
The Oldest Man in the World Breaks the Silence Before His Death and Reveals His Secret


20 Oldest Humans To Ever Live. In a world where life expectancy is steadily rising, there exists some remarkable individuals who have surpassed all expectations, defying the boundaries of age. From the time-honored secrets of centenarians to the incredible longevity of those who defied all odds, these are the twenty oldest humans to have ever lived.

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The Oldest Man in the World Breaks the Silence Before His Death and Reveals His Secret

The Oldest Man In The World Breaks The Silence Before His Death and Revels His Secret

The Oldest Man in the World Breaks the Silence Before His Death and Reveals His Secret

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29 pemikiran pada “The Oldest Man in the World Breaks the Silence Before His Death and Reveals His Secret”

  1. My great grandmother from Jerusalem lived till 115. I’m happy I got to meet her at 111 when I was 7. She moved to Cairo Egypt around WW2 and outlived all her 12 kids

  2. THUS SAYS THE LORD! Expect ww3 to hit USA and Europe, in LESS then one year from now!!!. 90% of citizens will be slaughtered. Men Women and children and babies.
    Nukes will be used in 28 cities/targets.
    Survivors will be chipped/Mark of the beast , or beheaded.
    Antichrist/Obama and Musk as right hand man, will rule the world thru the UN for 3.5 years.
    Great Trib starts any month now. El Paso Texas and/or Taiwan will be taken over first. As a signal for what is following…

    USA already lost in Ukrain, just as God told us to prophesy. (1000s of other Prophesies already came to pass exactly how and when God told us. see Archives)
    All these other things will be fulfilled also.
    Jesus returns 2027, early Oct to get his CHOSEN ones. MOST people who think they are Christians WILL NOT QUALIFY FOR THIS RAPTURE. ( 3 year 9 months from now)
    Nov 21st 2028 is THE END.

    Not one strand of DNA left on this planet.
    40 days Prior to this date, the earth burns with fire from the sky for 40 days and 40 nights.
    2 Peter 3 says "the elements will melt with very high heat"… Picture molten lava 40 feet thick, covering every inch of earth!
    This is the fulfillment of Peters prophesy.

    The ONLY survivors will be those raptured!!!
    Most are lazy lazy lazy… They will NOT be raptured!!!
    Find us online if you want details on how to survive.
    Those that do not join us in working hard for Jesus,
    should plan on HELL for the next 1000 years…

    Most "Christians" will be REJECTED on Rapture day!!! Jesus said so!!! "MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did not we do all these great works for you?, Yet I will say to them, Get away from me… I never knew you"
    And again HE said , "Broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction and MANY are going that way,… And NARROW is the path leading to life, and FEW are finding it."
    Google it to find these scriptures… Jesus is NOT JOKING!!!

    Many think because they had a experience with God once where HE touched their heart, and they said a prayer that they are now saved… But they are lying stealing and cheating…
    These will NOT get into heaven.

    Bibles book of James says "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD FAITH!!!"
    Those with dead faith, will NOT be raptured!

    The "Once saved , always saved" Doctrine, is a lie from the Pit of Hell !
    This causes 1000s to go to Hell every day!

  3. I love you you love me we are happy family with the very top person this is now we have a beautiful in China

  4. This is nonsense. These people were definitely old, very old, but "the twenty oldest humans to have ever lived"? This is an absurd statement. "Ever"? Prove it!

  5. My 4th great grandmother lived to see the age of 93 and my uncle Abel François St. Pierre also did to live to see 93 years old as well. Then my great grandmother lived to the old age of 92. My 4th great grandmother and my uncle Abel were all born in the 1800s.

  6. GOD = hallowed spiritual condition & good alimentary, for in terms of living in a quiet place, some are survivors of wartime even.

    Appreciating the clean information ¤

  7. My grandfather lived up around 130 years and passed on in the 90s, am documenting it now , long life in remote African villages isn't news!

  8. 6:00 in 2113, I’ll beat his record, then come back to this comment section to tell y’all how it feels. Comment back if you’re still here then. The hundred year challenge.

  9. When you’re past 90, you’ve automatically got a terminal I’llnes… senescence. Something everyone will eventually catch if you live long enough. You can eat right, exercise, not smoke, not get killed, not have any disease, but eventually, even the healthiest person will catch senescence, and die. If you escape all that past 90, senescence will still come knocking at your door.

  10. by the looks of it..that monk in keeping with the other asians of similar background..he must have been 129 at least..since there was one man 146 i believe it said which is still unproven..but hey anyone 100 even and upwards..very very incredible

  11. these people are not newbies and definatley were not born yesterday ..they were born long long long ago.and we have not even come close yet for anyone born after at least 1923


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