THE END OF THE WORLD – Mar Mari Emmanuel

song: hardknock. – judgement day

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44 pemikiran pada “THE END OF THE WORLD – Mar Mari Emmanuel”

  1. That pope was right – it will be 2000 years plus Christ's lifetime = 2033 AD. That will be when the Day of the Lord starts however the birth pains for 3.5 years start before that.

  2. If we weren't also blind we can see that this is all set up and they do this on purpose just like a game they start the timeline and the end the timeline. World moves on slowly with a lot less people we are being taken advantage of

  3. ABRAHAM was the FIRST JEW☦✝✡🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀🧔‍♀

  4. There's NO end of the world, for goodness sake 🤦🤦 Has anyone ever actually read the Book of Revelation??

    The next pope will be under the influence of the False Prophet, that's what it means (i.e. in the same boat with the AC as well).

  5. Before the second coming of our lord Christ, there will be 7 years of misery. Apparently Jesus became 33 years old. The number 33 is the most important one amongst Freemasons and these people love to mock Jesus and about everything he preached. So I personally think that 2026-2027 are the years that lead to a major conflict, some like to call it WW3.
    After 3 1/2 years of war, the antichrist will be out on a thrown to rule over the people who have survived and he will force them to put a mark on their hand or forehead.
    Again, this is just my personal opinion about the next 10 years.
    No matter how hard it gets, if you’re homeless and get laughed at from people who have the mark of the beast, DO NOT take that mark!

  6. We cant know cos only God knows…
    And we will never know in our human bodies… because before the coming of Christ all unworthy people take the mark of the beast…
    The ones without the mark of the beast will be picked up and saved by The Lord HIS Grace in the name of his only begotten son Jesus Christ.
    The mark of the beast is upon us and it might be the Chip that allows us to get groceries (as an identifier)

  7. Nobody knows the future.
    Jesus said that He will come as a thief in the night. That could be when least expected.
    Only the Father knows.
    Nobody knows the future nor the time of the second coming of Christ. Nobody.🤔


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