
See what news outlets around the world are saying about the CNN debate


CNN’s Nic Robertson reports on international media reaction to President Joe Biden’s debate performance in his first matchup of the 2024 race with former President Donald Trump. #CNN #News

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world , See what news outlets around the world are saying about the CNN debate , #news #outlets #world #CNN #debate
, latest news,Happening Now,CNN,President Joe Biden,Donald Trump,Biden Trump Debate,CNN Debate,Election 2024,Biden White House,Biden Administration,Biden Campaign,Trump Campaign,Atlanta,Presidential Debate,Biden Debate Performance,Becky Anderson,Connect The World,Nic Robertson,Mina Al-Oraibi

38 pemikiran pada “See what news outlets around the world are saying about the CNN debate”

  1. Pathetically shitty debate. Nothing less than two geriatrics in a personal bun fight! Americans deserve better in their President.

  2. J0e B!den should have stepped down over 16 years ago and saved our country from his pathetic incompetence and corruption.

  3. Guess they can't find any BIGGER lies than they have been spewing for the last 6 years… From covering up the Biden lies, corruption, plagiarisms, warped exaggerated memories, Hunter laptop, criminal possession of classified documents when he had NO authority to do so, U Penn hiding Biden's papers & NO show "job". Hunter's laptop and the lies that stated it was disinformation. Hunter's criminal history. NOT enforcing immigration LAWS that Congress has enacted… Weaponization of the DOJ…

  4. Biden finally got to speak for himself. But even Jake Tapper was cutting him off. His handlers never should have let him do things alone.

  5. So… this guy just said it is worrying that Trump could be President because the world is much more unstable than it was when he was President? Could it be possible that the world was much more stable BECAUSE Trump was President? Russia did not invade Ukraine until he left. Would Trump have let the Taliban take billions of $ in military equipment? Would Israel be bombing Gaza 9 months after Oct 7? Feels to me like the world knows there is a weak leader in the US?

  6. Democracy , what Democracy ? . Democrats / Media are so full of HATE for Trump, that they are willing to burn down America just to feed and profit on their Hate . CNN, how does it feel to be on the wrong side of History again ?

  7. The debate is irrelevant.. For one thing, only 48 mio. watched the debate, which should be a huge issue of concern to both Bidens and Trumps camps. Another thing is that even if it was a choice between a rock and Trump – the rock would most likely win. Trump is deadmeat walking, his record is hugely against him – almost 1 mio americans died due to covid on his watch, that's a lot of empty chairs this coming 4th of july, his botched handling of the economy almost tanked lower and middle class incomes and has left an enormous debt increase that will have to be paid by the coming generations, and Trumps handling of NATO allies almost wrecked the alliance – and may I remind ppl that for the past 40 years the US has depended hugely on its european allies to fight US wars in among other places Afghanistan, Iraq (multiple times) and Libya.

    Trumps supporters only consist of 31%-33% of the voters, with very few independents willing to vote republican.. The abortion issue will decide the election – because that will motivate dems and independents to come out and vote.

  8. I applaud Trump for talking about the NATO countries not spending what was agreed upon. Already countries have started to invest more into their own military. Another solid for Trump on a topic that was never talked about.

  9. The thing everyone needs to remember is that even though Biden is performing… at all. We can’t let Trump choose anymore Supreme Court judges and we have to show up for the local elections. The reason why Democrats never get thru the big changes is because Democratic voters only vote for the President. They must reinforce it by not placing all the power into one seat. I don’t want America to become like Russia or China where we just through our analytic brain aside and rely on blind faith and invisible fabled men.

  10. Everyone with eyes and ears have been seeing this for years . Total joke . Biden is a puppet .this channel is soulless . Shameless dem propaganda channel . It’s great to see the lizard eat its own tail . Enjoy ! 🍿

  11. No surprise about Joe. Almost all the Democrats and left media have been covering for him for 4 years. He is not mentally fit for the presidency. His weakness is extremely dangerous to America. Who IS actually running the country? Jill?

  12. I like to watch cnn not anymore they are more like fox now. What happened to fact checking and calling out lies which every word out of his mouth was lies!

  13. I think anybody that has watched for the last 2 years the gaffs from President Biden, confirmed by the debate knows that President Biden is declining. My mother showed similar behavior. Periods of normal where she conversed and behaved normal but periods of confusion, anger, and dissolution that increased in frequency within 2 years. I am sure President Biden has lucid periods where he functions just fine, but I am also sure he has increasingly periods of confusion. And no matter if you think he is a good or bad President. A person that shows' signs of dementia, confusion and other has no business running the most powerful country in the world. President Biden needs at a minimum step down as a candidate for the presidential election, maybe even consider stepping down now.

  14. I’ll be glad to get back to America first with trump . Under Biden the amount of wars and stuffing around the world under his watch the amount of money to Ukraine when our neighborhoods need that money. Biden talked about stability only thing I’ve seen is war and suffering

  15. Grumpy Grandpa here. As soon as Donald Trump is in the White House. Your news organization will come to an end. Right along with your DEI Google. Time is running out for you. 😂😂😂👍


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