
‘Russia must lose to stop World War III’ | Ukraine: The Latest Anniversary Special in Kyiv


Telegraph journalists David Knowles, Francis Dearnley and Dominic Nicholls were joined by Oleksandra Matviichuk, the head of the Center for Civil Liberties.

“As a human rights lawyer, I have spent years and years implementing law to defend people and human dignity,” said Ms Matviichuk.

“But now I find myself in a situation where the law doesn’t work. Because Russian troops are deliberately shelling residential buildings, schools, churches, hospitals.

“They are abducting, robbing, raping and killing civilians… and the entire UN architecture of peace and security can’t stop it.

“My answer is: give Ukraine weapons.”

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world , ‘Russia must lose to stop World War III’ | Ukraine: The Latest Anniversary Special in Kyiv , #Russia #lose #stop #World #War #III #Ukraine #Latest #Anniversary #Special #Kyiv
, Telegraph,News,ukraine,russia,ukraine war,russian invasion,kyiv,moscow,putin,zelensky,kremlin,war,two year anniversary,anniversary,two years,2 years,live,video,podcast,ukraine: the latest,Ukraine: The Latest

46 pemikiran pada “‘Russia must lose to stop World War III’ | Ukraine: The Latest Anniversary Special in Kyiv”

  1. Russia won't change course without significant repercussions within Russia itself, more actions like the attacks on their internal gas/energy facilities and similar vital infrastructure with drones or longer range missiles are required to bring home to the Russian people that this is also escalating in their direction and to create political pain for Putin, continued large cost damage to the Black Sea fleet, the Crimean military contruct and the Kerch bridge is also essential, of course this means the far right wing US ex Republican Party that is holding US funding to ransom for purely domestic political reasons and possibly also at the direction of Russia through the compromised and corrupt Trump influence will have to be circumvented, ongoing prosecutions and jail time might resolve the latter and subsequent recriminations and seismic shifts in the decimated Republican body might resolve the former, which will all take valuable time to eventuate, Biden will have to act outside of the stalled and broken state of affairs and Europe will have to step up a bit more, a go fund me page could be utilised to appeal directly to citizens of the free world who want it to stay that way.

  2. What about ILLEGAL NATO BOMBING of Serbia (and Montenegro -FRY), occupied Serbian Southern Provinvpce in March – Jun 1999 and ILLEGAL RECOGNITION of Kosovo* as "indipendence State" in 2008 DESPITE UN RESOLUTION 1244 ( read 10th paragraph from top of document) from Western Country's!
    Pandora Box is OPENED in Kosovo (in 1999) and Ukraine is CONSEQUENCE!
    International law was killed in Serbia by NATO in March 1999, and buried in Ukraine in 2022 by Russia!!
    P.S INTERESTING THING IS that young lady DIDNT MENTION Serbia and Montenegro (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) !!

  3. When the time comes to create hate for an enemy, look to the Russians, who have perfected the art and export the the US it through port GOP.

  4. Erasing and fabricating history is Putin's raison d'etre; it was no accident that Babi Yar was bombed early on in this tragedy.

  5. I would like to see a cultural psychologist and their views of the Russian people. They have the highest level of alcoholism in the world. I believe this culture is directly related to those kind of homes that are dominated by an alcoholic.

  6. There is only one thing we must accept unfortunately today. The decline of Western democracies is now a proven fact.
    This is very well perceived by all the dictatorships involved in this hors d'oeuvre which is Ukraine's civilizational war.
    The next phase will be the probing of NATO Article 5 with the attack on the Baltic countries.
    I am afraid that if the nations of the West (put to sleep by their arrogance by clinging to their futile and irrelevant discourse on international law) do nothing VERY quickly, then it will be too late and the placid world that they know today will be finished!!!
    Western countries have really to wake up NOW!

  7. This discussion group shows the difference between the American method and the European Method. The American method forward deploys troops and weapons against China and Russia while the European method and the United Nations method creates another solemn council or discussion group to give another "final" judgement which the dictators simply ignore. Dictators only respect military power. All NATO nations must be mobilized on a full wartime basis.

  8. The horror of our time is that the United States does not have the moral standing to confront this genocide while enabling another.

  9. We've seen more than a collapse of the UN role. Weren't members of the UN involved in terrorist attack, rapes, etc.?

  10. I am Swiss and I beliebe in Democracy. Direct Democracy if possible. But I also believe that we should all try to think the thoughts that the people in this group are discussing. Democracy needs weapons to stop Putins march west.

  11. Once this US funding gets thru Congress, we need to give the Ukrainians everything. Some in the House want 180 degrees of what Prez Biden and Dems want. They’re hoping to give a black eye to Prez Biden before the election. This blocking of support really has nothing to do with Ukraine and it’s disgusting. News flash: it ain’t gonna work.

  12. it is kind of wild how this is not more widely understood. If Russia gets away with this, many countries will try to get away with similar things, because they know that there will be a snowballing effect. Yet somehow so many seem to think that ww3 is avoided by appeasement. It is pure insanity.

  13. So glad to have caught this. Such an important debate. We need to hear more from Oleksandra, Dom, Francis and David. They manage to penetrate to the heart of the predicament we find ourselves in like no mere news report can. I personally don't need to hear more as what I have heard is perfectly clear – that we are at a crucial point in terms of perception.

  14. Ww2 was not relevant it was how we acted when the soviet union colasped tgat counts… why punish now sucha double standard right israel fir example

  15. The west has to step up and build a proper defense. Countries such as Austria, Switzerland, and Ireland have completely let down Democracies. They have abdicated their responsibilities by letting the UK, France and eastern Europe do all the heavy lifting. Until Europe can come together and defend itself, Russia will continue it's atrocities.

  16. Did we every i mean serbia libia syria iraq iran Afghanistan to name a few wars we have had after 2nd world war. This is just the first one we are lossing

  17. At 72yrs l have seen so much apathetic rhetoric from politicians that are platitudes for the moment not for the long haul. At 70 l went to Ukrain from Manchester twice with medical supplies twice before going home to Australia. My father was a tank commander of 3 tanks Welsh guards armoured division) & fought through to Germany getting blown up twice. We have done something & want to do more if l get the chance. Here in OZ very few discuss the war that threatens their peaceful lives. God help us all for our complacency as it's costing Ukrain & indeed Russian lives. Shame on us.

  18. It seems to me that many conflicts of the last 75 years could have been avoided if the design of the UN was such that it was not completely controlled by the victors of WW2. Perhaps it is time for a third iteration of global policing that is more inclusive of every country on earth. A strong UN without a Russian veto power (or US veto) could perhaps have handled this kind of situation. My heart goes out to Ukrainians upon whom this genocide has been inflicted. I do have some measure of sympathy for the Russian families that will never see their loved ones again because of this horrible waste of life and material.

  19. If Ukraine saw herself as a country completely separate from Russia, why was she caught so horribly unprepared to defend herself against it?

  20. Don't let lefty politicians , stop the flow of weapon's from the west to the gallant Ukrainian's , as the left wing in western countries , are pro Putin and they are traitor's! 🤔😒

  21. Total bullshit, defeating Russia would be WW3 , the Ukraine caused this by attacking the Russian speaking population in the east there problem and they are paying for it .
    The Russians have no intention of attacking the west its scare mongering garbage

  22. Sadly, Ukraine has a serious Republican problem here in the US. That's also a problem for Europe. The bright side is that Europe can pull it together for the sake of Ukraine. But the GOP is a serious problem for peace in both Europe and the world.


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