
Spider Silk Could Save the World | Materialistic


In “Materialistic”, VICE News explores the future of ultra-sustainable fashion. In this episode, we explore synthetic silk. In their quest for stronger, more sustainable materials, industrial designers are increasingly looking at the amazing strength and versatility of spider silk. Synthetic versions of this wonder material could go a long way toward making the fashion industry more sustainable.

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Additional video provided by Dr Yuchao Wu and Dr Darshil Shah, Centre for Natural Material Innovation, University of Cambridge, The Pentagon Channel and Spiber x North Face.

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world , Spider Silk Could Save the World | Materialistic , #Spider #Silk #Save #World #Materialistic
, vice,spider,silk,synthetic silk,sustainable materials,VICE News,VICE News Tonight,VICE on HBO,news,vice video,VICE on SHOWTIME,Artificial silk,Synthetic silk production,Silk alternative,Biofabricated silk,Lab-grown silk,Sustainable silk,Eco-friendly silk,Man-made silk,Silk biomimicry,Synthetic spider silk,Silk innovation,Advanced textile technology,Silk bioengineering,Sustainable fashion,Biodegradable textiles,Green materials,Eco-conscious textiles

28 pemikiran pada “Spider Silk Could Save the World | Materialistic”

  1. Hm….a synthetic spider silk/graphene alloy yarn or layered fabric would be very functional and futuristic. Integrated circuits in the form of ganments that feel like regular clothes 😋

  2. What happened to the goat company? Their goats were so cute and I thought they were able to make product from it.

  3. ×My Lord J.ESUS Christ Returns, repent of sin and OBEY the LAW of the Father…   Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word)×××

  4. Maybe if we make jumping spiders bigger, we can just ask them to make silk for us? I’d gladly pamper those cuties and tell them how pretty they are, while people who care about silk just get it from the tap.

  5. Have to wonder about these modified bacteria and their interactions outside of the lab/factory. The big one that is crazy to me is bacteria made to eat plastic… ok now that bacteria gets into the wide and multiplies… we have a lot of plastic we are USING that it could eat.

  6. I have videoed and photographed many examples of spiders throughout the past and present so learning about evolution of the use and implementation of their silk is rewarding to experience

  7. What makes today's efforts different that what has been touted as a "revolutionary fiber" for the last 70 yrs? I've heard this all before. And it aways ends because of how hard it is to create the amount of fiber needled to mass produce it.

  8. Small detail, but the video of Dr. Shah has a slight tilt to the left that is a bit nausea inducing when cutting back and forth during the interview. Your editor should rotate that video about 3 degrees to the right. It makes the video seem a bit unprofessional especially given that it is composed of mostly zoom call footage. Otherwise interesting concept.

  9. It would be interesting if the synthetic fibres they create that is affected by the environmental conditions (like humidity) were able to produce a self-changing Camouflage materials.
    Maybe it would be affected by a specific range of wavelengths of light associated with vegetation or the lack-thereof rather than humidity ?

  10. "I feel that man has ruled this world as a stumbling demented child-king long enough, and as his empire crumbles, my precious black widow shall rise as his most bidding successor!"
    -Alice Cooper

  11. That's what they said about tiny homes or shipping container homes, now they're playthings for the rich, like everything else

  12. Well if you can't do carbon sinks out of them .. then some might say that it's just click bait!


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