
Study says US military intervention in the world is backfiring


A new study finds America’s 800 military bases and counterterrorism presence in 78 countries could be backfiring. CNN’s Michael Smerconish speaks with researcher Stephanie Savell of Brown University’s Costs of War Project. #CNN #News

world , Study says US military intervention in the world is backfiring , #Study #military #intervention #world #backfiring
, US counterterrorism,US military,Terrorism,US world cop,New Study,Stephanie Savell,Cost of War project,Smerconish

41 pemikiran pada “Study says US military intervention in the world is backfiring”

  1. Being the policeman of the world can get expensive…men, money, material,, etc etc…the last train-wreck lasted 20 years in afghanistan…and what's scary about that is that there will probably be another one.

  2. Hey, we've got share holders, business is good when wars and conflicts prevail, it's just business, nothing Personal. 😮

  3. Americans and Israelis kill more civilians than resistance fighters. Plus non-Western countries are sick of US double standards..

  4. One clarification is needed here. The fight against terrorism that the United States is talking about is actually just a fight for their political and financial interests. And a lot of military bases are needed to intimidate all those who disagree with US policy. And the role of a peacemaker is just a cover, nothing more.

  5. Let’s worry about the USA first. As criminals run our streets rampant freaks lawless judges causing trouble

  6. We need to wake up Americans parts of our government has been bought and controlled by our foreign enemies, to destroyi Americans, we need to stand up because if we don't our children will suffer I don't know about you but I would give my life for my children, and it may come to that give me liberty or give me death

  7. This is total bs based on senseless cherry picked data! Not to mention on hypothetical situations. Hmm i wonder if the population increases would change the calculations any? We've seen what happens with a weakened military when we were caught with our panties down on 9/11!

  8. Biden and Trump are alike in foreign policy.. Pro-israel and pro colonial. US election is no hope for world peace. Like always

  9. In times of trouble, the UN and troubled countries appeal to US for military intervention and to lead peacekeeping forces. In times of peace these same countries demonize the US, calling its response to help an intervention.

  10. ISREAL+IRAN+USA those are the reason of the wars and conflicts in the middle east! And those who destroyed the middle east

  11. isolation at this time in world history, when established national boundaries are under threat in Ukraine, Taiwan and S. Korea, would precipitate a third WW, and if Trump returns to power, a third WW the US would lose. Now's not the time to withdraw from world affairs

    Arm 💪 Ukraine 🇷🇼

  12. You mean to tell me that arming both sides of a conflict and getting all the contracts to rebuild after everyones dead is somehow bad? What are we gonna do if we cant go around killing people the world over with no consequences ??

  13. "Its provocative and healthy conversation…" Translation: You're rocking the boat of foreign policy!!

  14. SHEEPDOGS exist to DESTROY WOLVES who threaten the pathetic and WEAK SHEEP. if you're NOT a SHEEPDOG and NOT a WOLF, you are a SHEEP. get OVER it. or get TROUNCED.

  15. These Jews have lived in various parts of the Islamic world in peace for more than 13 centuries, enjoying their full rights. Most of them had chosen to settle among us to escape the persecution of other nations. Today, instead of returning the favor and saying thank you, they attacked us with various types of weapons, stole our land, and carried out massacres, genocides, and liquidations. They killed our children, women, and elderly, kidnapped our youth, and demolished the houses on our heads. Is this how they return the favor?

  16. I don’t need to see a study coming out of Woke (Brown) University that suggests a woke military makes us as a country less safe.

  17. The media really needs to stop parroting GQP talking points to toy around with 'fairness' or whatever they think they're doing, stop going after Biden, Ukraine, etc., you're going to help our idiot population elect orange Hitler

  18. only thing that scares me is the current admin. seems like they'd be willing to start a war to stay in power, and/or cover as many tracks as possible. you know, like the hypotheticals we hear literally every day apparently about Trump.

  19. Don't tell me that American mainstream media is finally catching on to the fact that American/European terrorism debacle of the last 500 years is actually a bad thing??? Name me one superpower throughout history that was actually beneficial to any people in the world? Or even liked. I'll wait.

  20. As an American, a study was needed to realize this? Really? Our intervention has created more problems than solved for decades now.

  21. The weird thing is that this has been going on since the days of Vietnam and reached a peak under George Bush Jr., but now all of a sudden it is a problem while America is helping a country that has actually been invaded without any reason by a potentate who is a threat to the whole of Europe and the world. Weird how that happens. You would almost suspect Putin of having a hand in this, but Donald Trump has made it clear that his close personal friend would never interfere in America. Why would he lie?


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