
The 2024 World Juniors Is Pissing People Off


We talk more about the past few days of action at the 2024 World Junior Championships including Canada vs. Germany, United States vs. Slovakia, Sweden vs. Finland and other games.

#hockey #worldjuniors #wjc2024

0:00 Canada – Germany
3:07 US – Slovakia
3:59 Other Games
6:50 Sweden – Finland

world , The 2024 World Juniors Is Pissing People Off , #World #Juniors #Pissing #People
, nhl,nhl highlights,hockey,hockey highlights,world junior championships,wjc,wjc 2024,canada wjc,canada wjc 2024,connor bedard,macklin celebrini,celebrini

44 pemikiran pada “The 2024 World Juniors Is Pissing People Off”

  1. All these absolute pansies in the comments making calls like they've actually played the game at a high level before. Newsflash you haven't. You don't even have a full grasp of the rules. Guys head is clearly up he even gets rid of the puck before the hit. Sad. Stick to tiddlywinks.

  2. The non-call on Canada high sticking Germany then scoring an essential 5 on 3 pissed me off a lot. Changed the course of the game for sure

    Geekie also deserved that major

    And I’m a Canadian here.

  3. gord miller trying to give advice to germany letting in goals, when he clearly didnt understand the tiebreaker was the most fun thing about that germany latvia game.

  4. i have watched hockey a long time.. and whenever you have biased commentators making biased analysis during the live broadcast, it always does something with the people watching and creates a mob. if you are objective and watch the plays canada is complaining about, there is nothing there. if you have the puck and about to receive a hit, dont turn and crunch down. Geekies hit is unfortunate because the primary point of contact was the head, so the call is automatic.
    I think IIHF has done a okay job with these 5 min majors, i have more problem with all the smaller infractions that doesn't affect the game. destroys the flow. and changes the outcome.

  5. Nah…
    The Fins worked hard and earned that win
    It is obvious that they watched the Canada Sweden game
    and it is obvious they saw what Canada was doing wrong too.
    They fixed the problem and it shows.

  6. This was absolutely a major And has been in international play for years. It's a different set of rules.

    Give your head a shake.


  7. all of europe is just mad at canada for dumpster fucking their entire continent in hockey for the past 150+ years. First the sweeden refs and then this its a pretty funny joke

  8. No other country should be able to make rules in hockey other then Canada. This pussy hockey has to stop!! Absolute don’t care to watch anymore and I played hi caliber hockey for 20 years. Not only that I’m not the only one in my friend group that feels this way.

  9. This guy is too biased for canadians. If you keep making videos i hope you dont keep being so biased so maybe its enjoyable for other countries to watch your videos also 🙂 And you are clueless about the finland vs sweden that no one cared to win that in ot, you dont know apparently about the finland vs sweden rivalry you never wanna lose just for pride!

  10. please please DONT ever Ever upload any type of these videos again, i have never ever heard that much shit and i ve only watched first minute of the video like in what world isnt that hit for major penalty

  11. this was clear checking to the head nothing to talk about only braindead canadiens say its not match pen

  12. Three issues to consider with the Geekie hit. Schindler was in a slightly crouched position when contact was made. Geekie's initial contact was with Schindler's head. Geekie was moving at a pace that was close to charging. In Europe this is a no doubt 5 minute plus game penalty despite Schindler's body position. There have been calls that Canada could moan about in this tournament including the boarding incident in this game and the boarding in the Sweden game, but the Geekie call is not one they could complain about.

  13. You know, as a Canadian fan, I actually can accept that Geekie deserved a penalty – maybe even 5 minutes – there. The international rules specifically bar any contact with the head, and there was head contact. In the NHL, that's a clean hit – just yesterday, Juraj Slafkovský of the Montréal Canadiens got hit by Stefan Noesen in a very similar way, but no penalty was assessed. Rules are different, I'm okay with it. But what I'm not okay with is the referees being inconsistent in how they apply the rulebook. The lack of a boarding call in the Sweden-Canada game was a perfect example of this – the IIHF rules specifically state that the duty is on the player applying the check to ensure that their opponent is not in a defenseless position, and if so they must avoid or minimize contact. Owen Beck was in a defenseless position, and Forsfjall could've let up (as the rule requires), but he didn't. I'm not saying it should've been a major, but it's a minor for sure. That might've been called in the NHL…it definitely met the IIHF standard.

    That said, I do think the IIHF does apply their rules more consistently than the NHL, leading to a greater degree of predictability. In the NHL, if you did such a hit like Forsfjall did on Beck to a guy like Auston Matthews or Leon Draisaitl, it would be called every time, and maybe even be a 5 minute penalty. Also, the NHL cares a lot more about the result of a play – if a player is injured, the call is more likely to get made, and a suspension is more likely to be assessed. But they should care only about the legality of the play, nothing more – players can only control their actions. They can't control the severity of the outcome – a dangerous play that doesn't cause an injury is still a dangerous play, and a player getting away with it is more likely to do it again. This is less of a problem in the IIHF.

  14. Read the rules Zippy, initial point of contact the head is a major penalty and suspension in the NHL, and the rules in the juniors is much more stringent.

  15. I dont disagree with the call. But at the same time guy was just trying to lay a hit on the forecheck and the set the tone.

  16. Rules are very clear outside of North America about contact with the head. Make ANY contact with the head it’s a five and game penalty. No ifs, no buts, just Boom, done. Players all know this and need to play accordingly. I have no problem with that rule and this particular call. Frankly, I wish that North American hockey leagues would adopt the same rule. It would be much healthier for players and avoid the almost automatic scrums and fights after hits like this one.

  17. The Refs made a call that told both teams we are not going to let the game get out of hand. It did look like a headshot and I believe that's an automatic 5 min major

  18. As a Canadian this was clearly a headshot. The hit from behind was the Canadian turning at the last second. The refs made both calls correctly.

  19. Europeans cannot play good hockey therefore they must use powerplays due to whining and diving to try to keep up. I notice the camera cuts out on many European infractions. They lay on the ice to try to draw penalties, fine acting skills.
    Cross check infront of the net with no puck around. Slash, stick grabs and holding good Canadian hockey players off side as the camara quickly pans away. Too much soccer!
    It seems the ref's know they need to do it so they oblige. Lots of excuses, not much skill.
    If you don't believe me, watch highlights from their local leagues.
    Happy New Years losers!!

  20. The world juniors actually tolerates “headshots” quite more than people think. But only if the player’s head was up & contact was unavoidable. He straightens up on this check & head contact could definitely have been avoided had he stayed low. Good call imo

  21. Being tall does not give you the right for a headshot. The player has to have control of his body regardless of size.

  22. Hits him directly in the head. Good call. Also good call the german didnt get a major. The difference being that the canadian player turned the last second when a tackle was already initiated and unavoidable.

    Also consistent with other calls. Sweden got a major vs latvia because of a tackle in the numbers. Sweden did not get a major vs Canada because of the same situation as the german in this match, the canadian turned last second and the tackle was unavoidable.

    You cant excuse Geek for being tall. Thats how you get a concussion and getting a few during a career can have big health consequenses.


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