
*THE OLD WORLD* Wood Elf Realms vs Beastmen Brayherds – Warhammer Old World (Battle Report)


Near the forest edges of Athel Loren, the Beastmen hordes built a dark temple to the Gods of Chaos! Their presence caused a stir among the ancient forest, as the Everwood awoke in anger and fury… We’re back again with more Old World Action! Seeing the Beastmen Brayherds fight a classic foe in the Wood Elves




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1750pts Wood Elf Tree Spirits


General: Treeman Ancient ‘Lor’Kalor’
Level 3 wizard, An Annoyance of Netlings
Battle Magic: Fireball, Oaken Shield
Lore of Athel Loren: Forest Walker

Branchwraith ‘Dryka’
Level 2 wizard, additional hand weapon, A Blight of Terrors
Battle Magic: Hammer hand, Arcane Urgency

Branchwraith ‘Wyllow’
Level 2 wizard, Great Weapon, A Lamentation of Despairs
Illusion Magic: Glittering Robe, Spectral Doppelganger

Branchwraith ‘Phern’
Level 2 wizard, Great Weapon
Illusion Magic: Shimmering Dragon
Lore of Athel Loren: Tree Singing


12 Dryads including Nymph

12 Dryads including Nymph

12 Dryads including Nymph

10 Dryads including Nymph


3 Treekin


Treeman Ent’ish
A Befuddlement of Mischiefs


Beastlord – Slug Skin, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Pelt of the Dark Young, Axe of Men

Brayshaman – Level 2 – jagged dagger, ruby ring
Spells: Soul Eater, Viletide

Wargor – BSB, Crown of Thorns, The Blackened Plate, Manbane Standard

Tuskgor Chariot

Tuskgor Chariot

25 x Gor herd – Full command, hand weapons and shields.

30 x Ungor herd – Full command, spears and shields

20 x Bestigors – Full Command, Great Weapons

20 x Bestigors – Full Command, Great Weapons, Vitriolic Totem

world , *THE OLD WORLD* Wood Elf Realms vs Beastmen Brayherds – Warhammer Old World (Battle Report) , #WORLD #Wood #Elf #Realms #Beastmen #Brayherds #Warhammer #World #Battle #Report
, the old worlds,warhammer fantasy,batrep

34 pemikiran pada “*THE OLD WORLD* Wood Elf Realms vs Beastmen Brayherds – Warhammer Old World (Battle Report)”

  1. When you check outnumber during break test, you have to consider combined US of losing side. In other side, dryads can't use LD of not-Ancient Treeman, because he isn't a character.
    Also Treemen have a close order, so they have +1 CR each battle.

  2. Great battle report, thanks for sharing.
    I'm not a huge fan of Wood Elves army… without Wood Elves in it, anyway, both armies looks cool on table.

    Keep those reports comming! 🙂

  3. 1:47:49 just doing as instructed @DC you’re an Idiot 😘

    But seriously great fight looked like a lot of fun, did you actually find much difference with the 1750 down from the 2000?

  4. Hate to be that guy but you lost 7 gors not 5 in that fight on the left flank. Hence why those two had to step up, prompting the discussion about supporting attacks.

  5. I think you can always make supporting attacks from the second rank (if you have a Spear or other weapon that allows it). As I understand it, only the models that have to step up into the FIGHTING RANK can't attack anymore.

  6. Some glorious models in that Beastmen army like the Pestigor, Khorngor, Beast Lord and BSB – in glorious honest metal like all the best models are. A bit of a shame they can't take Marks of Chaos now, but perhaps the Arcane Journal will rectify that.

    The tree army is very nicely painted, good unified look, but unfortunately all the models except Drycha are those modern computer plastics which I really don't care for. Still a cool army to feature in a battle report.

  7. Another good battle, Chris just casually pulling out another beautiful army, would be awesome if he had more but also not because the jealousy would be even worse! haha. I love the movement phase vignettes you guys are doing with the 'clamour of battle' soundscape and the artful (nice depth of field) side-on view, VERY cool!

  8. Regarding the fall back in good order from the tree + driads turning into flee due to double outnumber.

    I count 16 bestigor (16 unit strenght) for 5 driads and a treeman so (5 + 5 = 10 unit strength).

    You do not double the TOTAL unit strenght in the combat therefore => fallback in good order

  9. The stepping up thing makes sense to me. If you were stepping up into the front rank, you would probably have to defend yourself as the enemy can attack you. If you were stepping up to the second rank, you have a friendly in front of you so you could concentrate your efforts on jabbing your spear!

  10. Posted a comment with some tutoral inks so you wouldn't be so terrible at Fantasy, you flagged the comment to hide it. Really shows the calibre of the channel. Your lists show you have no idea how to play a rank and flank wargame.

  11. pretty sure the 'one shooting attack per phase' is for missile weapons, not spells. you can totally shoot your fireball and also use your shooting attack. 🙂

    also, that branchwraith went absolutely berserk, she deserves a trophy from the beastmen on her base for that atavistic display

  12. the treemen + dryads should have both fallen back in good order as you add the unit strength of all losing units vs all winning units

  13. 1:11:22 but he isn't right. The rules says that supporting attacks are lost due to casualties. If you start with 10 attacks and lose 6 models you lose 6 models worth of attacks.


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