The Forgotten Story of Japanese Soldiers After World War II

What Happened to Japanese Soldiers After WW2?
During World War II, it has been estimated that between 19,500 and 50,000 members of the Imperial Japanese military surrendered to Western Allied combatants prior to the end of the Pacific War in August 1945.Also, Soviet troops seized and imprisoned more than half a million Japanese troops and civilians in China and other places.

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The number of Japanese soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen who surrendered was limited by the Japanese military indoctrinating its personnel to fight to the death, Allied combat personnel often being unwilling to take prisoners,and many Japanese soldiers believing that those who surrendered would be killed by their captors.

world , The Forgotten Story of Japanese Soldiers After World War II , #Forgotten #Story #Japanese #Soldiers #World #War
, What Happened to Japanese Soldiers After WW2,world war ii,world war 2,japanese surrender,japan surrender 1945,what happen japan soldiers,japans involvement in ww2,what happened to japanese soldiers after ww2,japanese soldiers still fighting ww2,japan solder surrender,atrocities by japan soldiers,war crime by japanese soliders,history documentary,atom bomb,soviet union

49 pemikiran pada “The Forgotten Story of Japanese Soldiers After World War II”

  1. Some soldiers we're actually stuck in China until the 50s or executed (you guessed it, by the communists) and some refused to surrender but some we're also executed by the government of Japan.

  2. I couldn’t give a flying f**k…they were all f**king animals…my grandfathers best friend was captured at Malaya, and when he came back to Great Britain, he was a broken man, he had stomach issues till he died because of the starvation diet they put them on, he was on the Burma railroad, when he got back to Scotland he was often heard to say “two bombs were not enough for those bastards” So , no I really don’t care what happened to them? Hirohito should have gone on trial.

  3. An appeal to Americans, stop killing people around the world, like you did in Japan, Iraq,Syria, afganistan, Bin Laden was raised by you people only like the always be the founder of terrorism

  4. Never mind the senseless babaric slaughter of innocent lives by these japanese soldiers, we need to zone in on how these same japanese soldiers were mistreated after they were disbanded………..muppet

  5. As someone whose father would have been part of the naval force to invade Japan had the Americans not
    " convinced" them to surrender as my father said "why stop at two" !

  6. Some of them ate our serviceman. Read the story of President Bush when he was shot down. Cannot give,nor will I give, one fiddling care what happened to them for the cowardly surprise attack at Pearl Harbor and atrocities committed during scenes like like Batan death March.

  7. Few Japanese Soldiers were executed by Allied Courts for the atrocities they commited in WW2. It was a differnt story in China where many Japanese soldiers were subjected to harsh treatment by the victorious Soviet Empire whch siezed 594,000 Japanese POWs' 60,000 which died in oSoviet Siberian POW Camps.

    Surprisingly the Chinese were relatively lenient with the Japanese Army Soldiers, because the Chinese Nationalists & Communists wanted the japanese weapons to fight each other. Significant numbers of Japanes soldiers sjoin both sides of the Chinese civil War 1945-49.

  8. Modern day Japan has little resemblance to Imperial Japan, which was ruled by their Emperor and a samurai like culture. Japanese army committed u speakable atrocities. My grandmother who passed away decades ago, survived it as a young girl. I hated who the Japanese were but not now.

  9. Japanese soldiers who deserted in Vietnam helped Ho Chi Minh train his Vietminh army in jungle warfare, and they fought side by side against the French and then the Americans.
    *In the 1980's you could still see fully dressed WW2 veterans standing on street corners in Tokyo begging for alms. They would hold a single gloved hand at waist level and stare, unmoving at the middle distance. As tourists we were told NEVER to engage them in any way, or take their picture as the embarrassment would be too much for them, and might cause an incident.
    If you gave them some Yen, they would tuck the offering into a pocket or in their belt, and make a small bow. Some had a bowl or cup at their feet. Their threadbare uniforms were immaculate, their posture completely rigid, and they didn't even seem to blink.
    The Japanese government did NOT acknowledge them.

  10. One of the consequences of the Bushido code is that you are treated like an animal by your own people when you come home after surrendering. Karma can be a real bi+€#.

  11. Whatever happened to them happened too late to save the unfortunates from conquered countries and PoWs whom they systematically abused and murdered using the most horrific and inhumane methods their tortured, sadistic minds could dream up.
    Sick Mothers…..

  12. Not entirely true. My wife's dad was stationed in Japan during the Korean war. He was a trainer for the Japanese air Force.
    The war had only ended 5 years and they had no ill feeling towards the US for the atomic bomb. Unless you were alive or was there you are only speculating

  13. I’d like to look further into post war Japan, but some aspects are hard to find stories on. Plenty of stories about McArthur, food shortages, unwanted pregnancies and widespread STD’s, but not how the former soldiers adapted to returning home to a destroyed country. Some hadn’t been back in 6-7 years.

  14. After the Naging massacre I don't really care what happened to these soldiers the atrocities that they carried out in China and our allied soldiers they were worse than animals the atrocities they are to evil to even repeat so I don't care what happen to these evil men

  15. 彼らは日本が戦後アジアを成長させるためにどれだけ支援して来たのかを知らない😅彼らは第二次世界大戦の後のアジアや日本のことを知らたいくせに自分の勝手な解釈でコメントしている。それはあまりに無知な行為だ😂


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