
Soloing World Bosses in The Elder Scrolls Online


Some gameplay and discussion of how easy it is to solo most world bosses in ESO, chime in!

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39 pemikiran pada “Soloing World Bosses in The Elder Scrolls Online”

  1. I think it should be possible with certain builds to solo any piece of content, but not possible to solo all at once. If you're dead set on soloing everything you can just make multiple characters to do so, but if you want a reason to play with friends you also have motivation to that as well

  2. I disagree with you man…I really do. Soloing these world bosses is extremely fulfilling and fun for a new player who has been practising to get better.
    Overworld content should predominantly be solo with potential to have multiple people.
    I agree to have things that require groups but not something that I pass by on my stroll through grahtwood

  3. Why are there so many people priding themselves on soloing mmorpg games nowadays. If that's something you wanna do fine but showing it off? it's not glamorous it isnt sexy or any of the above it's just pathetic. A game that devs spent alot of time making a social experience that can be so much more. And ohh let me just be so different and even more of a neckbeard that I'll solo just so that I can take cringe to a whole new level…. get a life dude

  4. Did they change the world bosses due to this video? I currently play and Bittergreen is definitely a lot harder to solo than what I saw in here.

  5. How many times need an adventurer poop in a small, easily concealable cup, in order to gain recognition for his somewhat sludge-oriented man sculptures?

  6. well i'm a little ticked that its more possible ranged and not possible melee when i've been throwing so much stats into my character to be a melee fighter and that's how i want to play.

  7. As of 2019, most world bosses are unsoloable. Having said that, single target melee only or weak range damage bosses or still soloable and are quite farmable.

  8. I honestly love the fact that the game is soloable and I prefer it that way. As a TES game I am used to play on my own and don't like to rely on others. Although I understand it's an MMO, I still play it for the lore, quests and the exploration.

  9. the boss im trying to do is a big snake and its faster than me and 2 shots me and i cant stun it what do i do?

  10. okay so if you are playing by yourself ESO and you'd rather play solo are you SOL at that point? there is no
    right or wrong way to play the game, ever. so if you have a group of friends that great, most people don't.
    so should the game pair them up with same level players for questing or just boss battles??? how is that
    going to work itself out? anyway, I much prefer to play ESO rather than WOW because it's still a fairly new
    game. and I think a noub should still be able to get in the game and do what they see others doing, ESO
    should always support both single players and teams.

  11. Oh hell no, depending on a healer, tank and all that role base crap is a buzz kill. I'd rather be a badass and solo my own battles like a real hero.

  12. What if you don't like playing with other people?
    So, the people that don't want to play with other people shouldn't be able to do these?
    I truly avoid playing in groups.
    I ignore and delete guild invites.
    I ignore and delete group invites.
    I don't feel the need to make everyone my friend.

  13. You know it’s really funny watching this now a days especially since this video came out 4 years ago and I absolutely hated seeing people say “this game is basically skyrim but with coop added to it” like nothing was more ignorant than just hearing or reading that but like just thinking about how hard this game was back then like eso now a days the only challenge in eso are the world bosses like in this vid he talks about how easy it is to defeat them but you play today and the bosses are like vet dugeons level like you literally need a group to beat the boss at least 3 other people to help like back then the PVE was very hard and you actually had to have some skill to win and beat your opponent hell I remember when you would take on quest to early the quest title would show white if you were above level yellow for same level orange for alittle out of level and red for way to difficult like I actually appreciate eso for its originality when it came to PVE but now today it’s like everything is mad easy to kill except for the vet dugeon mobs but that’s like the only thing not changed puts a tear in my to see this game undergo a lot of bad but also good changes I really wish the challenges would come back but one can dream right? And I doubt anyone will see this comment but you if you remember old eso leave a comment on your experiences with the PVE

  14. If you want it to be harder, go play without your armor or don't use potions. Why make it so hard that new players or those leveling up find it impossible. There are times i play, like 4 in the morning and there's no one around to help, I don't even consider tackling some of the big bosses. You sound like an elitist.

  15. speaking as a "casual player" i think your suggestion that these veteran bosses ought to be made tougher is BS, dude. I, for one, do NOT see a whole helluvalot of questing groups in ESO Period. Now the singular foes that you run across in game aren't that difficult to deal with, but if there's two or three (or more) tightly grouped together, if you're playing solo, it's a pretty sure bet that you, if you only a "casual player, are going to get reamed I dont play games to be so challenged that i'm screaming profane invectives at my computer, because after carefully working my way through a quest dungeon i quite easily get smeared by the quest boss, who quite often is (1) not alone), (2) can one-shot me with an AoE skill, or (3) can render me defenceless and or unable to attack, until im toast. And after i revive, if i dont get teleported to the other side of the area map, i have to fight EVERY single foe that i careful killed on my way to the quest-dungeon boss. The re-spawn rate in ESO is INSANE MOST of the players i see soloing in ESO have familiars that are distracting the add-ons, allowing them to attack, virtually unhindered And or they have life-draining magic weapons which expeditiously dispatch their foes, so that they cannot attack in tandem. Bows and staves are fantastic for dolmen farming, btw, but i do NOT play a mmo to farm dolmens. I like to explore and do quests and this is extremely difficult Especially when the creature AI on the npc's is sooo terrible that when i've gotten into serious trouble and attempted to run way, the npc's, which are supposed to be my allies, stand by and do nothing while i'm gang-raped by mobs. This is not logical and it is immersion-breaking….

  16. First off, these are mini bosses. Second off, they were buffed to be like a world boss and scale to level now. Try and solo one. I dare ya.

  17. I think being able to solo world bosses or anything in this game no matter how it is achieved should be encouraged for those that don't have a team to play with or they might not want to socialise, restrictions are never a good thing for games unless it is game breaking or clearly glitchy. The more options a game has the more satisfied responses

  18. i think u should be able to solo everyone i meet on all mmo are trolls i would river not play with a 2 year old who goses into a group dungeon and runs for only the chests and dont kill a single mob i would river play alone

  19. I personally think that all content in mmo's should be to be soloed but have benefits to grouping I like feeling like a bad ass, and I absolutely hate having to fit in a role to group up

  20. what armor is he wearing in the beginning? ive been looking for cool looking half robe armor with a hood for awhile.


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