
Super Mario 3D World – World Star-3 Green Stars & Stamp Locations Guide & Walkthrough


Find all 3 Green Stars & the Stamp in World Star-3 Rolling Ride Run with our 100% guide for Super Mario 3D World!

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29 pemikiran pada “Super Mario 3D World – World Star-3 Green Stars & Stamp Locations Guide & Walkthrough”

  1. Fun Fact: You don't need any power ups or multiply player for the third green star, you just need a well timed spin jump with rosalina

  2. Like a few people have said, there is at least one cherry block. After the stamp there is one of the long necked birds with 3 coin stacks behind it, above those is one. Edit: there is one earlier. Right after you get on the big roll and make the first u turn(there is a 3-coin multiple use block in the turn), right at the end of that there is a platform with 2 hidden 3-long blocks, one of which has a cherry.

  3. theres also a cherry in a invisible tripple-size block on the platform with a pecking bird right after the stamp

  4. There is a trick to make moving on the roller easier just jump instead of running, it is a little bit slower but at least you won't die

  5. The third star is achievable with either,
    1. Super complex wall jumps in a corner.
    2. First option but with a Tanooki Leaf.
    3. Co-op mode.
    4. The invisible block with a Double Cherry.

  6. You can also use mini mario to tornado spin and do a couple of careful bounces on the right hand side to get the third green star. I just did it.

  7. Man I was trying for an hour to lure a goomba onto the roll and get it to follow me down to the 2 person button 😂

  8. There’s one invisible cherry block that is flat against a small left wall, in the foreground of the screen, about half way from the flag to the #2 platform.
    Otherwise you can use the tanooki suit by wall jumping at a 45 degree angle, floating to the other wall to jump, then floating diagonally again… If you alternate carefully it works.

  9. On the 2 person platform if you have a tanooky suit (The raccoon suit, I forget what it's called) you can wall jump up to the star.


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