
The Myth that GOD Created the World!😲 w/ Neil deGrasse Tyson #god #shorts


Which Religious God Created the World?😲 w/ Neil deGrasse Tyson #myths #world #jre #neildegrassetyson #ndt #joerogan #jreclips

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world , The Myth that GOD Created the World!😲 w/ Neil deGrasse Tyson #god #shorts , #Myth #GOD #Created #World #Neil #deGrasse #Tyson #god #shorts
, Which religions have a creation story?,#1159,#1347,brian cox,#physics,#science,neil degrasse tyson joerogan

17 pemikiran pada “The Myth that GOD Created the World!😲 w/ Neil deGrasse Tyson #god #shorts”

  1. The Bible is basically just a really old comic book. Jesus walks on water and turns water into wine; Superman runs faster than a speeding bullets and jumps over buildings in a single bound. Same concept, different time.

  2. Perceived "known" science is NOW having to rewrite their supposed "knowledge" per constantly discovering things that prove their supposed "knowledge" to be false and or inaccurate. So to profess that what is in the Bible is not true, regarding creation, is as about as lame as science to "proclaim" that science "proves" how creation began — ALL things are relative, accept that and you won't have to struggle with what is "known" whether it is from a religious or scientific perspective; yes, this is simply and obviously my opinion.

  3. It is perfectly acceptable to believe in God and believe in science. You just can’t make the mistake of conflating the 2. The Bible is not a scientific textbook and it is foolish to act as if it is. The Bible is a book of religious and moral teachings. It uses metaphorical language and symbolism to teach us principles intended to offer guidance to individuals and communities. I don’t have belief in any religion, but I understand its intention and think there is value there. I think we all need to calm down and appreciate the fact that every person has a unique world view and that if we take some time to understand each other, we wouldn’t carry around so much animus with how we treat each other.

  4. So what caused the big bang? What caused what caused the big bang? What caused what caused the thing that caused the big bang? Questions science can't answer. Sceince has neither comfirmed nor denied the existence of god.

  5. The myth is this what they think they know about the universe the Bible is clear it knows exactly how it was.

  6. Imagine building a house and trying to describe the entire project in 1 sentence. That is basically Genesis. Earth's creation was a project of immense scope that took millions of years to accomplish. Genesis boils it down to 6 creative periods that are highly generalized, and we are reading the translation of those generalized concepts. Don't take every word too literally.

  7. Bottom line the book called the Bible is written by men who had not evolved to understand the world. The Bible is useless today just like all religious texts, they only serve to control the weak minded

  8. Dr. Degrasse is my hero! Very intelligent human being. He needs to be the president and America would be the best again!

  9. I found Dr. Tyson’s explanation fairly good for a man of science. However, maybe the description from the Bible of the creation of our universe was made for people who didn’t know what science is. Therefore, I think it os fair to imagine that, whoever wrote Genesis, was trying to communicate in simple words a metaphore of how things happened.

  10. Well…well…well. no concept of what the universe is. The big bang theory is less likely to have happened than certain creationism. Show me or define where the center of the big bang occurred. Now explain to me what is in that void. Now, explain to me expansion of the universe with out a good understanding of point of perception. Science has not proved on single thing to support the big bang theory. They have simply evolved a theory due to skepticism, based on God doesn't exist. Oh, and the theory of evolution is totally wrong. Ask any scientist this. If all birds of a certain species were to bread back onto themselves what would the bird look like and be? Fact, it would look exactly like the first bird. Now, where I'd that bird come from? All the DNA in that bird has remained unchanged and holds the code of the first of its species. The magnificents of whe DNA is, it has the ability to metiorficies or change slightly the cell growth to make the creature (bird) look different. Still, The bird remains unchanged! All the DNA and all the coding is still present. Who created that truth? What really gets me, is the fact that a scientist discredit God, but before we could see Pluto, Jupiter or Saturn they existed. So did the crab nebula, and the edge of the universe. They actually can see these things in space through a telescope. But they deny that something so magnificent could be real when it comes to GOD.

  11. Hmmm, remembers me that in Indian culture, science and religion are just the same thing,no difference. But you can add speacial spices to it (philosophy).


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