
Rick is Programming: Wordle in Swift (CLI, NCURSES) (No. 37)


Rick Umali is Programming Wordle in Swift (for the command line). With NCURSES

This video covers this project:

and these commits:

046df52 Adds start of ‘aroma’ game test for model
d53e227 Fixes bad bug!

0:35 🥵 Once again, the microphone is botched! I’m muted…
1:30 Using CTRL-6 in editor, and APPLE KEY on mini-map (nice shortcuts)
3:30 The forever question: one assertion per test?
4:20 Running test with “swift test –filter WordleGameModelTests”
5:50 I go offscreen to try to write more tests…
9:25 I run “swift run wordle-cli –linemode” and see a bad bug! 🐞
11:30 I go to the main.swift that originates the error (wordle-cli/main.swift line 24)
13:00 I make the fix / I test to see if it worked
14:00 I realize that I’m on mute… I go off screen and fix my mic 😖
15:10 I’m back now… “My levels weren’t showing, and it was clear I wasn’t on”
16:00 “Back to more programming… literally” / Offscreen
17:00 commit d53e227
18:40 I add a GuessRow.row() assertion to the test
19:00 Back on screen… Xcode tells me I have a problem
20:40 My Xcode is “out of date” / Xcode isn’t keeping up
21:10 I add another assertion to the test (count)
22:05 I try to figure out why Xcode is somewhat stuck
22:55 I open “scheme” in Xcode to pass in –line-mode argument
23:10 For console, I select “Terminal” (instead of Xcode)
24:05 The run opens a Terminal, but the program doesn’t work
25:10 “Now we’re just messing with the tool” / I explore the Xcode error
25:30 “Syntax error near unexpected token ( (left parentheses)”
25:50 The “(” is LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but we don’t use the environment
26:25 I try to find SharedFrameworks with xcode-select –print-path and find
27:45 “We can set an LD_LIBRARY_PATH” environment var in Xcode scheme
28:10 I look at some options in the scheme I don’t think I use… “I disable these”
30:45 I turn on these options again, and pick Xcode for console in the scheme
32:15 “Oh wow! Look at that! It’s there! This is a big one!” 😀🎉
33:00 I play wordle in Xcode / “Not bad!”
33:25 I try “Terminal again with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set “just for giggles”
36:40 What I’m doing (command line apps) is not Xcode’s forte / Xcode is best for GUI
37:10 I add PUZZLE_WORD environment var in Xcode scheme
39:15 “Oh brother! Nothing like a little assembler” / “I don’t know how to read this”
39:45 I try a few lldb commands but nothing works
40:05 “That’s the quality content people are looking for on YouTube” 😂
40:25 I exit Xcode
41:00 commit 046df52
41:35 I look at ps output / tmux Terminal windows
41:55 I restart Xcode… and try to run wordle-cli in Xcode itself (not the Terminal)
44:10 “There it is, did you see that!?” / “It’s just that my computer is so slow”
44:40 I demonstrate what we’re going for in the test


Swift Curses Term


Rick is Programming Playlist

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