The Babylonian Map of the World with Irving Finkel | Curator’s Corner S9 Ep5

The Babylonian map of the world is the oldest map of the world, in the world. Written and inscribed on clay in Mesopotamia around 2,900-years-ago, it is, like so many cuneiform tablets, incomplete. However, Irving Finkel and a particularly gifted student of his – Edith Horsley – managed to locate a missing piece of the map, slot it back into the cuneiform tablet, and from there set us all on journey through the somewhat mythical landscape of Mesopotamia to find the final resting place of the ark. And yes we mean that ark, as in Noah’s ark. Although in the earlier Mesopotamian version of the flood story, the ark is built by Ziusudra.

Contains a baby Irving. His beard is not white.

00:00 Intro
00:52 Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets
01:48 The oldest map of the world, in the world
02:07 What is the Babylonian Map of the World?
02:34 The Babylonian Map of the World explained
04:13 What are the triangles on the Babylonian Map of the World?
06:17 Missing triangle on the Babylonian Map of the World
06:52 Edith Horsley – Cuneiform LEGEND
07:20 Channel 4 News report on Babylonian Map of the World September 1995
09:48 What the missing piece revealed
11:39 The ark and parsiktu-vessel
13:22 Mount Ararat and Mount Urartu
14:18 What does it all mean?
15:07 Author of Babylonian Map of the World

#mesopotamia #curatorscorner #babylon

world , The Babylonian Map of the World with Irving Finkel | Curator’s Corner S9 Ep5 , #Babylonian #Map #World #Irving #Finkel #Curators #Corner #Ep5
, British Museum,History,Art,Archaeology,Anthropology,Museum

41 pemikiran pada “The Babylonian Map of the World with Irving Finkel | Curator’s Corner S9 Ep5”

  1. Irving will be in the live chat and answering your questions from 16:00 BST, Thursday 1 August. If you want a notification before the premiere starts just reply to this comment. We'll reply back to each of you 20 mins before we start the Q+A with Irv and you should get a push notification from that. You can also use the "Notify Me" feature that pops up in the player after the trailer for this video., but some of you have told us it isn't that reliable a feature. So do that, comment here, whatever you feel like. See you at 4pm tomorrow!

    The video itself will start playing at 16:30 BST, Thursday 1 August.

  2. 5:40 "Of course nobody ever went there" – really, why not? The Bablyonians had mastered water transport. Also you talk about how it references "giant birds that couldn't fly". Ostriches were indigneous to the Levant & Syria. Further afield the elephant bird existed in Madagascar which is distant but not inconceivably so.

  3. I will leave it to others smarter than myself to praise Mr Finkel for his knowledge. I would like to just say that I hope when I am 70 I have just a fraction of his style! That suit is top notch. 🙂

  4. I love this man! The many videos made, both in this series and others on Youtube that he has contributed to, on the Royal Game of Ur were the main draw for me to visit the British Museum when I was in London a few years ago. Spent the entire day (yes, the entire day, open to close….and I still missed the Rosetta Stone!) walking through the exhibits. As problematic as some of the aquisitions are… I mean… I can't help but be grateful they are all in one place for me to have had the chance to see them. Does that make it right on a moral level? Probably not. But still, it was a fantastic day.

  5. So interesting! How just one word can lead your research and findings is amazing!
    I've been a military historian for over 50 years. I started to research Jan 6, the infamous "insurrection" that's the key word. It's definitely not a common word, in fact the links I found and the truly planned event were because of this one word.
    The top military general in the Jan 6 event used this word and had all traces of "riot" and "protest" relating to Jan 6 scrubbed from the internet. The reason it had to be called "insurrection" was in a way frightening, because it was due to the ability to use an archaic law "Insurrection Law of 1807" giving the government and military sweeping power to put down "civilian unrest" and updated to include Jan 6 as a reason to use this power in a devastating way.
    You always want to check yourself. And I did, I looked at this top military general and in 2016, he held a military "exercise" called "Jade Helm" in Texas. What was it about? How the military could be used in civilian unrest, in an "insurrection". That was the term used in this general's exercise. To double-check myself, This is the only military official, or politician to use this one word.
    There was a lot more information unlocked when I found this connection, really surprising and it did give me a feeling of fear. This wasn't the past anymore, but the present. I'd rather stay in the past…….
    It makes me remember Ecclesiastes "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."

  6. Shurely Noahs boat orginally must have bben mae during the iceage melting and som efloding that occured -maybe the final flooding made by that newly found astreoid crater in greenland – and i guess the land flooded were the land in the red sea and they had to get upstrems and a round boat dont need oars when the water is pushing it upwards to Uartu

  7. To me this is more of a clue that certain stories come from places/civilizations we would not immediatly associate with Israel/Hebrews of old, and not to be seen as a confirmation.
    I hope all the cuneiform tablets get translated rather sooner than later. The more we learn, the more we can put into perspectives that make more sense.


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