
Take Putin seriously or risk World War III, former head of British army warns


“This is a late 1930s moment, and if we don’t react to it, we’re doomed not to learn the lessons of history.”

Lord Dannatt warns the UK government and our NATO allies to take the threat of Putin seriously.

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world , Take Putin seriously or risk World War III, former head of British army warns , #Putin #risk #World #War #III #British #army #warns
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32 pemikiran pada “Take Putin seriously or risk World War III, former head of British army warns”

  1. Today, all of us must address Putin and ponder the question:
    Are we Neville Chamberlain or are we Winston Churchill?

  2. nato? all this talk about NATO… when a war breaks out… having "meeting" with NATO does NOTHING…….VERY overrated…" cast of world peace"…. yah right

  3. Except that the Conservatives in America love Putin. Whatever Trump loves, they love. If Putin Nukes Ukraine, they will blame it on Hillary.

  4. How we can listen to this liar genocide? This former British army can warn anyone? Is he related to Chamberlain? This guy is just a loser and no one should listen to him. Times Radio ?

  5. £100 million for the Coronation of Charles 111, better spent on defense. ….Let’s hope he has some practical skills with sticks and stones if he survives Armageddon.

  6. Is there a cen turies old Russ ian nav al base in Germany or Poland or other NATO countries, or a milli ons large popul ation of Rus sians in those countries that have been sh*lled by the government for years? No? Well, that's why Ru ssia is taking that land, so then what is the rationale for believing Put in will invad e NATO countries.?

  7. What a load of garbage. NATO provoked this conflict and this neocon proxy war against Russia has been another huge blunder for these idiots. I hope NATO falls apart and Russia wins this conflict hands down.

  8. Republicans don’t grasp that if this war breaks out we won’t be shielded by Europe taking the first hit; we’ll be in that hit too, and we won’t have time prepare after the war starts. We have to really work together to protect freedom. If Trump gets elected we’ll be in real trouble. We cannot underestimate the threat he poses as his popularity seems to be gaining strength. His threat just seems not to be penetrating the right wing, and unfortunately the reality of the threat is getting through.

  9. This man is right 95% of people living in Europe think our governments are looking after our safety.Start looking over your shoulder

  10. Putin is the master of deception. He means no good for Europe, Israel, and the US. He should be imprisoned in his own Gulag for life.

  11. Totally agree with him. If western resolve falters now, you can kiss goodbye to any future prospects of peace. It may not start straight away but give it 10 years and Europe if not the world is involved in a massive war that will make WW2 child's play. We must take heed of history.

  12. When are the Republicans going to awaken to the crisis we are in? What can we as average people do to help awaken people to the reality of the threat Putin poses? Our governing body seems to have no grasp of the urgency of this crisis.

  13. We start acting now, Key one of the biggest distractions this country is bothered about such as Brexit, Migrants crossing in small boats. political infighting, THIS MUST STOP NOW. We need to train everyone who is mentally and physically who can do the necessary skills to survive starting at home. Any other personal issues need to be put aside for now. We need to concentrate on vital components such as logistical support. Arms training, agricultural support, a strong medical team, and rebuilding our arms force for those who are willing to do their bit. Without these small cogs, these key vital components are absent, and the machine will cease to run.

  14. stopping isl*mic migration is fundamental to the security of the UK and the west. continuing the Ukraine war is fundamental to someone's security, but not to regular citizens – at all.

  15. Like a long line of Russia's rulers before him, Putin is indifferent to the heavy loss of Russian lives – especially since the ethnic minorities are over-represented among them and recruits from Moscow and St Petersburg under-represented. The unknown factor is how long the Russian people will bear so much slaughter for so little result.

  16. stop illegal immigrants on rubber Dingys and 8 million a day on hotels for these people would be a good start.

  17. Only a few weeks ago they were saying Russia was collapsing, bankrupt no tanks no ammunition no soldiers 😂

  18. Europes leaders have destroyed our military and the billions we now need to rebuild will create jobs and income. Withouth leaders Europe is doomed. The politicians that have a degree in economics must go. We need real leaders not the elites pets.

  19. I've been saying the same as this guy we need to spend much more , but it need to be on the people as well to get more money in circulation and that takes giving it out to get us out of recession, but the government wont get both acts together, and yet we need both to be able to do one .

  20. So says the country that abandoned Europe with Brexit. The UK threw away its credibility (and its economy and future) when it abandoned Europe.


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