
Scientists simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center


Researchers at Purdue University have created a simulation that uses scientific principles to study in detail what likely happened when a commercial airliner crashed into the World Trade Center’s North Tower on Sept. 11, 2001.
Chris Hoffmann – Faculty
Sami Kilic – Former Member
Scott Meador
Voicu Popescu – Faculty
Paul Rosen – Graduate Student
Mete Sozen

world , Scientists simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center , #Scientists #simulate #jet #colliding #World #Trade #Center
, World,Trade,Center,WTC,9/11,september,11th,rosen,rcac,purdue,research,computing,north,tower,plane,crash,simulation

33 pemikiran pada “Scientists simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center”

  1. It was Americas fault for getting involved with the middle east. The government should be ashamed of the people they killed.

  2. Is this model geometry and its input available anywhere? If not, why should anyone presume the fidelity of the sim? Also.. why did civil engineers build the model? AFAIK impact is the realm of a specialized mechanical engineer. Half the civils i know were mech who were too lazy to take a 2nd semester of vector dynamics and fluid dynamics.

  3. It is interesting to watch videos about the construction of the buildings. The outside was not made of aluminum. It was also made of steel to carry the buildings weight. So the plane will loose a lot of energy and speed passing the outer walls. Hard to beliebe that the thin layers of aluminum cut through the heavy columns in the middle of the building like they were butter. This looks just rediculous.

  4. LMAO aluminum doesn’t just cut through thick steel core columns. Only the engines would have been hard enough to survive all the way through the building.

  5. please recreate the condition of the accident of the brazilian band mamonas assassinas.quano crashed into the Serra da Cantareira in São Paulo 2 kilometers from Guarulhos international airport

  6. I guarentee it , if a solid ball /bulldozer can not put a dent to any of the steel beems , then in vast, the contrary, when comparing it to a soft aluminum airplane, not a dent, would, of, occured, and how these mad people used an Indian voice to, read off of a placard, this improper video, I witnessed the drilling and I am going to the attorney general's office . Only one man w/suit and tie and one man doing the drilling knew about it or it would of leaked out….I was arrested on the date of 1990 sometime in March Wilson Muniz 089-58-2671look it up and F.O.I.L. THE CAMERA work as well as subpoena duces tecum the camera work, pursuant to C.P.L. Art. 610.08 Duces Tecum and material witness order the Port authority security personnel C.P.L. Article 620 material witness order to Court C.P.L.R. Article 7800 and forma pauperis C.P.L.R. 1101 to obtain an attorney

  7. Yes a softer material can damage a harder material if it's moving fast enough. Basic physics.
    Even air can damage steel. It's called an explosion.
    Always too many straw man comments from truthers.
    Alternative 9/11 theories are very seductive but lack any evidence: open questions which can't be answered are not proof of anything.

  8. we know the plan hit it but a B-17 did the same to the Empire State Building and he is always on his place. left to explain how a little 2-ton Engine did the same to the third tower.

  9. I wonder if the people who placed the explosives and cut the beams Before the planes Magically went through, watch these videos ?

  10. Simulated impact damage at north and south walls is exaggerated and doesn't match the visual record of 9/11.

  11. Look out, here come all the tinfoil hat morons like (mooselippz)) that claim to know something that they know nothing about.

  12. Anyone that still beleaves the planes brought the towers down is in denial or not very smart. Sad thing is something else is going to happen. The country is so divided right now. Its a perfect time for another big money grab by the powers that be. The people who beleave the planes brought the towers down will beleave the next gov. Stories/lies.

  13. LOL!!! what a joke! Aluminum will not cut through steel beams!
    That's right murica..!!! 19 cave dwellers (mostly saudi's nationals whom many are still alive today) managed to outsmart the multi-trillion $ defense and intelligence agencies. CIA, DOD, NORAD, FBI, Government, Airport Security, Police enforcement… etc.

    They did all this with box cutters, indestructible passports & bandannas.. now considering most of these folks couldn't fly a kite, they managed to manually fly giant commuter planes with most of their navigational & flight systems turned off.. with pin point accuracy and well exceeding their aircraft's flight and structural limitations.

    The government immediately claimed they had no idea who was responsible and nor did they have any foreknowledge "aka intelligence", but the scripted presstitutes in the lame stream media, had within hours started pointing the finger at the bogeyman "OBL".. whom by the way, was never indicted for 9-11. (go figure)..?

    They brought down 3 buildings with 2 planes..? which collapsed at and near free fall acceleration and the other plane they buried "literally" in PA without a trace…

    NORAD were too preoccupied playing war games, Bush was making the most of photo opportunities at a school, Rumsfeld was helping pick up pieces of a missile.. oooops a plane, from the Pentagon lawn.

    The cash strapped Pentagon could only afford 1 camera made from a potato, and their 1 and only video took a few years to release.. with the wrong date and time stamp on it…?

    Meanwhile the liquefied steel that FEMA documented, the hundreds of eyewitnesses (including FDNY & NYPD) that reported many secondary explosion; from the basement, lobby and several of the intermediate floors prior to the buildings collapsing.. were all ignored by NIST and the 9-11 Omission..!!

    It took + 400 days to assemble a cherry picked commission, meanwhile most of the forensic evidence "steel" was shipped to China and India to be immediately scrapped – destroyed… nothing to see hear folks, move along..

    So approx. 15 million was issued to fund the 9-11 investigation… meanwhile the clinton and lewinsky BJ cost about 45 million..? hmmmm priorities???

    Anyway off to war we go..!!! in search of WMD's – weapons of mass DELUSIONS (ooops wrong country). +1.6 million deaths later.. and a US economy now +18 trillion in debt (you the tax payer) and no one has been held accountable??

  14. This computer simulation is 100% inaccurate. according to video tapes & Live News broadcasting, the nose of the plane went through the building out of the other side disintegrating in midair.

  15. Clearly these Twin Towers were no constructed of Steel and Concrete for aircraft to fly thru. Aircraft are not Armoured like tanks and ships. If they were they could not fly. Think tinfoil compared to steel can. No tin foil device is going to penetrate a steel can.


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