
RUSSIA’s 9 Step Plan for World War 3 as Plans to Invade Poland Could Cause Full Scale War with NATO


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German Newspaper BILD has published Classified Documents from the German Ministry of Defense that reveal a 9 STEP PLAN by Russia to invade the SULWALKI GAP in Poland and create a permanent connection to KALININGRAD. In this video I look into the issue of Kaliningrad, provide full details of the 9 Step Plan, look at the current firepower of NATO and discuss the likelihood of World War 3 happening in 2025.

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0:00 Intro
5:54 STEP 1
6:59 STEPS 2 & 3
8:04 STEPS 4 & 5
8:43 STEP 6
9:46 STEPS 7 & 8
10:31 STEP 9
11:03 NATO


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50 pemikiran pada “RUSSIA’s 9 Step Plan for World War 3 as Plans to Invade Poland Could Cause Full Scale War with NATO”

  1. This is CIA/MI6 plan! Russia has no such plans, this is childlish and ridicoulos but most indotrinated and scared westerners will fall for it! We are already in WW3

  2. I would be genuinely surprised if Russia would be able to supply 300k in a densely forested and remote region of Poland considering they failed to supply 40k near the largest city in Ukraine.

  3. The anti western propaganda in Russia is a pretty big red flag. If he was not planning on attacking us, then why would he say all the stuff about the west being nazis, and us being satanists because we accept LGBTQ people? These does not seem like the minor accusations that you throw out if you were not trying to rally the country up for eradicating NATO. If Trump wins the election, then Europe should not expect the US to help even if Putin uses nukes. Its so obvious that this has been orchestrated for a LONG time.

    I remember a time when a republican president called Bush became suspiciously close friends with Putin. During his regime, the 9/11 thing happened, and the lack of a plane in the photos and videos from outside the Pentagon was for me the #1 thing that made it seem pretty obvious that something "fishy" was going on. This would mark the beginning of the conspiracy movement, and after this had gotten sufficient time to grow and become more and more mainstream, another republican president called Trump shows up and promises to "make America great again". This guy is also a very good friend with Putin, and even plans to take the US out of NATO, so that Putin can attack Europe without any superpower standing in his way. Stupid selfish Americans dont understand that just like Putin took Chechnya – and is now using Chechen soldiers to fight for him in Ukraine – is just like he plans to take over Europe, and use us to help him fight the US. Im just happy its just happening to a stupid monkey race who is not even worth the air its breathing. Intelligence is what made humans become the top of the food chain – but very few of us are as intelligent as Putin; the master chess player who has had many years to come up with a strategy. He does "X", and if NATO responds with "Y", Putin does "Y2", and if NATO responds with "Z", Putin does "Z2", and so on, and so on. How many steps in advance do you think he has planned since he was a KGB agent during the cold war? Anyone who thinks all the stuff he is saying and doing is just him being "spontaneous" should not have the rights to vote for who sits with the red button…

  4. Once more European and US leaders are falling back to the time honored tradition of screaming “The Russians are coming!” to distract their populations from matters at home…
    The West can’t continue to claim that the RF is a hopeless joke at the same time as they insist that Putin plans to take over Western Europe…it just doesn’t stack up.

  5. Totally unrealistic. If anything, this is a fiction fabricated by Russia to divert Western aid away from Ukraine.

  6. Putin is known for his long-range plans. He is also known for his 19th Century ideology of imperialism. Hence, I think a pure 'rational' analysis is not sufficient to gauge the likeliness of its implementation. He operates with a different mindset than just economic rationality.

  7. Invasion of Poland…? By…Russia? 🤣🤣🤣 CAN NOT even take on Ukraine, how can Russia take Poland with 2 or 3 or 4x the resources and Article 5?! 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Toward the end of the video, the narrator points out that Putin doesn’t seem to be looking at things from a sensible point of view. From the videos of the unrest I have seen going on in Russia, it won’t be long before Putin is looking at things from a pine box. He should be more worried about his own people than NATO. Russian citizens have had enough! They are starting to live like citizens in North Korea. No heating in their homes, intermittent electricity, high food prices. Only difference is that people in North Korea think that kind of life is perfectly normal. Russian citizens know better.

  9. Ridiculous.
    Russia has already burned through over 60% of their prewar material, much of which was laid down decades ago by the extinct Soviet Union, and cannot be replaced, if ever, for decades by the Rump of the Soviet Union…Russia. What is more the war is still raging and the Russian economy is still declining. By the time Trump takes his second term in office (Jan 2025), the Russians will be exhausted and have almost nothing left to fight with.
    "Captains should study tactics, but Generals must study logistics"

  10. The scary thing is that narcissistic psychopathic murderer and thief dictator Putin has power over the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. He can’t win with conventional forces, but he can push the button. This maniac is insane enough to do it, as he doesn’t care for human lives whatsoever.

    He is an admirer of one of the most brutal dictators ever, namely Stalin, for a reason.

  11. Thank you Putin or whoever revealed this idiotic plan. Hopefully some American media will pick up this and begin to sound the alarm and wake Americans the hell up to the reality that is and will always be Russia. Otherwise this is the most idiotic plan I've ever heard of from a country that can't arrange FUEL for its tanks.

  12. There will be no mobilization in Russia before presidential election in March 2024 (it would have been negatively impact the elections result)

  13. No one gifted anything to Soviet Russia, they took it and kept it and could not care less about other's opinion.

  14. Not a chance will this come to pass. It's a pipe dream of putler a bit like "we will take Kiev in 3 day's" 😂

  15. That is not a Linked document of Russians plans, that is Germanies "counter actions plan" depending on possible scenarios of a Russian attack, However US wants to create tensions and WWlll hence they are twisting the whole thing, and fools like You are the ones to spread fear and tensions and make an attack come true by manipulating reality, the US, Germany and other NATO members Will then take other actions to "protect" themselves and post a real threat to Russia which Will eventually force Russia to finally attack a NATO member and BINGO, we have a WW , so stop this BS videos fool.

  16. Now that Ukraine is targeting Russian's energy infrastructure, doesn't seem like Russia will be able to supply fuel for vehicles, etc. Nor does Russia have the expertise to maintain their energy infrastructure.
    Are the men in Belarus ready to die for Russia? That will be interesting…

  17. After 2000 comments… why would you take that on for a vid? BILD is German boulevard, half is lied! Leaked by a Gov, that needs reasons to scare their tax payers to funnel more 💸 into Ukraine!!! Propaganda! But at least we learned about the area

  18. Highly unlikely with all the heavy sanctions and the record numbers of military equipment destroyed. I'd be suprised if Putin is still alive in 2025😂 people in the UK can relax because its a NATO member. Russia wouldn't dare try to invaide a NATO members country they can't even achieve there goals in Ukraine after 2 years😂

  19. Maybe all this info from Russia is meant to trick us into putting our troops in the wrong place.

  20. Putin is like tRump, unpredictable by normal standards. Now remove the normal standards and you can easily see Putin doing exactly what you presented. So YES, this makes perfect sense and the EU?NATO and the rest of the world needs to prepare for this. When Putin is gone, most likely this will not occur, but Kaliningrad should not be part of Russia, but part of Poland or Lithuania.

  21. I can't believe any of this, Russia is on the back foot in Ukraine,why on earth does he think he can take on NATO with or without the US, it just doesn't make sense

  22. Putin would be crazy to take on NATO, when they are losing in Ukraine and most of their best troops and equipment have been eliminated. If he thinks he can take on an alliance that has almost 1 billion people, spends $1.3 trillion a year on its military, and its combined GDP is $50 trillion, he is as delusional as we think he is.

  23. Not only it wouldn’t be worth it. Ukraine has decimated a good part of the Russian Military and Black Sea Fleet. Now with Ukraine getting Western Tanks, F-16s and Air Defense along with Offensive High Tec Missiles and Artillery Rounds Russia has lost over 70% of the Territory it took at the start of the War. If Biden would have given Ukraine these Weapons a year ago and did not threaten certain NATO Allies who wanted to give Ukraine AirPower by not selling them F-35s. Now say if this plan by Putin would take place. Now would be the time with a Weak President Biden in Office for one more year. Because you have an Alliance of Russia, Iran, North Korea and China that all are eyeing certain things. But the Big Picture is None of them would Win.

  24. The impotance of the suwalky gap was to be able to isolate the Baltic States from the rest of NATO and just make NATO into canonfodder at the gap trying to honour article 5. Since Finland joined and Sweden very likely to follow soon… The importance of the suwalky gap had seriously dwindled. It's still important, but not nearly as much as before Finland and Sweden joined thé alliance. Köningsburg is defenceless now without the gap. The gap would be under constant firepower from both sides, so supplies wouldn't get through and the port has no out that doesn't touch nato-land anymore. Also… Just last week there was reporting that anti-russian sentiment is growing rapidly in Kaliningrad as we speak… It was a great plan when it was made, prolly just after the baltics joined NATO. Russia just wasn't strong enough at that point to execute the plan. If we had let them easily take Ukraine, Putin would have started the pressure already, by now. The last 2 years-hiccup and Russian complete inability to keep Finland and Sweden from joining by bluster threw this plan in the dustbin

  25. You believe something this fantasy-laden from the Bild Zeitung? During the 15+ years I spent in Germany in the U.S. military during the Cold War, the Bild Zeitung was pretty much considered a sensationalist rag. Has that changed? I doubt it. The idea that this "plan" would have any chance at succeeding is slim to none, and Slim left town.

  26. The idea of this plan happening is absolutely absurd, Russia and Putin has no intention of acting in this way. Putin has plans to try to beak up NATO, but not in this way and not with massive military confrontation, they are well aware they would lose badly. He wants to do it by a number small provocations in remote areas, like the very north of Finland where nobody lives. Move a few troops into a small area of Finnish forest and swamp and see how NATO reacts, testing their resolve and then withdraw. if confronted. Would NATO activate 'article 5' shoot and kill Russian troops and go to war for a small area of forest where nobody lives, very very unlikely. A number of probing operations like this would make NATO members question the validity 'Article 5' and the point of NATO membership. It would be a propaganda war trying to undermine member states and Article 5. They have already started this by sending missiles to attack Ukraine across Polish and Romanian airspace several times, with NATO making excuses for not activating Article 5…..

  27. I very much doubt that Putin would attack Poland. They're far to well armed. And the logistics of doing so are far too long. So the Bild folks are plain stupid.


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