
South Africa accuses Israel of “genocide” in Gaza as World Court hearing begins


South Africa called on the World Court on Thursday to order an emergency suspension of Israel’s military operation in Gaza, as the court began hearings in the genocide case brought against Israel.

In the Hague, Netherlands, South Africa’s Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Ronald Lamola compared Israel’s operations in Gaza to the Rwanda genocide: “Rwanda stands out as a stern and severe rebuke to all of us for having failed, for the international community having failed to prevent it from happening. Let us not have to live with the same regret when it comes to Palestine.”

Israel says its only means to defend itself is by eradicating Hamas, and blames the Islamist group for all subsequent harm to Palestinian civilians for operating among them, which the fighters deny.

The case, brought to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, accuses Israel of violating the 1948 genocide convention, enacted in the wake of the mass murder of Jews in the Holocaust, which mandates all countries to ensure such crimes are never repeated.

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world , South Africa accuses Israel of “genocide” in Gaza as World Court hearing begins , #South #Africa #accuses #Israel #genocide #Gaza #World #Court #hearing #begins
, global news,israel,gaza,palestine,hamas,israel gaza,israel gaza conflict,israel hamas conflict,genocide,south africa,world court hearing,world court,world court israel,world news,israel palestine conflict,the hague,Rwanda,Ronald Lamola,gaza latest,israel accused of genocide,israel genocide gaza,south africa accuses israel of genocide,south africa world court,human rights,oct. 7,october 7 atttack,oct 7 attack,International Court of Justice

34 pemikiran pada “South Africa accuses Israel of “genocide” in Gaza as World Court hearing begins”

  1. It's amazing how quickly most of the world has forgotten the events of Oct. 7th, which were deliberately planned and prepared by AUTHORITIES in Gaza. They brought this conflict upon themselves, fully expecting massive ciivilian casualities, embedding their own fightewrs among the population so as to obatin this result.

    Hamas leaders in Gaza should be charged with genocidal intent toward Israel and toward their own people, insofar as their own people have become mere pawns in a deadly game.

    This is in fact a war of attempted regime change. If a few Israeli officials have spoken out of turn and suggested deportation, how is that worse than what virtually all Arab states did during the 1950s, by expelling all their Jews?
    Such 'solutions; were common among postwar settlements in Europe.
    This is an observation, NOT a recommendation.

    As for the people of Gaza being boxed in by the conflict, the Egyptians and Saudis and Jordanians have not offered that fabled Middle Eastern hospitality, have they?
    Evidently they have security concerns of their own.

    Let South Africa step up and take in refugees from Gaza by the thousands.
    let them return home when the conflict is over, unless they prefer to remain abroad
    But I suppose that it is much more glorious to pose self-righteously and wag a finger at Israel. They will receive the praise of mehey desire. Watch those peacocks strut.

  2. If justice is to be done, it should be investigated where the funds donated to UNRWA for the Palestinian People went? in which it was applied.

  3. Palestinians shoots the first bomb.. Israel retaliated… im south africa.. no citizens agrees with south africans government or this court case…

  4. Global news, you never showed the strong speech by Dr Adila Hassim to the court. Not surprised why most Canadians say that you are a hypocrite news channel

  5. Biden is committing the biggest mistake of his life. Putin is behind all this, continuing his campaign of dividing North America. And no one seems to be noticing so far… He knew exactly how bi bi the butcher would overreact and seize the opportunity to advance his real intentions… but don't mind me.

  6. Much respect for South Africa stand for human rights. We all bleed and we see what is happening Palestinians. Genocide and war crimes is happening in Palestine everyday.

  7. Meanwhile GN tries to detract condemnation of this Colonial Zionist Apartheid Regime and the worst they could find was a story of a Palestinian who was holding a sign with "supposed" terrorist ties. 10000 innocent Palestinian children are brutally murdered with U.S funds but 1 protester has an offensive piece of fabric and these Zionist apologist are up in arms.

  8. Countries which will sit in judgement on Israel will include China, Russia, Lebanon, Morocco, Somalia, and Uganda. All of these have been cited by the US State Department as major violators of basic human rights. Such hypocrisy! These countries should be on trial, along with human rights violator South Africa.

  9. What a weak, sham show by Global News to try to pour water over the Genocide by ending with a few Israelis shamefully trying to justify the Genocide

  10. US President and Israeli government are both committing genocide killing 23,000 people in 3 months ! So sad!😞

  11. Anyone who listens to even 5 minutes of the court hearing, will have no doubt that Israel is carrying out a genocide. That's why it's not being broadcast

  12. Why are they calling it genocide? It's a war like none other. Israel was attacked and rightly defended itself.

  13. IDF not so easy to destroy,not like it happened in Toronto where the IDF store was burned by radicals under a blind eye of the Ottawa

  14. Did anyone talk about the times the South African government did not stop xenophobic attacks on foreign black Africans?
    They were killing any black African that did not look like a local, including a local musician that had his face altered by a plastic surgeon.
    The African Union talked about kicking South Africa out of the AU.

  15. So let’s just totally disregard the genocide they are committing in their own country against white South African land owners. They’re the arbiters of ethical governance. This is a hypocritical farce.

  16. JESUIT OATH in action, jesuits started with Spanish Inquisition and all 3 parties were involved. The killing child part of the JESUIT oath is concerning, considering their directly doing so in Canada just to steal land?


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