
Setting the Guinness Book of World Records- A Global Meditation for Peace


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This year the Chopra Center set the Guinness World Record for the largest meditation gathering in history!

Did you join Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein, and Maya Tiwari? Share now on your favorite social media #IAMPEACE

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world , Setting the Guinness Book of World Records- A Global Meditation for Peace , #Setting #Guinness #Book #World #Records #Global #Meditation #Peace
, chopra center,deepak chopra,yoga,meditation,retreats,spiritual,ayuveda,yoga certification,primordial sound meditation,ayuvedic health

30 pemikiran pada “Setting the Guinness Book of World Records- A Global Meditation for Peace”

  1. I enjoyed your video! Can't wait to see more! I think you'd love my channel if you want to check it out 🙂

  2. The KINGS of KINGS and Masters of Human's Ultimate Kismet – the 'New' WORLD ORDER that will eventually despatch Humankind to Oblivion and its Ultimate Extinction – The Greed of the Few and Our Planet's Natural Resources Running Out will make this Inevitable…We have to Change Our Development Mechanism from Globalization to Sustainability before we have Used Up 'All' the Non-Replenishable Natural Resources of the World…the planet belongs to all of us NOT the Few ! –

  3. Ich war dabei. es war eine gigantische Meditation. Friede, Heilung für alle Lebewesen und die Mutter Erde habe ich wahr genommen. Danke !!!! <3

  4. I meditate on the love of Jesus Christ. 

    "Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you,for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. "While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief."

  5. how stupid.  why not do something visible like protest or march.  more likely to be useful than believing in prayer or meditation doing shit.

  6. Shoulda done it on the weekend -Sunday would be best for most people.
    Most people ware working Friday morning.

  7. I loved being part of this global meditation! Thank you Deepak for all you do to help bring in the light! Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate. This kind of global awareness is how we change ourselves and reflect light to our planet to change all to a higher vibration energy. Yay Gaia / Mother Earth – we love you!

  8.  I spent 15 years teaching every child I ever taught to meditate .. I  worked in around 200 schools  the affects we noticed in moments , children with special needs, children with autism, children with ADHD… ever child and adult.. I taught saw benefits in seconds and children as young as 6 and 7 teaching their families.. so wished  I could have filmed the faces always etched on my heart… Blessings   Sally

  9. me emociona por fin meditamos todos todas por la paz en el mundo,bendiciones Deepak Chopra por la gran labor y escuchar Dios mis plegarias,gracias gracias gracias

  10. Almost noon time at Center Point United States Americans, ( geodetic center ). I am here. I am meditating in peace. I am eating pizza. Just be yourself. The tipping point is raised with YOU, just be yourself. I am Peace. BC I AM LOVE! Have a PEACE of pizza.

  11. This is great, but I am very sad that there is no information in other lenguages,how could be posible to do a global meditation excluiding to the non english speaking people, I am sharing this with a lot of friends but i am afraid that many do not understand.

  12. I find all sorts of motivational things in the 3D Reality to get peoples interest. Some criticise and judge and do not see how these things are relevant. They are usually people who are not to far along on their Spiritual path.There are so many people who are just on the edge and have constant distractions to starting a regular regime of meditation and the path to going within. I feel if it helps people to get interested and beyond their ego domination to avoid Spiritual Awakening with other distractions, than I feel it is work well done. Deepak Chopra is a wonderful Spiritual Teacher and Leader.  We may not feel 100% with what or how he goes about it, but we still, as Enlightened BEings should not tear down or criticize what another, especially one in the public eye does. Love and Blessings to all of you.


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