
T8 Matchmaking is Broken in World of Tanks


World of Tanks – IS-6. Today I’m discussing the issues with T8 matchmaking and preferential premium tanks.

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50 pemikiran pada “T8 Matchmaking is Broken in World of Tanks”

  1. Thanks for all your opinions!

    Apologies I didn't even see the elaborate "elephant art" that some distinguished individual was trying to portray to me through exquisite use of XVMs features. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. I watched all of this and still didn't understand if he was saying the IS-6 was too good or too weak…

  3. T8 matchmaking is hell, I just grinded through the O-HO and while the tank isn't the best, what made it worst is the amount T8 premium op tanks I have to fight, when I see an all T8 match up I'm pretty much bottom tier where my 'superheavy' hull armour becomes swiss cheese and everybody slings gold shells which makes my entire tank green to them.

    When I got to the Type 4 Heavy the matcmaking was amazing! +1-1MM is perfect where I feel I still have a great impact in a ½ T10 ½ T9 matchup, it really seems the penetration and armour with T10 and T9 are balanced around eachother, I can reliably go through weak points of most all tanks I meet with my regular AP rounds, I am profitable with a standard account 70-80% of my games I rarely shoot gold and I often turn to HE especially with my big caliber gun they tend to do consistent damage.

    Now the top tier tank in a +1-1MM will always be stronger but the bottom tier enemy is still formidable and you can't simply walk all over like when you're +2.
    Speaking of +2, the top 3 tanks in a +2 matchup have a lot of pressure on them, where if you get tomato top tiers you're chances of winning are cut by half especially when you're bottom tier where you can't make that big an impact at all, and a single shot from a top tier heavy or TD will take half or more of your HP.

    Not sure why I wrote this comment but I feel like I found a secret tressure with T9 MM, +1 -1 is amazing!

  4. I dont understand the logic. When I play I always want to be bottom tier you get to have way more exp and you can just play a little smarter and the game is more fun

  5. I killed 2 tier 10 tanks is 7 and I think a supet conqueror in t 44 100 which is tier 8 so that proves that if you are a skilled player you will be able do some damage in tier 10 matches

  6. But try this with platoon u always bottom tier in any tier… Like whats the point be against X in paloot of VIII?? Or V -VII… WG thinks this is balanced. One of biggest reasons i play other games and usually the losses are like 3-15 so balanced

  7. Well over a year later since you made this vid QB and the MM is still broken. If WG wanted to fix it they would, it's obvious they don't give a shit. Get rid of 3/5/7 and +/- 2 MM. What is so damn hard about making it +/- 1 MM and balancing each team based on the stats of the players in the que? That way you don't get stomped by vehicles 2 tiers higher AND you don't get an auto loss due to one team having much better players.

  8. I don't get even MM games anymore. Maybe 1 good game in 20 but even thats very unlikely. Why? Because both teams have only 3 top tiers which can stomp everything else. So if one of them throws the game, maybe the only tier 8 heavy on your team, you're fucked, bc you have no counter against the enemy tier 8 heavy, plowing through your tier 6 and 7 tanks and winning the game single handedly. Thats why 90% of games, I play nowadays, last about 3-6 minutes and end on maybe 0-12 or 2-13. Fuck you WG for being such a terrible, russian-biased, greedy, small-dicked, cash grabbing company.

  9. After wargaming decided that getting new players was the only thing to care about this game has just been crap. All the old fun maps that Wargaming decided to just throw away in the bin, and all the fun gamemodes. Iv'e been playing this game for around 6 years and this game just isn't fun anymore.

  10. In blitz you can use the low pen gun shown here or a high pen gun which has around 225mm of pen but you lose 1 whole round per minute.

  11. Tier 10 MM isn't any better ( at least on xbox one )you get a mostly or all tier 10 battle ,many times you'll end up with 6-8 TDs on one team and 2-3 on the other . So one ends up with all the firepower.

  12. yeah dont think "Wargaming" is going to be considerate, long as there getting Paid, they dont really give a Hoot, what we think, just the cold hard truth, money…

  13. You know a game has gone to shite when even the most loyal and dependable YouTubers covering it are talking bad about it.

  14. Almost one year later they didn't even touch their MM at all and tier VIIIs MM still terrible to play. I didn't play tier VIII for half a year already and thinking of quite from WOT

  15. I would argue that there isn't enough T10 tanks being played. I don't blame people for not playing them. you get nothing out of it except ripped off. but, since there aren't as many t10's being played, they have to pull t9 and t8 tanks to fill up games. I bet if they turned T10 tanks into something close to a premium tank, that more people would play them and we wouldn't see some many issues. they don't have to be nearly the credit making monsters that some t8's, but make them far better then they are now.

  16. I cant blieve how WG can so shamelessly lie about their mm struggling and having to put tier 8- into games where they meet tanks two tiers higher. Im mostly plying with 5 and 6 six tanks and quite often I have long sessions where I have to face tier 7 and 8 tanks in 70 percent of my games- and I often dont even see the screen that is shown when you are witing to ve pit in a game. THERE ARE ALMOST ALWAYS 380+ VEHICLES, HOW IS IT POSSIBLY FOR MM TO NOT BE ABLE TO FIND A PROPER MATCH?

  17. No, not the T8 mm is broken… it is, but it isnt the only tier that's broken… Also t6 and T4, Of course T4 Is easily grindable. But T6 is broken as much as T8. Seriously, WG PLS Patch

  18. I have already unlocked the T8 soviet light tank LTTB, but I keep plying at T7 exactly for the Rea sono that I dont want constantly face T10 tanks.


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