
Scary Experiments That Could Have Ended the World


Sometimes even the smartest scientists go a little sideways, that’s why we have the term “Mad Scientist”. Check out today’s insane new video where these mad scientists went a little crazy and almost destroyed the entire world in their quest for answers! You don’t want to miss the most terrifying science experiments gone wrong in today’s epic new countdown!


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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.

world , Scary Experiments That Could Have Ended the World , #Scary #Experiments #Ended #World
, end of the world,science experiments gone wrong,science,scientist,experiment,experiments,the trinity test,borehole,russia,russian national anthemlack hole,space,study,the magnaporthe grisea experiments,russian underground nuclear test,nuclear,infographics,the infographics show,SETI,the black death,black plague,large hadron collider,collider,countdown,top 10,10,list,animation,educational,animated

31 pemikiran pada “Scary Experiments That Could Have Ended the World”

  1. I am thinking about the axiom because is been inspired me by wall-e movie and can you guys imagine it real life it will be awesome for all of our memories forever ❤.

  2. What about the hypothesis that vacuum is meta stable? A few YouTube channels have covered this, but they never explain what the threshold energy is to push it over.

  3. I don't really think digging a deep bore hole in a relatively tectonically stable area is potentially apocalyptic, but okay. That one horror movie isn't a documentary, after all. Just a pretty good horror movie.

  4. I find it sort of funny how common “this could split the world!!” worries are – it’s – the earth is massive, you guys, that’s not going to happen.

  5. in my opinion i think if aliens existed they would be kind because if they are advanced enough to travel billions of miles to meet us i think their smart enough to realize peace is the way

  6. We also have a knack of putting the dumb ones in charge and giving them all the power. When will we learn?

  7. I knew it! There actually weaponised hurricanes! There were strange heat domes on the thermograph and odd planes in the air when Katrina hit. It had a very specific line of attack on the coast.

  8. So tired of people misunderstanding the Large Hadron Collider.. Done a bit of education in physics myself.. and when misinformed, uneducated people talk about the LHC it’s always the same thing. Basically.. people are dumb. And that’s clearly obvious if you look around – but it’s still quite sad.

    Edit: Added afterthoughts

  9. Nice I remember growing up my dad told me about an experiment. Like many here maybe they just blew what they thought out of proportion. There was supposedly a scientist that beleived he could unleash the 'potential energy' in a grain of sand and supposedly measured this as enough energy if all unleashed at once would wipe out the solar system. Supposedly they were trying to figure out how to do it on a smaller scale to use to power the world. lol the old man used to say u know they didn't succeed cause we're still here. XD

  10. So that particle thing. So a little bit ago when everyone thought they would destroy the earth it got so bad at my school that during an assembly my principal called me up since I was the smartest and had me explain to them that it was perfectly fine

  11. LHC does not creat Black Holes, not the ones you think of. There is just the possibility of Quantum Black Holes, and these should not be dangerous.

  12. The bible seems to suggest that the return of the Lord from heaven to the earth will bring an end to sin, sickness and suffering in our world, but will recreate the earth and those who lived for Jesus would inherit the earth.

    Daniel 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Read Revelation 22:12

  13. This is god awful sensationalist nonsense and frankly it's beneath you infographic show. How can drilling a hole a few feet wide a fraction of the way through the crust EVER disrupt continents themselves? We don't have the power to destroy the world, the earth is fine. Ourselves on the other hand…

  14. The nuclear tsunami is a legit thing. I swear I saw a few years ago that Russia was testing that with bombs.

  15. extinction is on your doorstep, and it will happen, humankind will be gone from existence within 10000 years

  16. But as this guy said nothing man made could even come close to destroying our galaxy or maybe our solar system.


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