “The Pz. VII Master Class in World of Tanks”

  1. I love that people are getting into this tank this year! I went for this tank last year, and the skin sold me on trying this notoriously bad tank.

    In my experience, it's a rock solid tank that can take advantage of rushed shots and lack of knowledge very well. It can brawl very well, but overextend and tier 8s will eat you alive.

  2. Tried a more 'hull first' approach and got absolutely peppered with gold rounds lol its not worth it, at least on NA when the entire hit log is gold. At least with side scraping they miss the weak point sometimes.

  3. yea nice to push when u got several team mates that help. normal wot game u push and all others watch and then u die.

  4. I samehow like it more than maus and e100, is a bit like type 5 heavie, people doesn t take you seriosly while you play it, and you can punish them for that.

  5. It also looks like one of the baddies in Dr Who. From the back the turret looks like the head of one of the Sontarans!!!

  6. Its just the stupid massive side weskspots, stopping it being able to sidescrape that stopped me playing it. . My clan war version VK looks identical, but doesn't have the side weakspots, so just works miles better.

  7. Just researched the Pz VII yesterday and am currently saving credits to buy it. Can’t wait to try it out!! Need to decide if I sell or keep the tier 9 VK, which I love

  8. Don't use this ever the VK 72.01(K) is just a straight up better version of this thing and even that is not doing very well this tank is just a trap for people who dont look up the stats.

  9. This was actually my first T10, I was going towards the Maus, I had the VK 4502 b and then they changed the tree lmao. So I just decided to continue on to the Pz. VII

  10. this must be quickys biggest troll. i finally sold that turd. the king of old meta, while your trying to figure out finessing your hull you get shot to hell, its a bigger farming cow than the maus with 0 armor, unless of course you love setting fire to your credits and enjoy seeing your ride explode.

  11. Pz7 needs a buff. Its horrible, 3 marking wasn't bad but it just doesn't have dps, pen, or great armor. It needs something especially after the amx m4 got its buffs

  12. "What to do if enemy starts to shoot gold at you"
    You mean standard t10 game? Even funnier if it's t10 in t8 game – then t10 spams gold like crazy))

  13. To be honest, i always found that tank not that bad, people don't like it a lot but with that lower plate i can just peak at corners frontally like a dumbass and it can bounce quite reliably

  14. You should boycott the game World of tanks, there are rigged matches that are exploited by cheaters.

  15. …the more your winning rate will go down. 🙂 Sorry. Maybe I am too bad at playing heavy tanks. But always face againt gold X and die too quickly. But feel really good while playing 7vs7 city maps on this tank.

  16. I got this tank last month and its quickly becoming one of my favourites.
    The frontal armore is genuinely so strong that i consistently get 6 to 8K blocking games even in full t10 matchups

  17. Ordinary promotion from WOT tips !! (Haha 3-6-8000 Damage) you don't get 1/4th of what you see here in real game!!! These bastards have a modified mod for promotions to see they are still in the top ranks, what he shoots is a hit!! if a tank hits him.. then a rebound… I guarantee that you won't have it that way!! and it will be the opposite on mil. % and besides… don't buy premium or premium tanks!!! it's useless anyway, the server determines the damage,,..determines victory and defeat .. If you upload min Damage to the opponent, the server will automatically flip and give Victory/ if High damage to the opponent – it is automatically Defeat.. You have a tank of 8 levels and you are approximately at the bottom of the team or on the bottom team composition, stacked from level 10 = It's automatically a win because you have no chance to shoot down Level 10 that is: min. damage = victory.!!! If you are on the highest rungs in the lineup, e.g. team level 8 to level 6 , Automatically = high damage to the opponent and you automatically = Defeat!! Server. BLOCKS….visibility, enemy detections, opponent damage, you can just do whatever you want 😀 !! it's wasted money!! You actually have more losses than wins in the game!! Ask yourself another question.. how many times have you recorded what you see here? (it's easy to play if you're an admin with a good game mode!), and this thieving company gives replays like this every day … they're just lying to you and fooling you it's a great game, waiting for you to adjust the game mode to the minimum so that you can put real money into it!! Also note that they offer only premium or 10 level tanks, where you have huge losses in the game even during premium, especially if you use gold-i (premium cartridges)!!! , for 1 battle minus up to 8-20,000 cash… if not more… wtf,


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