
The most beautiful landscapes of the world | Full Documentary


#fullepisode #travel #documentary #wildlife
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This collection of short films takes the audience on an eye candy trip around the world.
The flight around the globe begins with a visit to the ice bears in the Wapusk National Park in Northern Canada. Empathetic footage of newborn ice bears is succeeded by images of turquoise-coloured water cascades in the world famous Croatian National Park at the Plitvica Lakes. In Ethiopia, the so-called bleeding heart monkeys, or Geladas, give us insights into their lives in the pack on the high plateaus of the Simien National Park.
From her, it’s off way down to the Earth’s south and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The 1500 species of fish, 350 stone coral and 80 soft coral types are all endangered by acute coral bleaching. Before long, these images may only exist on film.
Now, the viewer is taken from this colourful and gigantic, subterranean massif to the kingdom of the stone giants: in the Alps. The fascination of mountain sculptures continues at China’s Li River. The stars here however are the cormorants that have been trained to fish for humans. Off the coasts of South Africa, fishing looks completely different, when millions of sardines fall victim to predatory fish, including dolphins and sharks and even Cape gannets.

world , The most beautiful landscapes of the world | Full Documentary , #beautiful #landscapes #world #Full #Documentary
, Die letzten Paradiese,Beatiful landscapes,eye candy trip,travel,trip around the world,short films,globe,flight,ice bears,Canada,Wapusk National Park,Croatia,National Park,Plitvica Lakes,Ethiopia,bleeding heart monkeys,Simien,Great Barrier Reef,Australia,Free High-Quality Documentaries

31 pemikiran pada “The most beautiful landscapes of the world | Full Documentary”

  1. OMG what a beautiful planet we all live on but a very volatile one too. Certainly gives us a whole lot to think about at times. I simply love your documentaries, really educational, interesting & keeps us well informed as well. My humblest appreciation to all the crew for making these documentaries become our reality 👍

  2. Thank you for turning the music down while the speaker is speaking. But when he is not speaking could you turn it down a little anyway. It is WAY too loud!

  3. Thank you for putting together this Marvelous work of God. His hands has made and His hand sustains.

  4. vaguely relevant question… do animals suffer the same fertility hardships many women do? well, and men..? I only ever hear about mating season, one short week for the polar bear, and then baby. I wonder how prevalent infertility is in nature. if it's not, why so in humans? I, of course, realize it would likely differ with species, if at all, but does it?
    also, when is the human "mating season"? whenever daddy says so, I know, but I've never actually heard…

  5. Being 67y unable to roam much.sons gift of smartphone has made scope to see the world's greatest matters Being at home. Books papers magazine was our friends. Now digital platform is one new mate.

  6. Once time passed cannot be given back therefore this rule also apply in the Natural World that created every inanimate and animate things

  7. Such magnificence! Thank you very much for showing us these still unspoiled treasures. If we
    humans could only appreciate and protect these precious places. We all are part of this same
    great planet. Let our awareness be spread around to people who are still dumping waste and
    poisons into our waters, earth and air. If we pull together, we could repair some of the damage.
    We must let our leaders and companies know how strongly we feel about this. In unity there
    is strength! LOVE & PEACE to all!

  8. How many beautiful landscapes that our planet have and for our eyes we can admire them. It is our task and responsability to not harm these wonderful nature. Thanks for sharing this amazing documentary I enjoyed it 😍😘🤗 🐵🐒🐺🐮🐿🐻🐐🐄🐂🦄🐬🐟🌲🌻🌺🌍🌎🌏🏔🏞🗻 greetings.

  9. Watching nature documentaries is so cathartic, you just forget for awhile what's the modern depressing fuck happening around you. Thank you for your great work.


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