
The Lost World


In London sorgt der Wissenschaftler Challenger für Aufruhr, als er verkündet, im Amazonasgebiet gebe es noch lebende prähistorische Tiere. Den ihm entgegen schlagenden Unglauben kontert er mit dem Aufruf zu einer Expedition, an der schließlich neben ihm, seinem Kollegen Summerlee, dem Jäger Roxton und dem Journalisten Malone auch die Tochter eines verschollenen Forschers teilnimmt. Und tatsächlich begegnet die Gruppe auf einem abgeschiedenen Plateau unzähligen Dino

world , The Lost World , #Lost #World
, The Lost World,Stummfilm,Classic,Black & White,Jurrasic Park,Movie,Full,Complete,Free,Legal,Die Verlorene Welt,Sci-Fi,Tyrannosaur,Rex,Dino,Expedition,Professor,triceratops,Cinenet,Netzkino,Amazon,Volcano,Jungle,London,Prehistoric,scientist,Dinosaur

33 pemikiran pada “The Lost World”

  1. I wish I could’ve been around to see stuff like this when it was new. I was born much too late. If only the world wasn’t completely dominated by phone screens and social media.

  2. Wow life was hard and early video camera was big took hard time to get it up in 1925 colse to 100 years ago

  3. it taught young children to read,NOW most kids cant read because they dont have these movies,,they just watch internet!:/

  4. God bless Willis O'Brien. Are we aware of Skeptic Harry Houdini showing footage from this film to his Supernatural – believing friend Arthur Conan Doyle to see him react with glee to "proof" that dinosaurs still walked the earth?
    OK, now correct the details I got wrong…

  5. One irresponsible use of time travel that I would get the biggest kick out of would be randomly showing modern movies (Jurassic Park, godzilla 2014, The Hobbit: DoS, Avatar, King Kong, Man of Steel) in theaters during the early 1900's and later, just to see the audience freak out. No disrespect to the cinematic masterpieces of those days, but  the technology of our movies would leave those audiences in shock. And it would be completely hilarious.

  6. This 1926 silent film was cutting edge special effects in its day. It even had name stars like Wallace Beery and Lewis Stone. I can imagine the 1926 audience shouting during the film "lookout fer the dinosaur" because they get so caught up in its reality.


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