
Surviving Here is IMPOSSIBLE! Most Dangerous Place in the World! Top 20


Surviving Here is IMPOSSIBLE! Most Dangerous Place in the World! Top 20

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47 pemikiran pada “Surviving Here is IMPOSSIBLE! Most Dangerous Place in the World! Top 20”

  1. Tell me
    Does the tall building where people staying in a hanging board plank just like in the video cover is in this video?

    Im at minute 05:00

  2. Every day we have illegal immigrants which originate from these cities come into the usa and form gangs. Just wait 10 years, its going to get very bad.

  3. This is ALL proof that prohibition doesn't work. Legalize EVERYTHING and contain areas just like Hamsterdam

  4. In some places, in America, they have de-funded police, they have let some go because they refused to be vaccinated, and some police got different jobs, because they simply didn't like the type of culpability they were facing, for their reactions to the violent behavior of criminals (doing their jobs), when they are trying to arrest them. So there is a shortage of actual feet on the ground, in some places. Plus, they are not giving these criminals bail, they release them while they wait for court dates, no matter the crime, then, the punishment is usually pathetic, no deterrent to other criminals, or the one who committed the crime. It's a sad cycle in these metro areas who typically vote, "progressive". And forget about all these illegals who came in without background checks! How many terrorists, gang members, from DOZENS of countries that HATE the USA. Seriously…THEY HATE US!
    So buckle up! If this administration in the USA, whomever is running it, keeps up, we will have all our metro areas looking like this!

  5. These Central American countries are a lot safer now that their criminals have been “running for their safety” to the U.S.

  6. Showing that two thirds of the World’s population are feral and completely savage. Humankind is regressing.

  7. I've lived in St Louis my whole life which is 67 years and it was even number one murder city as far back as the 1970s😢

  8. Then narrator failed to mention the common thread between these places . That would be corrupt criminal government .Citizens then follow the example .

  9. It all begins with their upbringing mothers having many children without fathers poverty breeds contempt they have no authority no schooling are illiterate that’s all they know poverty goes from generation to generation to generation

  10. Well, Tucker Carlson comes to mind:
    "you don`t have to have crime, don`t you?"

    El Salvador was considered the most dangerous country in the world until recently president Bukele turned it into the safest in whole Latin America.

    If there is a will, there will be a way.

  11. We should consider the world as a kind of hell, where we should procure ourselves a fire-proof shelter.

  12. In the beginning you said that in some places crime is so high that when you call the police they won't bother coming? You must be talking about NYC, where even beating on Police doesn't put you in jail…

  13. I didn't like the video but I'm very glad I watched it. Here in North America, I believe we see what we want to see and close are eyes and minds to things we don't like like violence and crime. It doesn't fit into most of our "ideal" existence. But shutting it out only puts us in a false sense that everything is just fine. It makes us lower our guards to what is real. Thank you so much for making this video. We need to see and hear the reality, that's the only way to help fight it. God bless everyone ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.

  14. I guess that the evil white devils are to busy working and taking care of their families to contribute their share to these criminal hell holes!

  15. Ok Detroit has its isuess but all my fam from there ì Was raised there for a bit move and then moved back move again and now trying to move back so it aint that darn bad you gotta watch out for all theem loose pitbulls more than the niggas lol but everyone hustles if you can get got you might get got but thats on you for being green

  16. Hillbrow, Johannesburg at number 4. The exponential increase in criminal activity and other worse things is a direct consequence of illegal aliens that have invaded South Africa.

  17. Venezuela emptied their prisons and thousands of these criminals and gang bangers have made their way to America thanks to Bidens open border policy.


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