
The Barbarian World


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50 pemikiran pada “The Barbarian World”

  1. India has an actual ra*e culture and leftists will come up with all sorts of excuses for why it’s excusable

  2. Guy says India is not like that, as he is in India on a motorbike and likely will be for some time before he is able to leave

  3. I don’t really like how old mate says ‘hi caste Indians’ like they’re automatically better than the low cast ones?

  4. All of what you are saying is probably true but I know people who travelled to India on a reputable tour business and everything was fine.

  5. It seems a bit suspicious to me that they both, especially the woman, seems more calm about the horrendous event to talk in a virtue signaling manner about the country. I wouldn’t imagine someone who has experienced a “cultural enrichment” session would have anything else on their mind other than dealing with the trauma… The woman, to me, honestly doesn’t look traumatized.

  6. Interesting that Callum brought up Singapore.
    I myself have travelled there and Singapore actually has a little India which is a nice way of saying a filthy ethnic enclave littered with trash despite the country's anti littering legislation and corporal punishment.

    Whilst there as part of a guided tour with my brother and father a mob of Indian men formed in the street and stared at us wherever we went. Oogling the blonde woman in our group and making her so uncomfortable that she returned to the bus and sat there until the next section of our trip.

    Feeling uncomfortable ourselves we decided to walk down one of the alleyways full of stores until an Indian man then pulled my father into his store and proceeded to give a 10 minute sob story about how he needs to feed his family and why we should all but Kashmir trousers. Luckily my internet racism came in handy and I smelled something was up so I pulled my family out the store and we returned to the bus.

    Turns out, they intentionally waste tourist's time to cause them to miss the bus trapping them in little India in which they will then attempt to rob you or extort you for money in order to get a ride back to civilized Singapore. Very lucky I didn't fall for it.

  7. Don't think for one moment these types of men only target tourists; they treat ALL women as potential prey. I recall a story about a young lady who was out with one of male friends, got on a bus, & the woman was brutally gang-raped by all the men. As part of the men's attack on her, they used a long metal pipe on her, & her intestines ended up hanging out between her legs. She died, but survived long enough at the hospital to identify her attackers. THAT'S the kind of 'men' were talking about here, absolute, unadulterated barbarians & savages.

    As a woman, I would NEVER visit one of these places PERIOD. India will never see any of my money until the MAJORITY of it's people learn how to behave like civilized humans, but that would require dismantling their entrenched caste culture & educating (teaching ALL Indians to read & then continuing to work on civilizing them). I'm not holding my breath, as most don't even have proper toilets with plumbing, they shit in their own religious temples, & bathe in an open sewer known as the Ganges. They still have 'untouchables, where if your mother was BORN into prostitution, so are YOU as a young child. Within this caste system, there is NO upward mobility, you are stuck doing exactly what your family has done for generations, regardless if that's farming or prostitution. It's a horrid 'cultural tradition' that needs to be completely eradicated.

  8. "There is an English person here, we're queuing properly." If that isn't the ultimate expression of British civility I don't know what is.

  9. One of my favorite Sargon vids of all time was the "all cultures are beautiful" response. Exposing the African vampire scare where they murdered doctors en masse and eventually even the government had to agree that there were vampires because the backlash against reason was so intense. Just one of many examples… unfortunately that vid is lost to time >.<

  10. A few year ago a British liberal woman went to Haiti for social reasons protecting the reputation of their men. She was gang raped but somehow managed to blame white male hierarchy! WTF

  11. When I was in engineering school, I had a friend who got an internship that made her go on a business trip to Mexico. She barely survived a cartel kidnapping while she was down there — her and her coworkers got into a shootout with the cartel and everything. Why would you EVER leave USA or Europe? I just don't get it.

  12. Imagine living your whole life safe, and around effective police forces that you can't even fathom danger or ineffectual policing.

  13. The most racist people in the world are non whites. They hate other tribes, other countries, other religions, the sect you are in in particular countries. The list is endless.
    Look at the Eritrean brawls recently. The Muskims vs Hindi in NW England about 1-2 years ago

  14. If women dress scantilly, they are defibstely viewed as a yseable commodity.
    If you travel tp any 3rd world style contey, women must adhere to the coverup nirns. Blindes ir winen un jyst bea style toos they are targeted. They also put the man travelling with them at risk of death

  15. india is litterally reverse 1984. There is almost 1000 different languages in that place. And that's because India is the closest thing to a complete ancapistan in practice. How can you have 1984 if everyone just start purposely speaking a different language to just not talk to the establishment? How can you manage to get anything done having to juggle borderline almost completely different set of customs for every 5 miles traveled? How do you manage to have rule of law in a country where no one trusts each other enough to think the person writing the law is actually going to follow it themself?

  16. Jaguar car engineer said similar, TATA employee visiting UK said he wished Britain still ran India. Instead it's been reversed!

  17. To add to the questionable animal actions, do not forget the poor orangutan that was part of a brothel and, thank God, was eventually rescued and sent to an animal rehab center.

  18. This might explain why Priti Patel and Suella Braverman, both women of Indian extraction are regarded as hard line on crime and immigration to this country. They will be aware of the dangers women and girls face in India, and they don't want to see the same thing happen here.

  19. This happens so many times that I can't even bring myself to feel sorry for the people it happens to anymore. If you run into a burning house, chances are that you'll get burned.

  20. Not all cultures are equal. Good to see Harry has discovered this and taken some action on his hair situation.


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