
Russian military drills in Cuba meant as message to US, world: Gen. Wesley Clark | The Hill


Three Russian ships and a nuclear submarine are heading to Cuba for military drills. This comes after the U.S. told Ukraine it could use western weapons within Russia’s borders. The Pentagon is seemingly unphased by Russia’s deployments, saying it’s routine naval activity and poses no threat to the country. Retired Gen. Wesley Clark joins “The Hill” to discuss Russia’s actions.

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world , Russian military drills in Cuba meant as message to US, world: Gen. Wesley Clark | The Hill , #Russian #military #drills #Cuba #meant #message #world #Gen #Wesley #Clark #Hill
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32 pemikiran pada “Russian military drills in Cuba meant as message to US, world: Gen. Wesley Clark | The Hill”

  1. Naw they just down there on shore leave….Not military activities. There's no rules saying they can't uh visit other countries…Right BOTS?

  2. Putin answered help inquiry from the SOS-SOB-GOP-messages from Mar-Lago.

    Here are some speculations:

    -Show of force to intimidate Biden.

    -Give trump and the GOP a big push for the election.

    -Or the ships and the sub are just in position of "stand by and stand back" to rescue trump just in case the second coup attempt fail ….???

  3. Its like the cuban missile crisis funny thing is Russia still has the same navy ships as it had back then😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. If rhe us cares so much why strangle the cuban people and engage in malicious behavior in Haiti. Accord. to history Ukraine is part of Russia. The time has come for the righteous to stand up against exploiters, kkk, supremacy. The us is known for destroying gov'ts around the world by claiming interst sake. What is the interest?
    The world is awake, all eyes are on you.

  5. What’s the big deal? This is nothing more than US leading it’s puppets Canada’ Australia’ Japan on a leash ‘
    As ‘freedom of navigation’ except Russia is a big-boy and can travel around the world 🌍 on its own!

  6. Biden's stupid foreign policies has brought us closer than ever to nuclear war. In hell he shall have my vote again.

  7. What military drills by Russia? 2 ships showed up. Stop with the nonsense and fear mongering. Plus this so called General spilled the beans right there "Chevron wants it" … money talks generals walk and talk on a snap.

  8. Ha ha ha, three miserable boats the Ukranians could sink in one raid, never mind the capabilities of the US navy, Putin is really desperate and ridiculed himself by this intended "show of force" with 3 boats because he does not have a real navy anymore. I am amazed how this has been member of the establishment is trying to stir anythins.

  9. We have a base there too Guantanamo no big deal this is Putin's message but don't be surprised if the U.S Blockades Cuba forcing the Russians to allow us to board her ships ?

  10. Lindsey Graham just admitted the US is in Ukraine for the 10-12 trillion dollars of minerals. US couldn't care less about Ukrainians.

  11. 🙄 Yeah the message is we do this every year same time that’s the message. News is fear monging just like they did 10 months ago when they had their last drill with china off the coast of Alaska and the new said the same thing and said claiming it was a show of force because of some bs in Ukraine. Y’all tried scaring people the last time they did drills in Cuba too. With a high volume of Americans having memory problems the media continues to recycle hyped up garbage and the public goes bananas.

  12. Next would be 2nd world power from Asia. Rich and sophisticated weapons to match 35’s at 2:1 and they have plenty and can make plenty when ever needed


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