
Sudan war may spark world’s largest hunger crisis, says aid organisation | BBC News


Sudan war may spark world’s largest hunger crisis, says WFP | BBC News

The war in Sudan could trigger the world’s largest hunger crisis, unless fighting stops, the World Food Programme (WFP) has warned.

More than 10 months of fighting has left nearly 14,000 people dead, over eight million displaced and much of the country’s population cut off and facing rising hunger.

During a visit to a camp in neighbouring South Sudan, the head of the WFP said the victims of the war had been forgotten, and that aid agencies had to be given access to those who were stranded in areas cut off by violence.

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#Sudan #BBCNews

world , Sudan war may spark world’s largest hunger crisis, says aid organisation | BBC News , #Sudan #war #spark #worlds #largest #hunger #crisis #aid #organisation #BBC #News
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50 pemikiran pada “Sudan war may spark world’s largest hunger crisis, says aid organisation | BBC News”

  1. 😂🎉😁Beniam to learn illegal activities sem =etc main.😁😁Age and gender separately grouped for 😢characters, profession, sem=etc 😂mother saness or santess.archess of Anglican church. Poess for Vatican. Rabus for Judaism, 😢Translate😁 Dais lam for Buddhism😍,sem=etc.😁😂😂

  2. Sudan has been plagued by civil ware for decades. It is not my fault, not the fault of my country, or even wider Europe. It is 100% the responsibility of the Sudanese Government and the warring factions there, to stop their childish and selfish, tribal bickering and feed their people.
    I think they would all rather see millions migrate to Europe….then they can fight each other for an empty country – that is how low an IQ they have. This is what happens when primitive tribes get hold of independence and are no longer supervised by more advanced cultures. Clearly, no African nation is capable of governing itself to any civilised standard, nor looking after its own people.
    Hence the continuous TV ads for £3 per month, so they can provide water, food or medicines…..all the things which their Governments should have accomplished long ago. Lord knows, they have received enough aid over the years.
    Africa is basically, with very few exceptions, a mental case – continuous wars and criminal governance, brought about by large-scale corruption and criminal activity by those in power.
    Over the last 30 years, these problems have been brought to Europe by the same primitive mind-set that prevails all over that beautiful, but under-achieving continent.
    The European colonisers made two mistakes:
    1. Going there in the first place.
    2. Leaving them to independence, thinking they could care for themselves.

  3. The international and community my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all international and community my family all African all the government my family all African all and all Humanity my family all brothers and sisters my family all Sudan the government my family all Sudan good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all congo the government family all congo good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all Nigeria the government my family all Nigeria good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all Uganda the government my family all Uganda good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all Ghana the government my family all Ghana good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all African all and all Humanity my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all food policies and hospital and school and electricity and water and all border and immigration and hotel and all international and community my family all brothers and sisters my family all palatine the government my family all west bank and Gaza all the government my family all South Gaza all the government my family all brothers and sisters my family all north Gaza all the government my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all amid and all from Gaza and jeursalem and all al Aqsa and all Rafah and all airlines and all company and all also export and import my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all South African the government my family all South African and all human and all history my family all peace OK thanks

  4. The same humanitarian crisis with the same root cause. Iran Terror State and the Iranian proxy terrorist groups linked financially, militarily and religiously by extremist Islamic leaders. Clerics, politicians and pseudo-ambassadors from Islam with the same extreme and violent ideology. Peace will never make room on all these countries and the violence are also spreading to Western secular states. “Plutocratic” Theocratic Islam togheter with China, Russia are destroying democracy in contemporary society paving the way for the Clash of Civilizations sponsored by the non-United Nations, Wokes Polictical Parties. Just a glimpse – Hamas's Investment Office, whose leadership oversees this network, held assets estimated to be worth more than $500million (companies operating in Sudan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and the United Arab Emirates. The group has a financial empire outside of the Gaza Strip worth nearly $750million (£600million). (C Jewes.The Hamas terrorist billionaires who live in marble-floored mansions and luxury hotels as they decry Gaza poverty after profiting from misery and terror, 7 Nov 2023. Mail Online.)

  5. All Europe US Canada … supermarkets are dumping all kinds of good foods products in the sea…After making huge profits especially using their absolute rip off tactics under the excuses of inflation….Ireland UK are among the worse in the world..
    Many governments officials involved in food, pharmaceutical and arms investments making huge profits….

  6. The VATICAN, the POPE and Zionist still destroying African people through your armies, groups and companies.

  7. Sudan has been the same for over 50yrs , too many people and no infrastructure, nothing will change .

  8. The organizations rather create an agricultural opportunity for the displaced so that the grow for the future while getting their salary to buy their food. Next this workmanship can b made to build econmic class accommodations for themselves.

  9. Ashok sahib what you are doing is incredibly important. This should be the job of so called islamic leaders but never mind, their time of destruction will come one day and then there will be no place to hide for them. I am a Pakistani muslim based in uk. I have been following and supporting your channel since this whole thing started. You are a humanitarian who does not care of anything but the truth. If we had only one leader like you, this world would be a different place. I salute your courage and honesty. You will be remembered as being on the right side of history. Thank you

  10. Here we go again time and time again the British public donations to aid organisations for Africa year in year out I was told by a South African woman in a refuge that best part of aid sent is ambushed sold on for profit in shops to the very people who are starving just thought the public should know what happens to humanitarian aid overseas

  11. Where’s all the East London hipsters protesting for justice in Sudan? Oh that’s right it’s not fashionable like some other conflicts.

  12. I’m sure that this will be another thing pushed in our faces by the woke BBC. What about the continuing rape of young girls by Islamists in THIS country.

  13. Women month former first lady mrs imran khan humilated re abused by ex husbond 6 years after divorce with om chaudry prevert that stole election seat. Dr yasmin rashid rehana darr loccked up humilated won election stolen. Nawaz sharif lost with mariam nawaz whose re locked up imran raiz ans investor dad chief crazy kazi closed kazi falimy case that evil hatred will not stop with the presacution of imran khan

  14. African continent is a war zone even since the towards of poverty line or military coup 😢😢😢😢

  15. Rom 3:23
    For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    Rom 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death;

    Psalms 9:17
    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

    Acts 8:37
    And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

    Rom 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    Corinthians 15:3-4
    For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Ephesians 2:8-9
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.


  16. Capable of being added to a vehicle such as vehicle the size of a Jeep/Land-rover-Defender or Aid Truck, comms antennae/mast (with dish such as for radio and satellite comms) that can connect a single OpenSSH connection to an aid agency or Charity or NGO or media on their behalf (depending on the per at that moment) can allow for messaging helping logistics of nutrients, vitamins, fertiliser (and anionic-surfactants for cleansing). So a recipient aid-food-warehouse could use such a vehicle (and the comms might run from petrochemical generator or instead by solar or winding-up chargers, although more like a bike to get up to 300 watts). That could help them. Over SSH to say a Squid_server in Linux_BSD with a small LCD screen (like a Pi or laptop screen but also LCD text display and speakers and microphone also for text-to-speech and speech-to-text), repair and training instruction manuals could guide how to use the (soldering, electronics, PPE, etc.) equipment intended to maintain it all. Singular Value Decomposition and pgvector for a LLM could help make Gaussian heatmaps for stock prediction or graphical inequalities and also Gaussian heatmaps for signal, geo-spatial-data and general terrain mapping (with longitude, latitude, altitude with Cronjob date-time-stamps connected to each user_OpenSSH, thus adding security (especially with reverse proxy in OpenBSD and then BSD_Jails in FreeBSD for listening on multiple sockets and containers as an extra layer of security, managing virtual environment with Ansible and ENV Metadata). Then VimWiki can have translations across multiple languages, again aided by the LLM (machine-learning). In Postgres, use pgbackrest to backup between the OpenBSD and FreeBSD machines, but also use LTO drives (3 in the vehicle pack for child-parent-grandparent backups and more specifically archiving, all hashing for checksums so one is on the OpenBSD computer and another on the FreeBSD computer and another on the Linux computer), because the data will will be small, mostly mathematical, and the tapes would be plenty, as would some DVD9 DVDRW-drives to go with it and its UPS Uninterruptable-Power-Supply (even though it would be a computer system that runs on HDD and SSD primarily). Stick FirstAid info in the VimWiki to allow understanding of the Vehicle first_Aid kit. So asset management (people and items) can be done via QR_Codes via a (battery-powered) printer, and camera system. Like with Lithium greases and lubricants and fire health and safety instructions for vehicles so mobile they can leap bodies of water, red grease would be needed to be saved for a change in leaping bodies. It is important for the future ratio to black oil in how that change in use for that is to be worth noting. This impacts wildlife as per to free birds. These are tech workarounds to mitigate challenges which share similarities with Haiti and Nigeria like the food warehouses that were raided. After these basics, any big tech or proprietary solutions add on later if that is a way that works.
    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining… Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

  17. I just can't keep up with all this societal unrest in the world. What force is at hand? Are we witnessing the intentional levelling of secular countries for those who wish to create one World government? I'm no conspiracy nut job but the world is one big sh** show right now.

  18. No country want these criminals and freeloaders in their countries. Tell them get jobs and work instead of begging for aid from other countries.

  19. By initiating legal proceedings, South Africa has opened the door for other countries to join forces and collectively advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people.


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