
The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown


Stories of near misses with UAPs in flight ignite a conversation about a serious threat in our skies not just in America, but around the world.

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About UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
In 2021, the US government passed legislation mandating an official investigation into UFOs. This provocative series unspools the history leading up to this momentous change and reports on recent developments. It explores what the government made public versus what was kept hidden; citizens’ push for transparency while confronting mass UFO sightings; Navy pilots’ reports of unexplainable technology; new cutting-edge scientific efforts; and what the future might hold for this confounding mystery which is the focus of a deepening and expanding search for answers.

The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown

National Geographic

world , The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown , #Global #Threat #Full #Episode #UFOs #Investigating #Unknown
, national geographic,nat geo,natgeo,animals,wildlife,science,explore,discover,survival,nature,culture,perpetual planet nat geo,photography,Unexplained phenomena,Alien encounters,UFO sightings,Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon,UFO encounters,Global UAP threat,UAP sightings,Investigating the Unknown,UFO,The Global Threat,ufo investigating the unknown,full episode,ufo phenomenon,ufo in texas,giant ufo,flying saucer,ufo problem,ufo report,unidentified aerial

39 pemikiran pada “The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown”

  1. Of course people think every thing is a threat! More enemies! More weapons! Are you sure they are all threats? We have to assume advanced civilizations have gone through evolution as humans have – at least by some basic principles. SO, I ask, are more humans bad than good? Who are the outliers with humans – the good ones or the bad ones? Let's extrapolate that out, and investigate before conclusions…. and NOT start an interstellar war with our fear!!! Of course I am speaking to the title here… haven't listened to all the content yet.

  2. aliens are simply globe earth propaganda for the brainwashed masses. there are no aliens, and no globe. wake up folks. There is no such thing as outer space

  3. this is flight 497 heavy, do you copy, yes flight 497, go ahead, umm,, ive got 6 months to retirement,, yes flight 497,, nothing,,its o.k…

  4. 4:35 "Once I had enough data to show that these things were real…."
    "So, are you indeed an alien? And were you driving that UFO that was messing up our airspace last night?"
    "Ah, yes, I am an alien, but only when I'm on your planet. And I was at the controls of our UFO, but I just did not understand your ATC procedures, sorry."

  5. We likely will never know the truth till Etraterestreals reveal themselves if at all. After all, this is a Prison Planet.

  6. Space Force began suggesting, confirming that UFO's were a flight risk. That is exactly why you should not listen. The Shadow Gov. Space Force, wants the defense budget without limits. It's a scam for dollars. I do believe in UFO's but no surprise the government/pentagon wants to capitalize on it.

  7. Since Area 51 to this day, UFO upgrades have been on par with our technology. why are you one and 4000 years back or 5000 years back to the Egyptian peoples who also have evidence of Alan technology

  8. the problem with ufos and 'wanting the govt to tell you something' is – yes, theres something there, and yes, there is something real .. but 'no' the govt doesnt know what they are .. where you lose credibility is – you 'want' someone to tell you that theyre extratesticles and something coming from another planet, when 'nothing' .. NO evidence supports thats what they are, in fact, real science says thats not probable …but you want the govt to tell you that it is .. that makes you a 'kook' …

  9. We are but an ant farm for aliens to study. If they wanted to do us harm, it would be very easy for them to do so due to their exponentially greater technologies. Aliens are following up on their bets when we will exterminate ourselves. Or maybe they know when this will happen and want a better view. Until we shake our innate selfishness and aggression, we are a doomed species. For the last 60 years, we've been one launched nuke away from mutually assured destruction.

  10. And yesterday the news brought the message that the US government denies anything about ufo's, that there was no crashed ufo in the 50's and nothing is stuffed somewhere in a secrect base. The more they say 'NO' will not make us think they tell the truth.

  11. So why do they keep coming back to earth over all these years? You would think they have gathered all the information on us there was to gather, unless earth is some kind of tourist mecca for them.

  12. What a fantastic backyard video! And thank you for these tips. I’m in my late 40s and even with my partner these are good to know and do. I know I’m not quite a target audience, I still appreciate your video!

  13. The aliens are not a threat, if they were they could easily destroy our planet at a whim and nothing we could do to stop it; obviously they are not doing that. Stop the govt fear mongering!!!

  14. All these ufo stories are total BS. Yes there has to be many other civilizations in the universe. Interstellar travel is not possible due to vast distances. All species will become extint in their solar systems. Obviously, The creator does not want us to interact with each other. It's nice to listen though.

  15. The unbelievable part about the Phoenix lights is many people describe it as slowly flying across the sky, yet they make no mention of military aircraft. Why wouldn’t the airforce be flying along side it? I guess they never saw it, never saw a slow moving object bigger than an aircraft carrier.. that in itself is very concerning.

  16. Look into who owns National Geographic, and look into project Blue Beam. There are no aliens, but there is a threat.

  17. There is no "global threat." See Dr. Greer's videos on the topic, and learn why shadow governments worldwide want to scare the population.

  18. Let them raise their right hand and swear an oath to tell the truth in front of the US Congress for Lord's sake!! It's always reports with no oaths involved etc., like Moultrie and Bray, do "we the people' do not see this non-sense!! Demand this from your Congressional Representation to get to the bottom of this issue to whatever end.

  19. Like Dr. Greer, I suspect most of the UFO's are our's. Governments, and specifically the US shadow government/military contractors have reversed engineered off world technology and have kept it secret even from elected officials including Presidents.

  20. Global Threat 😂😂😂 mate if they wanted humans gone there would be no threatening…. It would be done in a heartbeat. 😂😅😅global threat 😅😅 the only global threat is your silly religions and governments and love for war and power.
    They are here to tell u to stop it. You better listen.

  21. Te feds flip out if we text “pro maga” or dont pay taxes. If the gov doesnt care its because two things. They know already what it is and leave it be (for good reasons) OR it is the gov.

  22. The reason the government doesn't want to admit that UFOs are real is due to religion. Half of this country still believes in a God including lots of higher-up government officials. If they admit UFOs are real, that has the potential to change everything we have been taught about the history of this planet because how would religious leaders be able to explain why their God never mentions other life on other planets. Because there is no such thing as other life forms on other planets according to the bible. Christians are supposed to believe that the earth was created a short time ago by their God in just 7 days. How stupid would they look if they were to admit that there is life on other planets and they are visiting us in spaceships? it's already bad enough for people who believe in Gods with the science we have today. Admitting this will pretty much end anything that religious leaders have been trying to claim as the truth. These believers need their religion to be true for them to function like they have been. They would be lost and would look incredibly dumb if this were to be proven true. So they just try to ignore this until they can't anymore. Personally, I don't think they will admit this until a UFO lands in the middle of a heavily populated city and they try to communicate with us. So I'm sure our government has been doing whatever it can to send a message to these UFOs that they are not welcome here because they need their religious beliefs to continue to exist. They would be lost and embarrassed if this were to be made as something that is real. That's why they are doing what they are doing. They don't want to admit that they were wrong. That's how strong their religious beliefs are. They would rather live in denial than accept this unwelcome reality.


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