
The Best And Worst Things In Jurassic World Dominion


The “Jurassic Park” franchise has grown bigger than ever after Colin Trevorrow rebooted the series with 2015’s “Jurassic World.” Starring Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, the film was a financial success, clearing the way for even more big budget dinosaur action. While Trevorrow was replaced for the sequel, “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” he’s back in a big way to cap off the trilogy with “Jurassic World: Dominion.” And, most exciting of all for long time fans, the film finally reunites Sam Neil, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum as their iconic characters from the first “Jurassic Park.” But how do the dinosaurs do when they’re off Isla Nublar? These are the best and worst things in “Jurassic World: Dominion.”

#JurassicPark #ChrisPratt #BryceDallasHoward

Best: Reunited cast | 0:00
Worst: Chris Pratt | 0:56
Best: DeWanda Wise | 2:09
Worst: Too many locusts | 3:12
Best: Anti-capitalist | 4:23
Worst: Cringey fan-service | 5:15
Best: Feathered dinosaurs | 5:56
Worst: The ByoSin facility | 6:59
Worst: Didn’t really exploit the premise | 7:50
Best: Ending montage | 8:27
Worst: Human clone plot | 9:09

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46 pemikiran pada “The Best And Worst Things In Jurassic World Dominion”

  1. Simple , they wanted to end it , so they ended it. With nothing left for the future ….yes i do agree the locust stuff was not that necessary but overall , the wrapping up is fine ….Now to all dinosaur fanatics , Spinosaur was never more powerful than T rex. Even if it were bigger or its a fact , biteforce of the Rex is way higher & terrifying , and in the same way Giganotosaurus is the biggest meat eater but mostly T Rex and it are equals only. Indominus was way fierce & mean…. the only thing that was dissapointment was the fight in the end should have been more longer …between therizinosaurus, Rexy & Giga… that would have surely made for the perfect ending !! but still i am satisfied with what i got …i was a very very small kid when i saw the first JP in theatres . I feel complete & fascinated by the fact that i witnessed such a fantastic & Amazing franchise. I accept Jurassic Park & Jurassic world as complete entertainment and the icing on the cake was getting to see the trio in this last film… they just Rocked and just thanks to the entire Team , Loved Chris pratt & blue 💙💙👍…. it ended on the right note… Too much of stretch is not good for anything. Steven spielberg created a Masterpiece and Colin Trevorrow maintained the significance & Delight 👍🔥🔥🔥🔥 Jurassic World 1 is still dope. Dominion was not the greatest Masterpiece IMO but certainly it deserves no hate , nor do the actors 👍💗💗💗💗💗.

  2. I hate blue she can go screw her self for all I care she ruined the way I thought of velociraptors in Jurassic park Vicious carnivores that hate human beings not pet’s

  3. Didn’t think there was anything wrong with Chris Pratt! Who wants to see characters all similar. Having a background like being in the Navy before the events of Jurassic World and not a scientist or something isn’t a bad thing! And it didn’t seem to be a problem for Dewanda Wise who had a background in the Air Force! 💁🏻‍♂️

  4. I love this movie it brought my childhood cast from the first jurassic park 1993 to be with the 2015 jurassic park 4 cast awesome 👌

  5. A dinosaur can't make faces like that, it's ridiculous. There are no proper facial muscles. Attributing to him people's reactions is also funny, the first part was the best and was really suspenseful because the director treated animals like animals and not disguised people.

  6. This video oozes of wokeness; trashing every main character but the one minority and the evil billionaire being an Elon Musk evil and UN-ethical billionaire.

    The new black female pilot character was so one dimensional and useless. And i don’t know if you know this, but Elon Musk is the leader in alternative energy vehicles, and the reason why there is a market for it.

    That being said, the movie was bad. But this video was cringey with your wokeness

  7. Apparently the velociraptors are only as fast as whatever they're chasing. They can't catch Claire running on foot. They can't catch her in the back of the little utility truck. But they can run fast enough to catch a Fairchild C-119 at it's takeoff speed on a runway. The stall speed of the C-119 is listed at 102 mph. So the plane needs around 20% over the stall speed to takeoff and climb out. So now these velociraptors can run 120+ mph? I thought this movie had too much of that kind of crap going on. I thought it kinda sucked.

  8. All the extra backstory they gave Maisy in this movie was sooo dumb and unnecessary. I was fine with her being a clone of Lockwood's daughter as established in the last movie (even if that twist wasn't really that great either). But making her the clone/daughter of some super smart scientist who died felt forced, un-needed, and just weird

  9. what makes the movie stupid is the fact that all these dinosaurs are roaming the earth with humans. As if everything would be fine. When velociraptors were chasing the main charachters through the city i saw people in the background walking aroumd like it was a regular sunny day. In reality no one would be outside everyone would be in hiding making food runs every month when they can, The world would be abandoned like walking dead not just functioning normally.

    Their are T Rex's outside looking for people to eat. No one would just go outside and hop on a razor scooter and ride around just to end up as a meal for a dinosaur Dumbest movie ever. So the real question is.. Whats wrong with you??? that u would ignore common sense, i guess if your 5 years old it was a great film but adults can see through that nonesense.

  10. I just saw it. And I'm gonna be very honest on how I perseved it. I was NOT looking forward to this after Fallen Kingdom، but I did enjoy it. I thought the surprise of the new threat of cretaceous locusts was a welcome one. It was scientific and practical. I agree I am not a fan of the Owen – Claire subplot, I liked how by the time of this film they were a lot more relatable as human beings. The pilot and the new dude in the lab were definitely huge improvements. And I honestly am happy that they were able to make this as enjoyable as it was with the locust plot being the main driving force.
    I mean seriously , a world where dinosaurs are still running rampant and then you destroy tthe crops too. The ecosystems are already screwed up. How much more could you destroy?
    I would like to see a JP7 showing how the integration of the dinos effects ecosystems in the long run. We already have seen wolves and foxes being replaced. Pretty soon we'll lose cattle and megafauna to the giant herbavores. Not sure much difference will be made with just mosasaurs but all other ecosystems are going down the gutter

  11. I have a movie pass.. I saw it several times in theaters. So. Good! I LOVE the scene when claire is stuck in the tree and sees the Therizinosaurus for the first time. Those eyes! The dino fight sequences were plentiful and terrific. I will definitely buy when it comes out! I don't understand the hate at all.

  12. Christ Pratt fits the Jurassic world series very well. He actually brings more uplifting and energetic energy into the series and made it entertaining. The negative views on him are stupid. I hope Chris Pratt gets more movies.

  13. Bro… You can't rag on Owen's character for being boring or bad because he's a "typical archetype of a tough guy with military-background" and then praise Kayla's character for being basically the exact same thing, except she had a change of heart out of nowhere, trusting some lady she's never met just because she saw a picture of a little girl. Like, how the hell did she not DIE in all her years of black-market trading if she's so blindly trusting of strangers?? I love her sarcasm too but god what a dumb analysis of their characters… "Cynical and jaded to courageous and crusading" my ass, her character arc and change of heart lasted all of two minutes.

  14. The fact you specifically called out Chris Pratt as the “worst” is just a clear sign of the Hollywood BS. Chris Pratt is easily one of the best parts of JW trilogy. Not as great as the OG cast but he made the JW trilogy. You guys just hate Chris because he’s just a all around great human being on and off screen lmao 😂

  15. Is it just me or do the raptors look stupid, their eyes are too big and they’re bigger than in the Jurassic park movies

  16. 8:32 Did he just call the Sinoceratops a Triceratops? Dont do my boy sinoceratops like that.
    Edit: Saurolophus 💀💀💀

  17. One of the worst movies ever. What were they thinking? With such a good star cast how can you miss on the main thing? THE PLOT!

  18. I’m not for or against Pratt. He does fine with what he got. Regardless of how you feel about him it’s not his fault the movie is faulty. They promised Dinos mixed with society at the end of the last one. And that only happened briefly until they brought in another containment of Dinos 🙄

  19. Point of fact, she doesnt recive a new plane, she buys it with the big bag of money she got for delivering beta..

  20. I loved the movie. It was the second best of the Jurassic Park / World movies, and second only to the original. The Malta scenes were extremely unrealistic, like Claire being able to outrun a velociraptor on a roof or Owen being able to accelerate his motorbike at a faster rate than an airplane taking off, but those scenes didn't detract from an otherwise really good film! They did an outstanding job of exploring the ethics of how greedy billionaires could exploit dinosaurs living amongst us, and the redemption of Henry Wu, though a bit fantastical, was wonderful to see. Brilliant job by Trevarrow, a worthy successor to Spielberg!

  21. Only thing good was getting the band back together, even with that, the movie suck dick. Locusts, seriously, wtf, the dinos which is suppose to be the main attraction of the film is like an extra , very bad

  22. My favourite part is where Dodgson finally have a ending, the book (lost world) Dodgson got killed by the mama T-Rex to feed the baby Rex on site B, but they took the ending of the book and placed it with dilophosaurs killing him for and karma Easter eggs

  23. Let me guess Chris Pratt is your least favorite because he is a white man of faith,while Dewanda Wise is your favorite because she is a woman of color.Predictable hollywood thinking.

  24. Jeff and DeWanda were my favorite parts of Dominion! Jeff's sarcasm during the third act had me laughing out loud

  25. You lost me when you claimed DeWanda Wise was the best part of the film. She was horrible. The only time she wasn't was when she was trying to save Maisie as they were climbing up that ladder. That could have just been the dialog but still. It felt like she was trying too hard to be the cool, tough character. A lot like Pratt in both JW and FK.


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