
The Old World Of New Warhammer Fantasy – Much Good But GW Shows A Lack Of Care For The IP


The Old World project has been in the works for quite some time after GW quite unceremoniously killed of warhammer fantasy. Better late then never but whilst the Tomb Kings look quite good the Bretonnian force shows some worrying signs of a lack of care

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27 pemikiran pada “The Old World Of New Warhammer Fantasy – Much Good But GW Shows A Lack Of Care For The IP”

  1. Stopped by my FLGS yesterday. Good Gawd, 10 Chaos Warriors for Age of Shitmar is $64.
    I doubt the DEI maggots are going to shell out that much even if GW decided to do the Krapleen Kennedy route of make'em chicks, make them gay and make them lame.

  2. TOW will die for a 2nd time, not because of GW incompetence, but because of you screaming zealots hating the game you claim so desperately to love.

  3. in my opinion. i can see by far that warhammer the old world is like the 8th edition apocalypse. an very good idea that the fans wanted. that gw made it in the most poor and badly willing way on porpuse to sell bad and kill the whole project in the process just to control the market more. they killed mass wargaming battle, now they are going to try to kill the rank and file genre.

  4. i mean bretonia has always been the we do cavalry faction. grail knights, knights of the realm Pegasus knights, questing knights, yeomen horsemen, knights errant are all still there so as far as i can see they are keeping that identity. With the new flee from combat system allowing units to break but not flee having a heavily armoured decent leadership option isnt actually a bad thing. lore friendly or not the foot knights are sign of gw actually thinking about the game mechanics which i would put priority on over trying to brute force an all in just cav faction for sake of but "Bretonia only does horse things"

  5. Supposedly, tomb kings are evil in this "old world".
    1d4chan summed up the end times the best – end times happened and it's all manfred's fault!(Mind you, I'm not as well versed in fantasy lore as much as 40k one(still got holes to fill regarding "nu-lore").
    Speaking of HRE and medieval, an anegdote (unless I've shared it already) – a friend(expert) and I(novice) played a lan battle in our local net cafe(remember those?), he used england while i took hre. He took elite archers, i took lots of (filthy) peasantry, some matchlocks(probably rusted) and some elite teutonic knights. Suffice to say, I won by sheer luck and said friend still can't wrap his head around that match's outcome.

  6. I was recomended a 7 year old vid by arch about betonians, are we in a ring story telling arch?

    Bretonians vs tomb kings is a bit odd but I remember one box set was bretonians and lizardmen, so stone age lizards and the more backwards humans who live across oceans who are not known for adventuring too far. Tomb kinds and brets are regions away, like france is to egypt but its a bit more feasable.

    I assumed the grail quests were more local, but does lady of the lake send knights on quests and crusades all around the world? "the grail is in the tomb of amkapatakan"

  7. Frankly, after GW f*ed up WHFB after 5th edition I do not give a crap anymore. Especially how GW became more and more corporate machine that cares only about revenue not hobby and fans. WHRPG 1st edition was great, WHFB 5th edition was fun. Everything after is just ride to the bottom for me. I do not give GW a broken penny and I have absolutely 0% of trust for them. And I keep grudges better than Dwarves.

  8. I have no problem with the best of the best of certain factions having magical arms/ armour, or in dwarven case runic weaponry/ armour.

    The problem however lies in if non-lords/ non-mages/ non-best units (really high point price or regiments of renown for their service) having access to magical arms… for example, who would give a peasant a magical weapon, or a common foot soldier, etc.

    I just hope they don't mess too much with the tomb kings, I really like them as a faction because of their colour scheme, and some updated models for common troops, bone giant or tomb scorpion would be nice.

  9. As a still-salty former WFB player, GW can go fuck themselves. If I even wanted to give them a chance, which I don't (I don't trust GW on 'specialist' games anymore), they're leaving out 2 of my 3 WFB armies. No hate for anyone actually looking forward to this, but I'm not touching it with a barge pole.

    Edit: 5 blocks of Skaven slaves? You bastard

  10. I dread to see how they ruin skaven, vampire counts, orcs, the rest of the evil factions. Will they be evil or will they make them 'misunderstood'.

  11. Just give us an open world Shadow of the Horned Rat game where we can be mercenaries earning our gold all over the old world. Doesn't even need a prevent world ending type event endgame, why not just have a you retire with your gold and live comfortably for the rest of your days in X. Lots of Gold? Maybe it's the capital. Maybe you became a bandit force so retire to a small village or town. Or even take over/put in charge of a small village or town. And then you have the non-Empire mercenaries which could have different endings too.
    I'll stop there, I'm making myself sad just thinking about how we won't get this.

  12. Damn. As someone still quite unfamiliar with Warhammer The Old World (only read the first two Gotrek & Felix books so far) I had no idea about this. I wouldve just painted mine like they do on the box to be lore accurate. But having them all unique sounds way cooler so thanks for that. Shame GW doesnt seem to care much for lore these days.

  13. i really love the Tombkings i even bought the Total war game so i could play with them, still i wont Rebuy the new old world GW can go F themselfs for how they acted with the Ip's they have as of the last few years.

  14. Honestly Brettonia as a faction probably needs rethinking not just rerelease with minor alterations.
    What do they bring to the table? A cavalry heavy army, but only heavy cavalry, which the empire can also do (knights are a core unit), the elves can also do, chaos can also do.
    What do they give up? Good infantry, offensive magic, good artillery, Monsters.
    It's like if skaven was skaven slaves and clanrats only without any of the wacky science weapons that make them fun.

    And their lore is so strict it makes expanding the unit roster almost impossible, even dismounted knights is apparently verboten.
    And they've always been underpowered, which was potentially what led to them never getting the updates they needed; and thus dying as a faction.
    Doing this all over again to try and bring back the old world (rather than releasing the more iconic factions first) does not bode well.

  15. The uniform heraldry was used historicaly for an order, so it is plausible to have those regiments too. But on a big campain of a King or so, they would have looked more diverse.
    So both is historicaly rooted and should be an option for the player to decide….

    regarding the foot knights, England was known for their knights on foot fighting style. So historicaly plausible…. no problem here

  16. This is the worst of both worlds, re-releasing old factions almost unchanged but with weird changes to the lore. It doesn't feel like their brining back the old world, only niche factions to make a quick buck off of those nostalgic for them.


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