Scary And Unbelievable Things Are Happening Around The World

Scary and unbelievable things are happening around the world. These are some scary and unbelievable things that are happening around the world.

Among the many images captured by NASA’s advanced instruments, one photograph has sparked significant intrigue and debate: a high-quality image that originally showcased an odd black cube on a celestial surface.

While the photo is still available on NASA’s website, it has since been significantly lowered in resolution and appears to have been air-brushed, leading to widespread speculation and conspiracy theories.

The photograph in question was taken by one of NASA’s numerous space missions, aimed at exploring distant celestial bodies.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

world , Scary And Unbelievable Things Are Happening Around The World , #Scary #Unbelievable #Happening #World
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33 pemikiran pada “Scary And Unbelievable Things Are Happening Around The World”

  1. NASA or Never A Straight Answer have been lying constantly throughout their existence, for truly scientific revelations one has to go to other organizations. I think scientific honesty will come from hopefully space X? I even think that Russia and China are more reliable than NASA when it comes to scientific discoveries.

  2. You know, if you ever wonder if national borders, politics, and general scientific exploration are legitimate…

    Look how allegedly enemy rival countries seem to work together to keep anything about Antarctica or space quiet.

    We all know there's something weird going on at least with the stuff flying around, but isn't it funny how allegedly rival and enemy countries never snitch on each other or even make baseless accusations about it….

    But literally nothing else is out of bounds, just those things….

    Weird. I'm sure every political party in every war is completely spontaneous and legitimate and in no way choreographed or rehearsed, and there's no way that we're actually being ran by a bunch of actors who have separate script writers, just saying

  3. In reference to the trees falling, I'm sure there's no possible way that some type of weapons testing took place here.

    No way, that could never happen, perfectly natural.

    Yep, giant groups have really old trees fall over from slight breezes and clear weather all the time. It's pretty much a daily occurrence, and there's no way there are any satellites with weapons platforms attached to them up in the sky.

  4. The crawlers wheels are CLEARLY visible in the first pic! It's just one of the many robot rovers on the moon or mars. Nothing alien or mysterious about it. Idiots. I expect more from this channel, at least i used to. Unsubscribing and never watching it again.

  5. The "pyramid" on the asteroid looks very much like a naturally formed crystalline structure. A crystal would have perfectly dimensional measurements. I say this because it reminds me of the little garnets that stick out of the boulders in my front yard.

  6. Mfer it was some skydiver or something that did the monolith in Utah and u know it they left it there till dumb ass people went out to find it and destroyed stuff and left trash just to get to it

  7. So i was thinking if our taxpayer money is funding nasa just for them to LIE to us and Hide things from us then maybe we shouldn't have to pay taxes because it funds the same exact people who hides and lies to us. Or better yet everytime they lie and hide stuff we should deduct 50% of their funding every single time.

  8. That black pyramid on the astroid is some type of container to send biological data, DNA sequencing, "Life" so when the astroid hits earth and wipes us out, a new life form will emerge from the rubble. A prototype.

  9. The reason Mars is dead is because venus hit Mars after it about hit us cause it was expected from Jupiter Immanuel vellakofsky discovered all this take a look at his book worlds in collision

  10. Why do thay hide this thuff from the public NASA always do this what do they think we are not ready for this or something it's so much ballshit thay want us to think that we are all small minded or something NASA has so much top secret this behind lock 🔐 doors 🚪 and the public are not allowed 🚫 to know enything but we are not all stupid we know what's going on NASA and the government wants to hide these things from the public eye which l think is so rong if we was attacked by something we would be in trouble or we would get wipe out and earth will be gone forever and we would be in big trouble then wouldn't we but the government and NASA would be ok but the rest of us all would be wipe out but l think that's what they want to happen for the wider public wiped out so thay can take over for them selves. This what l think and I don't care what thay say about this bloody bunch of pricks we are not all stupid some of us are a lot smatter than thay think this what l think myself


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