The Insidious World of Fake Mobile Game Ads | Asmongold Reacts

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37 pemikiran pada “The Insidious World of Fake Mobile Game Ads | Asmongold Reacts”

  1. In some way I have to agree… And this is comming from someone who works in a psychiatric ward, and has studied the subject a lot.
    Things like depression, adhd, bipolar (type 2) or borderline do not make you an addict, gambler, abuser or even a bad person. They probably make your life harder, but having adhd doesn´t make you spend your money on alcohol and then gamble away anything you have left. (keep in mind it´s different if someone is already addicted bc just quitting means abstinence and worst case scenario delirium).
    I am also not talking ab the people who try to stop/not do it, fail and then keep trying. Those people are taking it one step at a time and are slowly getting better, and if they didn´t f up sometimes would either say theyre lying or are jsut not human. I´ve seen some addicts get completely clean, and they all fucked up at one point, I told them that it doesn´t matter, they just need to try again bc they´ve already gotten half way by just trying.
    Addiction sucks, and is in 99% of the case the result of a bad enviroment/any kind of suffering, but if you try actively to stay away from it, or try to quit you are alrready doing better than most.
    ( went on a tangent, sorry. Remember you always have a choice, and theone who will suffer from a bad choice is you)

  2. I remember the game: LORDS MOBILE.
    Guess. A base building game. But it was quite nice… So i spent like $10 on it after some months. But then…. The chinese came.
    It was soooooo p2w that you could out do a year of progression in less than a day by buying stuff. They put that ridiculous advantage so people just go spending money.
    Stopped all games alike since there. Never more.

  3. The entire marketing / advertisement industry is based on lies. Not sure why anyone is surprised here…

    Wether it's a sponsor for a product the advertizer has never used / will never use, a car saleman pretending he's offering good deal, groceries slapping a "20% bigger!" for the same product… it's all fake.

    I don't know why anyone would think any ad, ever, can be trusted / are relevant for anything.

  4. 8:00 Several years ago I happened not to have adblock installed. And YouTube showed me an ad of a dark web drug store. Not a pharmacy. A completely illegal web store that sell drugs like cannabis and other stuff of that kind. With this level of YouTube care about the ad content it provides, ad blocking software is not just an option – it's a must.

  5. his takes on addiction are every time a bummer . you start drinking most times without knowing that you are one of this people that get easy addicted. The same goes for people with gambling or video game addictions. Sure you are a really dumb person if you know it and anyway you start drinking, gambling or something else.
    But a large proportion of people don't even realize that they have an addiction, let alone that they are one of the vulnerable people who are particularly susceptible to something like this.

  6. Evil, Satan Its too much i mean every industry does this ofc they want to profit of the consumer why wouldnt they. Everyone is responsible for themselves its not like they hold your dogs hostige or something and they will kill them if you dont recharge diamonds every 3 seconds and about deppression as someone with severe case of it i reject the idea that it must control you just accept the challenge and you try to control it yourself else it will end you. As for the fake ads ngl some of the ads for the games are worse than the game itself… like all these 2 grader problem solving adds look so lame.

  7. Exact same concept that makes streaming profitable.
    Most people will just watch for free, a chunk of people might donate a few dollars.. Then a small few will whale with donations, or paying for ad-free mode for everyone.

  8. Bro, saying using adblock is "unethical" is so unbelievably stupid and wrong, I don't even know where to begin.
    Back when I was in school, and we accessed the internet there, it was very common for sites with a lot of – especially animated – ads to overload everything in a way that you could literally not operate anymore. It killed the whole browser, it killed everything. When the first adblocks came around, it was such a blessing, because you could actually access websites again.
    And even aside that… Do I have any sort of obligation to be forced to view the contents of a third party when I want to access something entirely different? No.
    Advertisement like that is inherently parasitic, and nobody aside from people who profit from it would ever say otherwise.
    Using adblock is the only logical choice to do. It's just… maintenance. Like if you have a little garden, you have to poison the slugs eating your salad every now and then.
    And I am very much a capitalist, don't get me wrong. But I'm for transferring money over to receive something in return, anything at all. Not just someone leeching off a tiny bit of profit off me without any of my say.
    Yeah. "Don't tread on me", but unironically.

  9. Meh, 100m+ just means they suckered a 100m people into downloading it, not that they have 100m people actually playing. I have downloaded many a thing that Ive uninstalled within 30 seconds of playing but Im sure they still count my download in the download total.

  10. Over the years I've only ever gotten hooked by 4 games, one of them closed shop and I was out a little over $600 that spand about 3 years. The one that got me the most was a game that had completely changed by the time I stopped playing it, I was one of the first 10,000 people to install it and I played every single day for over 5 years. I never spent more than $20 or $30 at a time mostly because I played so much to avoid having to buy things to keep up in the rankings. I managed to stay in the top 100 and 200 in most categories and top 30 in a couple PvP and PvE ladders, although when I really stopped and tried to add up how much I had spent over the 5+ years I got up to over $3000 and felt a little sick, continued playing for a few more months without buying stuff because over the years I stockpiled a Ton of premium draws and the kind of stuff they'd list for $99 in the shops and I planned on finally using them and having all that "fun" but I moved and during the process of packing, working, moving, cleaning the old house and setting up the new one while putting together my Grandma's funeral I got to a point where I hadn't played the game in 4 days straight for the first time in over 4 years. I posted on my guilds Discord page that I had basically been given control of that I would be back in the game soon and then I never played again.
    I kept the game on my home screen for over a year before I finally uninstalled it, it's been over 2 years now since playing the game it's called Dragon Blaze and I honestly don't know why I played as long as I did since the reasons I liked the game in the first place had all been removed or totally changed for a long time.
    Glad I got out, haven't spent money on a mobile game since and honestly couldn't imagine spending over $10,000 on Any Video Game.😨

  11. Man do I miss the star ocean mobile game, but boy did it kill itself. Four character party means you have to build four characters? Nope, to engage with the harder content you really needed to co-op so you only had to build one. Well surely spending money could let you flex on the F2Ps, right? Nah, most high end content would slap you dead in 2-3 hits; so better get to dodging. And if you did die then you’d be called a carpet and stamped (emoted) at…. man do I miss that game.

  12. very bad take man, very bad. How often did you hate yourself playing WoW spending hours and failing / raging? have you been able to stop at that time? It could ve been that easy, you said it yourself.

  13. The problem is more so that they are treating the videogame market like a stock market investment. Instead of making enjoyable, fun games, they purposely impose barriers on the player that are more tempting than the actual want to play the game itself. And if not that, they make the gameplay for paid players on a throne so high it demotivates anyone wanting to get better. They know how to make good games. We all don't know if a game is going to be good or bad. We go in to explore and enjoy. They make sure that anything enjoyable has a catch to it, and people who WANT ($) to enjoy the game, they're rewarded. The problem is, is how do you fund the development of a game that a select group of people would enjoy? It's great to see so many genres, but to have the money to enjoy them as a regular consumer would mean taking away funds towards your own better living just to enjoy development time that has already been put in. They don't care to please people. They care how to make them consider. Video game development is not a job. No one asked you to do it.

  14. This is kinda BS in total grand scale and have been disproven. Most of revenue from in-app purchases is not made by whales, but by small spenders, however whales contribute to significant amount of in-app purchase revenue. However most revenue for all the big games comes from in-game ads – unlike in youtube, where all of us can use adblockers, you can't block ads in games. Actually the most scummy games are popping unwanted ads and I always delete such games after I realize, that I have no choice over watching ads – while the best games are making you to "work" by watching ads in exchange for goodies and the ad watching in a good game can willingly make you watch 10-20 ads per day. That is something that youtubers can only dream about – 10million ads run on this vid – is equivalent of making only one yt video instead of 30-40 :D, while in reality there might be 200 000 ads.
    So, 10-20 ads per day are 10 000 guaranteed ad watchings per person over couple of years. Make your math how much those 98% are generating to a game company in revenue from ad watching, which in-app purchasers do not like to be part of and very quickly abandon game, once the novelty has run out for them and there is nothing new to offer.

    Maybe spending a lot of money is a thing in South Korea Or Japan or occassionally from Persian Gulf countries, but whenever in Europe some kid is spending thousands from his mothers VISA, it makes national news and kind request to return that money or else… I doubt, that it is different in US – yes, some people may occassionaly pay some money(I have done that in one game, which is now retired, but I also got real value goodies like sound track, that I am keeping forever), but mostly that is a mindset of something that is investment and offers some entertainment value, but not really that much to overshadow what ad revenue is generating, because for majority of people it is free entertainment to kill the time. And millions watching ads willingly, so they are generating resources to run the game is the main revenue makers for any game company. And if a crappy game is making 100 million downloads and can run some ads during that short introductory run, that is at least 100 millions ads generated…


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