
The Boeing Wedgetail: The Plane That Will Control World War III


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world , The Boeing Wedgetail: The Plane That Will Control World War III , #Boeing #Wedgetail #Plane #Control #World #War #III
, e-7 wedgetails,wedgetails,airborne early warning aircraft,awacs plane,awacs airplane,aviation,airplanes,air force,aircraft,e-3a awacs,a.w.a.c.s

24 pemikiran pada “The Boeing Wedgetail: The Plane That Will Control World War III”

  1. I've already lived through the cold war. The closest we'll ever get to a nuclear war.
    I don't see a nuclear war in my life time. Which is about another 20 years.

  2. When you do random cuts to your ads,
    1. Don't start out the ad abruptly
    2. Don't start out the ad yelling

    We don't watch them but the first 3 seconds always gets heard. Some English man yelling in my living room at 6 am about food is jarring.

  3. Oz gets the royalties for every new E-7 aircraft system built – so please world order some more. They were expensive to develop for such a small country.

  4. And the funny thing is every customer who wants to buy one has to go cap in hand the Australian Government for approval because of an intellectual property clause in the initial contract with Boeing, they may be made in the US of A but team XXXX gets to choose who can fly it….

  5. One of my best mates was/is? (ex/military mates get to catch you once a decade…) the lead project engineer/manager of the Wedgetail in the RAAF. Very proud of him I am, even if I never really know what he is up to anymore with my security clearance being long long gone decades ago. Now maybe its just an Aussie thing, but we just call them ''ayewacks'', never that abomination of a term dude was saying here, killing me on the inside just a bit every time I heard it.

  6. How the hell did our Government here in Australia not completely stuff this Defence project up given their history of stuff ups??

  7. 1st time a saw a photo of the Wedgetail I thought, are they heading to the beach with a surfboard on top ?

  8. It's all fun and games with the wedgetail until the Boeing that carries it drops a door mid-flight… Then you'd all dream of the GlobalEye mounted on a Gulfstream ;P

  9. Aussies like those cool names. Their loyal wingman drones will be called galahs and the new nuclear submarines are going to be called didgeridoos. And when they launch a missile attack, it will be called pointing the bone.

  10. Given their historic conservatism, its pretty incredible that the Australian Defence Department made such a choice. And such a good choice.


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