
Russia DEPLOYS NAVY NEAR FLORIDA, World War 3 Fears Growing


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48 pemikiran pada “Russia DEPLOYS NAVY NEAR FLORIDA, World War 3 Fears Growing”

  1. If the US claimed the Russian Fired on a US Vessel that will be Gulf of Tonkin 2.0 no one would believe it.

  2. Tim, LOL, I was in the Navy in the 1980s right in the heart of the cold war. While we were on a Med cruise we and the Soviet's Med Fleet passes within a hundred feet of each other and the crews from all the ships (our and theirs) were waving and saying hello to each other, a Soviet Helicopter tried to defect by wanting to land on our Helipad, but they had to wave him off because we couldn't let that happen. The Russian Navy are filled with professionals just like the US was. There was zero threat during the Cold War even less threat now.

  3. I think Zelensky is a puppet and Joe Biden is doing his best to push us into some war before the election. The media also ignored the fact there was a literal group of Ukrainian Nazis called the Azov battalion.

  4. In the event of a national divorce, Canada would be invaded by the Russians or the Chinese or any other adversary and be used against America like Ukraine is used against Russia. buddy we can’t even shoot down a weather balloon. Do you think we’re going to defend against an invasion

  5. I love the fact that they brought a tug boat. It’s like they know it’s a 50/50 chance that one of their ships breaks down so just in case bring a safety measure so they don’t need to ask for America’s help again.


  7. If I had your email I’d send you a video from Chicago. 2 days ago over 100 military vehicles were being transported on the freight train going south. Something bigger than we are talking about is happening now.

  8. If I was Russia I would do the same thing they are doing but have my elite troops sneak in the southern border. Biden has our border wide open.

  9. The left wants an all out war to suspend democracy, and cancel the election to remain in power and declare martial law to maintain that power

  10. Just like you said civil war so many times in the past I'm gonna have to call the bullshit on the WW3 also! Russia an Putin will lose! Zero percent chance of WW3! 0% chance of civil war in the USA! Why???
    The 1's at the top don't want WW3, and won't allow a civil war in the USA! The question you all should be asking your self is who are the 1's at the top👹👽👁️👼🏻

  11. Our country started out great, but the greed is so thick right now it’s hard to breathe ☹️🇺🇸🇺🇸☹️

  12. I hope everyone realises that no matter your personal opinion on Putin, Russia has a documented history of trying to make peace + work out an agreement with the west & what they have got in return is constant belligerence, threats & false promises. It took a LOT of US warmongering right on Russia's border for it to come to this. Cuban missile crisis 2.0 >.<

  13. 3:15 we ain’t got the money to be sending over to Ukraine. We are in bankruptcy because of Ukraine this idiot that’s an office he’s gonna get us all killed. He needs to be removed.

  14. Jesus Christ I can't believe that the American president is going to let the Russians behave like this any other past president would have kicked Putin's arse if he done what he is doing now 😊

  15. Relax everyone, Putin is not going to do 💩 he’s just trying to “show strength” because he’s getting his 💩 pushed in over seas. On Russian state TV, they are constantly making threats to attack NATO members after Ukraine. This is not acceptable and if that is their goal we need to stop them now before they have the chance to regroup and gain strength. It’s better to have Ukraine fight and win then have to go head to head. I seriously doubt Putin would ever attack a NATO country, the guy lives a very lavish lifestyle and he can’t do that from a bunker underground. That’s why he is trying to give weapons to other nations, he wouldn’t dare attack us directly, and neither will these other countries. Especially Mexico, the Nazis tried this in WW2.

  16. This used to happen all the time during the Cold War and nobody blew each other up. It is actually pretty standard.
    Ther have been Russian spy ships in Cuba for ever.

  17. It’ll happen. Whatever. Just bunker down, help out whoever needs help, if you’re drafted, thank you, we will miss you.

  18. US trade depends heavily on the gulf of Mexico. Most exports in the central US leave out of the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico. It was Soviet strategy to block that choke point during the cold war and i guess that's Russian strategy also.

  19. Elections have consequences. In 2020, we saw the Democrat and Republican party actively working against the incumbent President. They literally shut 5 states down for almost 4 days to manufacture enough votes to get their candidate into the White House. Nothing you can ever say to me will ever convince me otherwise. I watched with my own eyes. What went down. I watched governor's demand recounts, and not get them. I watched Republican governors in the state of Georgia. Refuse recounts. Or they will give you a recount of 10000 ballots that they hand picked LO. L. Why is it we have been able to get the numbers the night of the election and all of a sudden? Five states can't get it done because they're hand picked candidate isn't in the lead? I can guarantee you if Joe Biden was in the lead. We would have got the results that night instead of 4 days later.

  20. russia is sending their derelict fleet to Cuba? In what creative ways will russia embarrass themselves now?

  21. I was a preteen when the Cuban Missile Crisis was raging, and what we knew scared us shitless-if ww3 breaks out,it's all on Biden and his henchmen but who pays the price? John Q Public, thats who? No more bullshit wars!

  22. Hi gang! It's me Jeff! Did someone say Florida? I wish I could go to Florida. I could go to Disney World and see all the kiddies. But im not allowed within 25 miles of them. 😢😢😢


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