
The New Minecraft World Record is One of a Kind


Drip120’s new Minecraft RSG Speedrun World Record is one of a kind, both for what goes down during the run, and the fact that it was rejected by the team for using an illegal mod. In this video, I break down and analyze this new record, and explain exactly what’s going on with the leaderboard moderator team’s decision.
Huge shoutout to Drip120 for this run; you can check him out here:

Other runs shown from:
Nofear1337 –
Zylenox –
fe666 –
Cube1337x –
Semperzz –
T_Wagz –
Crookst –

Songs Used (in order):
HOME – Living Forever As You Are
Synth Kid – Wanderlust
Max James – Realizations
KING PALM – Radio Waves
Hurricane Turtle – Clouded Skies
Foewi – Close
Alexander Nakarada – Space Ambience
HOME – Fahrenheit
Yu-Utsu – Sun
Celeste – Resurrections

Outro prod. NickHitt Beats:

This is not the story of a Minecraft player who possibly cheated to get a faked Minecraft speedrun world record, and not the story of their friend who also did not cheat to get a faked Minecraft speedrun world record. Fake Minecraft speedruns are insane, almost as insane as this description! If you want to see a fake cheated Minecraft 1.16 world record speedrun, this is not the video for you!

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world , The New Minecraft World Record is One of a Kind , #Minecraft #World #Record #Kind
, minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun world record,speedrun world record,minecraft world record,minecraft 1.16,1.16 world record,speedrunning,speedrun,world record,analysis,reaction,commentary,the weekly thing,twt,the weekly thing minecraft,the weekly thing speedrun,fake speedrun,fake minecraft speedrun

46 pemikiran pada “The New Minecraft World Record is One of a Kind”

  1. I think it's okay for the run not to be "Officially verified." Nobody needs a bunch of Rules, moderators, or lawyers to make their accomplishments significant. Drip's record will always be incredible regardless of whether the bureaucrats insist on following their rules.

  2. The rule should be changed to (something like) if you get a record or PB that you want verified and you’re using a mod that wasn’t specifically allowed then the run and mod are reviewed for verification and the mod becomes specifically legal if it’s not effecting the game/loot at all

  3. I think the decision of the mods doesn't really matter. Who cares if it's rejected off of an arbitrary leaderboard when everyone in the community already knows that it was legitimate? Speedrunning history is built upon these thing. In the old days, Speed Demos Archive would reject any run that "used glitches." This meant any form of non-glitchless run, such as most games' any%s, were refused from the leaderboards. The runners, however, didn't care. They just made their own leaderboards and kept track in their own communities. I believe this is actually a part of why SDC exists in the first place. While it's a shame about the runner and that mod definitely should have been accepted anyway since it was just a patch to fix a potential crash on another accepted mod, I don't blame the moderators for sticking to their guns.

  4. wait why did the mods say that the mod he used will 'never be legal'? what about this mod makes it unable to ever be approved for speedrunning when it's simply a crash fix?

  5. Damn that sucks, bro, this can be really p2w with getting an insane pc, but bro needed his mod 🤷‍♂️, oh well gg to bro

  6. No one knows if the run is legitimate and yet everyone says so. You can't just say a run is valid by looking at the video, you need to check the whole world files.

  7. The controversy is stupid.

    Speedrunners are pushing their computers to the point of crashing just for a chance at a PB, let alone a WR. It's time for the Mod Team to sit down and re-evaluate the legal mod list to allow more mods that help stabilize the game, without having any other impact.

  8. drip deserves the record, bullshit decision from the moderators. It's verifiably a mod to patch a crash with an allowed mod and completely open source.

  9. "A zero cycle, one of the two ways speedrunners can kill the dragon nowadays."

    Zero cycle
    One cycle
    Classic endfight
    Ground zero
    One shot
    Void cycle
    Minecraft beats itself
    End crystal explosions
    Gigachad tnt minecart setup
    Early warped vine one cycle
    Diagonal perch
    Half bow
    Fruitberries bridge zero
    Bit flip makes dragons health zero
    Illegal end crystal glitch

  10. The "to be fair to other wr runs rejected for the same reason" argument is the same as "I had to pay of my student loans so so should everyone else". The past has nothing to do with what's fair in the present, and being equally unfair to everyone is not preserving fairness.

    Runs with unapproved mods should still always be rejected initially, but if they are found to be truly harmless and only affect something like performance, they should be approved and the run retroactively reinstated.

  11. Hopefully the mods decide to add it do the SRC leaderboard as an unverified run, but regardless everyone including the mods consider it the WR, and it is. Well done to drip. SRC is not the be all or end all. The reasoning for not verifying the run is very stupid considering it is an open-source mod and the moderators know themselves from this that the mod is completely safe & provides no advantage ingame. There is absolutely no need to be this strict on a run that is clearly legitimate, by a runner who is known in the community. ILLEGAL WR's have been accepted before, and WR's with illegal mods have been denied before (from memory these were a similar situation) Their main reason to not do retroactive verification is that they would implement the fix different, by pushing a worldpreview update rather than a seperate mod which they did end up doing. Obviously drip is partially to blame, as he knew he was playing with fire by running an illegal mod. However he probably did not know that the mods were unaware of the worldpreview crash, thus why he did not contact them for a fix. It seems really stupid to deny a WR due to literally miscommunication. Nobody in the community thinks the run is cheated and hopefully the decision gets overturned in the coming months. Sagi's WR was also technically ILLEGAL, but the community were all on his side

  12. I don't understand why people are getting confused.
    Rules, be it laws, bylaws or any other kind of regulations, should be in place for the sole purpose of serving people.
    The rules of mscr are there because people want a framework for fair competition (ignoring the fact that people who can't afford a fast pc to run a lot of instances are at a disadvantage). To ensure fair competition, the community has decided that runs must be verifiable to be accepted.
    If it is absolutely certain that the run could not have been cheated, it should be accepted and new rules with retroactive effect should be in place.
    Nothing else matters. If the new rules put a lot of strain on the mod team, the community should step up and volunteer to help and the mod team should be open to new members.
    If there is even the slightest possibility that the run could have been cheated, even if nobody believes it was, it should not be accepted.
    Again, nothing else matters. This is what "verifiable" means. Erring on the side of caution is the only fair policy.

  13. Unfortunately this kinda situation happens in athletic sports too, when an athlete takes a protein powder that contains a negligible (but testable) amount of a banned substance

  14. its crazy to see that this could have been sub 7. if the crafting at the beggining was a little bit smoother and if the fumble to find the ignition for the last nether portal wasn't there it could have been a sub 7 run! its exciting to see that there is potential for faster runs even in an unfathomably fast speedrun.

  15. I think the best solution is what's happening right now. To make a quick change to allow a run, a change that would impact any number of past runs that were labeled unverifiable, could be seen as favoritism by the mod team. The optics of that alone, no matter how untrue, arent good. BUT, I'd call the mod team wrong if they didnt listen to the community feedback and start polling to see if a rule change needs to be made. After all, the mods and rules are their to help keep things fair and better the community, so if the community has a good reason for calling for change, then serious thoughts need to be given to making change happen

  16. being a part of the community during this whole thing has been awesome, for past world records they would always come whenever i take a break from speedrunning and would only find ouy months later

  17. i feel like instead of “u can only use these mods” it should be “u can use mods outside of this list at your own risk”.

    I get the need to make an official list since you don’t know whats going on under the hood with every little mod and the mod team obviously cant devote the time to check the source code for a 58th place run on 1.14 set seed glitchless, but at the same time i dont think it’s too much to ask the mod team to verify the legitimacy of a mod for a world record run. especially when it’s such a strong record for their biggest category.

    I’m sure there are members of the community who would volunteer to verify there’s no way to use the mod to cheat, which is obviously the whole point why most mods are banned to begin with… to stop cheating.

  18. This should very clearly be put on the leaderboard, and the mods can do it very easily. The "illegal mod" is just an optimizer for an existing allowed mod and the entire point of the allowed mods list is to allow optimized clients so lower end pcs don't hold back amazing runners.

  19. What confuses me is that they say at 16:19 this will NEVER be an allowed mod… why? At 16:02 they say it was because using an entirely different mod to fix the bug wouldn't be THEIR (the moderation team's) solution to the issue, and that the bug was fixed in a different way to how it got fixed in the mod (in a later version of the mod I assume???).
    If the moderation team didn't make the mod, their opinion on solutions to problems outside their control should not hold any weight whatsoever.
    If they did make the mod… you're butthurt because someone else fixed your bug? That people didn't report the bug and instead fixed it themselves? A different person wrote different code to the code you would write? At worst the difference is a minor impact on performance, and you have confirmed yourself that the mod does nothing else and the run wasn't cheated in any way.
    And yet you say the mod will NEVER be verified and the run will NEVER be allowed?
    Just…verify the mod and tell people to resubmit runs. In fact, if you did make the mod, surely other runs with this mod would have been rejected, so you can cut the "this mod was never bought to our attention" crap. If this is the first run with this mod, then telling people to resubmit runs shouldn't apply at all.

    All I see is a crapload of pointless red tape, turning the moderation team into the killjoy bureaucracy that people play games to escape from in the first place. Either that or someone is crying their eyes out over somebody else fixing their mod for them and is refusing to take the easy way out and verify both the run and the mod out of nothing but spite.


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