
The Disturbing World of VRChat


Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free large bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more:

War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.


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@VerumVRC – Co-Host
@perfidious – Music
@siuuu – Music
@nypier – Smartvault Graphic
@UrghBla – Information
KOLD – Thumbnail –
Ewan – Chapter 6 Editing –
Twortles – Helping Hand –
Bigscreen Beyond – Providing Hardware
Ayraell – Voice Actor
Joseph S – VRChat Study

00:00:00 Double Vision Intro
00:03:30 680 Day Reacquaintance
00:11:16 Ad Break
00:12:45 Translucent Moderation
00:25:20 Dear, Hayden
00:45:33 Visionless
01:01:35 Hedonistic Developers
01:22:39 Top Boys
01:39:14 The Metcalf Motive
01:45:29 Dear, VRChat
01:51:04 Announcements Outro

[Contact Information]
Business Inquiries: [email protected]
Other Inquiries: [email protected]

world , The Disturbing World of VRChat , #Disturbing #World #VRChat
, Brandon FM,Documentary,VRChat,VRC,Doc,Investigation,Virtual Reality,VR,Mystery,Film,Educational

41 pemikiran pada “The Disturbing World of VRChat”

  1. Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free large bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more:

    War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.

  2. What makes it even worst is that every brain dead person you try and straighten up will tell you things like β€œso what if my avi is naked and there is a kid here ? They can go somewhere else β€œ like what ? Your dirty that’s it and if I ever met any one of them idc how β€œgood” of a person you are to me you’ll still be a disgusting deviant

  3. Profit seeking behavior isn't the way companies have to be ran. This is just as much a government not doing it's job issue as it is a profit issue.

    I still believe that amplifying the voices of the community can genuinely impact vrchat. We see all the time that strikes can have a huge impact on companies. The hard part is organizing it and getting at least 3% of the playbase to agree ( just throwing that out there since there is a study stating on average to get a government to do something 3% of the population has to agree to it)

  4. There is an inherent flaw in the "study", you didn't at all account for the time of day, or types of servers, or even the people who were willing to answer 72 questions being of a certain persuasion. 90% of the playerbase comes and goes and plays casually, and really would not care to answer. The people you really interviewed are the "Trusted Users" or more accurately the cultural elite of VRchat.

  5. Pathetic. Brandon is the kind of person, that stalks people, steals their avatar to look at their genitals, and then goes online and shows everyone? What kind of creeper films someone and then tailors a video to match some sort of narrow minded narrative? Nothing morally ambiguous about ripper store, it was stolen property, end of story. The fact that you didn't call that out immediately invalidates your opinions. Don't think I didn't see your war thunder and booster pack plug there for what it was. This is all just money making clickbait for you. Get the views, hope they use your link for the money making.

    Wow…this is "journalism"(not really) is so creepy. People do this stuff in real life and in virtual life. All the time, it's not specifically VRChat and it's not easy to moderate. This is literally just riding the fame of having rallied a bunch of sad people who were probably jerks in VRC and want to see it burn down under the guise of "justice".

    Dunno who sippbox is, but they should keep that shit in private, not just because it makes people uncomfortable, but also to avoid really creepy people like this Brandon person who stalks people, steals their avatar, and exposes their private life online. You should literally be at fault for even mentioning that you willingly went on to a ripperstore and stole someones private property. With that said, that extends to anyone pointed at in this video…keep it private!! This info should not be accessable. Though considering that this Brandon character doesn't mind stealing to prove a point, maybe they literally went in to peoples private lives just to expose them. That is a whole new level of creepy.

    Who cares what people do in private with consenting adults? If you wanna stop controversial kinks because they are wrong in real life, then we better stop playing shooters! Killing people is wrong and horrible and should never be glorified or celebrated. Right? Wait, most people overwhelmingly understand there is a clear line between fake and real? Wow, what a concept. Up the age limit, up the moderation, but back off about your personal vendetta against specific content. If you wanna stop bad things, it better be all bad things, not just the ones that get you the easiest positive feedback from the general public.

    People who watch this and aren't sure what to believe….don't let this creeper scare you, VRChat is a wonderful place and is full of amazing people who are genuinely good and the experience can truly be a life saving experience. Like any social media platform, it can also be used for harm too. Don't forget to use your block tools, visit less popular publics with smaller groups, stuff like that can really help you find the actual communities and avoid the people who just want to get "free tiddies".

    To those parents out there, do not let your child in to VRC, unless you plan to be heavily involved in their experience on it. End of story. This same advice goes to people considering letting their child use tiktok, or twitter, or facebook, etc etc etc. Its the internet, its wild and full of beautiful amazing things, and just dog piles of horrible content. Like knives, it can cut and dice food and make delicious meals, or it can stab your whole family to death.

  6. Honestly, i have played since i was 16.5 years Old. I used to be on 24/7 for 1.5 years now i barely get on without my friends or partners telling me to get on

  7. I have never been so shocked…i knew this was happening but that poor little girl….i hope she is doing ok now…this video should be an awareness for parents!

    Vrchat needs to doo better too…but unfortunately i dont think that will ever happen.

    Alll they care bout is money

  8. Holy shit the moderation might aswell taken 1st place 2nd being Roblox
    W vid brandon your a legendπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

  9. like damn just play vrchat and get immersed in its beautiful worlds, environment, chat about stuff and such, why tf does people do this sort of fkn weird shit

  10. Fun fact about the video, the girl you got friendlisted at 1:17:38 named Numbaaat at the moment of the recording was a Minor pretending to be older faking her age.

  11. sometimes i think about what the solutions to all these things are, and if there even are solutions, in vrchat they desperately need moderation and to not defend these predators but, in the end there are 100000000x more criminals in this world than there are law enforcement, will these people ever be held accountable?

    it's starting to feel like a losing battle where abusing children is the easiest crime to get away with.
    to have hundreds of thousands of people on the internet be so open about being predators and face no punishment,
    it only makes it worse.

    I've seen hundreds of steam profiles belonging to 12-16 year olds with their 18-40 year old partner linked in their bio with a heart, vrchat is the same, twitter, etc its everywhere, those who don't see it are looking away on purpose because they wish to not accept the reality we live in, these problems will never disappear until everyone comes together and says, this is enough.

  12. listening to this, her mother just tries to shift her ignorance to VRchat. Sure its a degenerate ridden hellhole but like its her fault too, which she doesnt even try to take the blame for, just to shift it only on VRC

  13. Theres still so many stories left untold….atleast now this will help….thank you verum and brandon ive always looked up to you. Thank you for helping others like me who still have stories to tell

  14. such a beatiful eye opening document and message to what is happening to this platform now we no longer are in the dark.

  15. I think something thats flown under the radar is the creators of VR chat. They are normal people, who had a vision, and its their brain-child. Some people consider Pride as one of the worse sins, but as anyone whos done anything ever knows, everyone is guilty to this sin, from the lowest levels to absolute peak. VR Chat is a time bomb, and while its uncertain whether they know about its degenerate fanbase or not, I think once people on the corporate level of VR Chat find out, its going to have some severe repercussions on them. The creators are probably very fond of it, and It makes total sense, but in a way, theyve set their selves up. They are the ones going to be getting backlash, and I feel heavy empathy for them. The creators are probably going to face the consequences of it, no matter what, and they barely deserve any of it. This entire story from head to toe is Fucked up. There is no way anybody wins, Everyone involved has faced a loss in some way, except of course the people who reap the benefits of the freedom of the platform. (sorry if this is kind of messy its 1:30am 😭)

  16. My friend told me that his 11 year old sister has been asking him and has also play vrchat on his oculus and I immediately told him to put password on his headset so only he can use it and to not let his sister use it and explained to him why since he played vrchat like once. After I told him why he immediately agreed with me and said he would watch out for that

  17. Genuinely dreading watching this, my friend’s younger sibling is 14 and regularly uses VR Chat. There have been many issues with full ass adults having inappropriate conversations with her, or blatantly sexualizing her. Its a delicate issue to navigate because of course shes still a kid and doesn’t understand the depths of what is happening. We’ve been trying to support her and limit her VR time severely, but shes still very connected to it.

    For the love of god don’t let your children use VR beyond fucking job simulator or rollercoasters. The amount of creeps and psychos thriving on there is genuinely terrifying


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