
The ONLY 4 Terrorist Countries in The World! #geography #maps #geography


These are the terrorist countries according to the USA!

Video Transcript:
These are the 4 states sponsoring terrorists according to the USA. The only country that has been on the list since it was created is Syria which still supports various terrorist groups both politically and militarily. The next one is not that far away. It is Iran, which has been on the list since 1984. The last one in Asia is North Korea, following its bombing near Myanmar it was added in 1988, then removed in 2008, and finally re-listed in 2017. And the last country which was added in 1982, then removed in 2015 and again re-listed as the most recent one in 2021 is Cuba. And this is how the list looks like today.

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world , The ONLY 4 Terrorist Countries in The World! #geography #maps #geography , #Terrorist #Countries #World #geography #maps #geography
, USA,europe,america,south america,north america,world,the us,united states,russia,china,the usa,maps,map,geo,geography,australia,asia,africa,facts,geography facts,world maps,the usa map,globe,world map,world facts,interesting facts,facts about geography,terrorist groups,terrorist countries

37 pemikiran pada “The ONLY 4 Terrorist Countries in The World! #geography #maps #geography”

  1. If you mean hamas that fighting for their country's freedom you would be the terrorist so fuck of and stop blaming countrys the usa is a terrosrist organisation wich were responsible for the civil war in syria iraq and lybia

  2. USA and Israeli Diaper Forces should have been there in the list, but its from the US themselves, so they won’t add themselves…

  3. Terrorist supported countries actually:
    1. USA – bombed many countries and killed many innocent lives from the Natives until the recent middle easterners.
    2. China – involved in Uyghur genocides and ordered many crime sponsoring communism in Asia and Africa

  4. Fun fact: America bombed many countries for OIL🛢️🛢️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

  5. the US doesn't know anything, they support terrorists themselves

    yes i am talking about israel. free palestine.

  6. The entire world knows who is terrorist:

    In 9/11/1973 USA support Salvador Allende's coup in Chile. Before, in 4/1/1964 the same was done in Brazil. Same in Argentina, Uruguay… and the list continues…


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