
The Game-Changing Old World FAQ by Games Workshop: Day One Upgrades!


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47 pemikiran pada “The Game-Changing Old World FAQ by Games Workshop: Day One Upgrades!”


    Biannual is indeed twice a year. BIENNIEL IS ONCE EVERY TWO YEARS. Because English.
    You have to make "contact" with a pursued unit in order to hack it to bits. So being able to place a pursuing unit is indeed important.

  2. when taking DT test, at what point exactly during the unit's movement do you take the test? this could matter if the unit panics for BSB range.

  3. I want to say a big thanks to you guys for this podcast, I narrowly missed out on the original WHFB and only really got 2 or so games in before AoS dropped. Your videos have helped hype me up and keep me informed for a second chance to get into the true warhammer, listening while I build my Perry Miniatures as Empire

  4. My rules question: does drilled give you a free redress the ranks maneuver for any move, or just moves during the movement phase? Most importantly, can you redress the ranks before performing a charge move? They specifically call out that you can declare a charge while in march formation, you just cannot make a charge move: does the drilled special rule allow you to charge out of march formation by redressing to a combat order?

  5. I'd love them to tell me how random movers work. Can I loop around to the back of a unit and make contact with their rear even though I started in their front? What happens when they move at weird times (like coming on as ambushers, or with Arcane Urgency) – can they engage enemy units with those moves?

  6. 28:44 Veteran is a leadership re-roll, no? So the answer is saying a character without Veteran can't use a re-roll for leadership for a special rule that the Unit would normally be entitled to, is how I read that.

  7. On the Cannon hitting characters… Surely It means you cant hit a character with the slide, but with the initial hit?

  8. I believe you misunderstood the general principles point since you mentioned monsters but i believe all this point allows is a marching column of 1 wide and does not affect a lone model otherwise this would contradict the definition of a unit in close order on pg 100. ("A unit in close order consists of two or more models that are arranged in base to base, edge to edge and front corner to front corner") which is why i wish there was a bit more in this faq for single models since I'm still a little unsure what formation these would be in.

  9. I personally love the Overrun clarification just because it gives units with Frenzy a way to actually not get instantly put out of combat for like, 2 turns

    Edit: To put my 2 cents into the whole Character/General Leadership vs Unit's Leadership, in the older version I played there used to be a big difference. For example, Stubborn (which let a unit make break checks ignoring any penalties). If your unit had stubborn but your General/Character didn't then you had to make a choice between using the Character/General's higher Leadership that would then get modified or the unit's lower Leadership that couldn't be modified. This came up a lot for me back in the day because Greatswords were Stubborn but Elector Counts weren't so you had to choose the modifiable vs non modifiable one.

    Edit2: Something that's been bouncing back and forth between me and my friends is whether the Wizarding Hat allows you to select a school of magic normally not allowed to the character. e.g. an Orc Weirdboy puts the hat on and starts using necromancy (ignoring that this literally happened in the lore.) I'm of the mind that yes, you can choose any lore because that's literally what it says. Their counter is that Army rules override Game rules and since the character has a list of allowable spell lores they cannot do it.

  10. Frog on a Dragon confirmed! Loving the dedication to the corrections in the comments, especially for not slowing you guys down in the flow. The FAQ was a fantasic document and I don't feel like I'd have understood all the implications, thanks guys!

  11. Loving the channel guys – you are really helping to clarify the game as well as building hype! Hope the community you are trying to build takes off.

  12. I haven't really anything different to add to what everyone has already said here. This game's release has me incredibly hyped after a time where I was wondering whether I'd be hobbying or wargaming ever again. There's loads of great content that I'm digging into but Square Based has just been so damn good! Your enthusiasm is infectious and knowledge insightful, helping me no end in getting motivated and, moreover, organised. Thank you both for all the hard work.

    p.s there's a joke here about also enjoying it when Val inserted himself, but I think I'll leave such things for live chat.

    Or will I?

  13. Everyone should throw their old hills away and make new ones that are about 25% bigger so that the same units can still fit on them.

  14. Can't get enough of this show at the moment, your enthusiasm for the game is infectious and just a good wholesome time

  15. So so great boys. Hoping to play my first game with a couple of mates on Friday but our rulebooks are delayed! Thanks for the great stuff as always

  16. From reading the FAQ, I got excited about making a goblin general with two hats, but the example given is not possible – bedazzling helm + wizarding hat is 105 points… 😢 I iz now da saddest gobbo

  17. So the important thing to take away from this is that hills matter and every table should have at least three.

  18. A historical guy showed me how they do hills by putting uneven insulation foam underneath the cloth they play on. I am now on team hill

  19. I absolutely love your content!

    Can I be selfish and ask a question, as my rulebook has been delayed?

    Can Skink Skirmishers block line of sight from Ripperdactyls so that they don't have to test for impetuous?

  20. FAQ questions I have: 

    What is the order of operations on leadership substitutions? If something in a unit gives a general in the unit a modifier to its leadership does that apply before or after it is used for inspiring presence. And then is the modifier on a unit that is recovering inspiring presence applied before or after.

    When is the first round of combat? If a unit charges a unit that FBIGO is that a first round of combat? When is a unit charging? Are charging and first round of combat divorced from each other? 

    Can initiative go above 10? 

    Does a "drilled" unit get to reform before charging? 

    If an impetuous unit cannot complete a charge, say because a unit of friendly skirmishers is in front of it, or because it is in march column does it have to declare a charge?

  21. Really don't like that rule about a unit that is pushed back and would cross the table edge is destroyed. They've passed their modified break check so should still be in the battle, would be much more consistent with what being pushed back means anywhere else if they just stayed put. I don't really agree with a unit being removed if it falls back in good order over the table edge either, but at least in that instance it has failed its modified break check (though passed its unmodified one). I'm sure the expression 'the table edge is not the edge of the world' was used in one of the almanacs with regard to movement and I don't think it should be in these cases either – if the unit is still up for the fight according to the rules then it shouldn't disappear in this way.

  22. Wow, those were some great questions answered. Now I just need the weather to get better here so I can get my books delivered, heh. This is the perfect time to get stuck in reading some Old World now.

  23. As an empire fan boy who intends to bring 6 cannons and 2 hellblaster volley guns i expect my entire deployment zone to be 1 giant giga-hill 😂

    Memes aside, I would like to see 1 small hill in each deployment zone, big enough for a max of 2 warmachines or a 10×2 wide rank of missile troops, to become tournament standard.

    With how toned down cannon are how powerful dragons are looking, some armies are going to need a little firebase to have a chance to not get rolled by Monsters.

  24. In the French BTB, the "Strike last" rule states that the unit has an Initiative 10. 😀
    There are TONS of incorrect copy/pastes and spelling mistakes and even phrases that make no sense in non-english rulebooks.
    The funniest one is at one point, they want to say "if you want" (si vous voulez) and they wrote "if you ovulate" (si vous ovulez).

  25. I'm so impressed with the quality and thouroughness of this FAQ as mainly a 40k player. It even has a little personality injected!

    40k FAQs mostly come in this format:

    "Q: Paraphrased two-part question somewhat adequately describing a very complicated interaction?
    A: Yes."

    Whereas this FAQ reads like actual questions asked and answered by real, actual people.

  26. I would have liked to have something called out about the fighting rank. From what I understand (I may well be wrong) everybody in the 'fighting rank' gets to make an attack even if not in base to base. What's to stop me having a unit 60 wide and therefore getting 60 attacks? If the fighting rank includes the guys in the second rank wielding spears and I'm 60 wide and 2 deep do I get 120 attacks? You get what I'm putting down I'm sure.

    As I don't have a copy of the rule book in front of me and I'm basing this off videos of people discussing the rules I may well be completely wrong about this.

  27. Writing is hard and publishing is even more difficult when the publisher does not care about editing and obviously does not know the meaning of the word errata or acronym FAQ. They clearly do not proof read what is known as a galley proof. Also, changing a rule is not an errata. An errata is a printing error. An errata is a correction to a difference between the original manuscript and what the printer produced. A term that has been in use for literally centuries. Any change to the original manuscript, like flat out changing a rule, is a revision and would be considered an edition change. GW just has no fcking clue how to manage the production and track changes in their documents because they cant be bothered to spend the resources to do it professionally.

    Rob's wish for a fully electronic move to rules is a bit of a double edged sword because it will, without a doubt amplify the rate of errors and confusion and chaos.

  28. That’s tonight sorted while I build more Brets! Hope to get to one of your events soon. Will you be releasing a VOD of the stream from today on this channel?

  29. Awesome job on reading the FAQ you both made it fun to listen to.
    I'm glad GW can have a laugh and joke with us all when they answer some of the questions.
    Thank you for the work you both put into this for us all.


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